Recent content by pavel

  1. P

    Hardware Nexus: ASUS Scammed Us

    Where do you get that impression from?
  2. P

    Nvidia 4xxx in stock on their website

    Nvidia has no reason to reduce prices when idiots with money to spare will just pay whatever they charge - sorry, if you already bought these cards - oh, wait - not sorry. No, I will not apologize for overspending on nvidia gpus - and some ppl here think I'm an nvidia I understand...
  3. P

    What Mouse and Keyboard Are You Using Right Now?

    Can u guys recommend a mechanical keyboard? Does it make sense to just buy a cheap one to 'get going' or should I invest in a 'good one' right away? The only ones I have some familiarity with - are Keychron models - but, it's only because I've researched it a little. I have seen some Razer...
  4. P

    Radeon RX 7900 GRE Review

    I hear you. If the 'debate' is strictly about gaming - then, for sure - the argument for AMD is at least, a lot better - and the 'features' in gaming - I've read various debates about that. I was mostly looking at the entire picture or full scope of gpu use - including use outside of...
  5. P

    Radeon RX 7900 GRE Review

    You can say that - many ppl say that. Whether it's true is another story. My point was that nvidia's current gen is more power efficient, has more features (whether you like them or use them is besides the point) and a wider use-case - meaning the performance for each use case is either...
  6. P

    Radeon RX 7900 GRE Review

    AMD gpu hardware is a failure so far, this gen - and a lot of ppl know it except for fanboys and nvidia haters. The fact that AMD hasn't gone away from gddr6 is so telling. Their cards are not power efficient compared to Nvidia's recent gen, Ada Lovelace and although they caught up in...
  7. P

    Anyone seriously considering the 4070 TI

    But, the 16gb of vram is significant - both for gamers and ppl running productivity programs - as it might be significantly beneficial - there really shouldn't be a financial 'penalty' to get a gpu with more vram but that's Nvidia for you. I'd maybe look for a used 4070 Ti Super to save on the...
  8. P

    Nvidia 4xxx in stock on their website

    Yay, overpriced video cards are in stock again! HOOORAY!
  9. P

    Anyone seriously considering the 4070 TI

    Buying the 4070 Ti Super, now?
  10. P

    $2,500 RTX-5090 ( 60% faster than 4090 )

    It'll cost $5090? Is that 60% more expensive. Ppl who buy this stuff and help Nvidia and AMD maintain high prices, suck. Yeah, you, too.
  11. P

    MSI ends AMD GPU partnership due to poor sales

    Gigabyte has the Windforce (they called it the 'Elite?) and Gaming series still with AMD. Although, yes, AMD gpus have probably been falling in quality and tech lately - the latest gen looks like a failure to me. With the 7900 xtx, all I come across - constantly - is that there's something...
  12. P

    Radeon RX 7900 GRE Review

    Yes, it is but feel free to disagree. :-/
  13. P

    Radeon RX 7900 GRE Review

    They're horrible buys, especially the GRE - a gimped 7900 series because of defective dies. Wow, I just can't even...
  14. P

    Radeon RX 7900 GRE Review

    I was wondering where you get the stuff you guys are smoking?
  15. P

    EK in hot water again?

    Reddit is a censor happy place, generally, though. I'm glad I moved away from EK AIOs- was considering them a while ago - I didn't know they were a shady company. Their rep is ruined and can't see any other scenario than them selling off what they can and going under - while those at the top...