Recent content by pincho

  1. P

    EPSON RX630 network problem

  2. P

    worth replacing stock cooler?

  3. P

    Keep Aqua theme in iTunes 7

    yep for sure. hopefully leopard omes out with a Uno style theme for OS X
  4. P

    Keep Aqua theme in iTunes 7

    QFT Aqua is slowly going to be replaced, its time for a more sleek, smooth and professional looking theme. Aqua is nice, but its time has come and gone
  5. P

    It's Shipped!

    wat are you going to do with all that macpower, run a country? :p what ever you do, there must be pics! :D
  6. P

    Xaser from Silver to Black

    wow this is gearing up to looking nice, cant wait tosee the out come, good work :)
  7. P

    WWDC thread

    true true, but is there REALLY a need to change the design atm? Apple, imo, a few years ago with the PM G5, the alu books and the iMac G5 really took hardware design to the next level. However, only recently other companies have followed suite and it is becoming a more 'in' thing, therefore...
  8. P

    SeaTools: File Structure Error

    well to test it, i got an old hard drive, shook it around, all good. This one rattles :( it rattles when i shake the hard drive, theres nothing loose inside th computer. Tried differnt sata cables too
  9. P

    SeaTools: File Structure Error

    Seagates low-level formatting tool im going to RMA it, also i took it out, and although i might be a bit paranoid, when i shake the hard drive, it feels like something is loose in there, like rattling
  10. P

    SeaTools: File Structure Error

    thanks for the replies will check the slipstreaming, however i find it weird that that would be the error. also i thought it wouldnt be a hard drive error either, but if im getting this 'Failed with Critical Errors' everytime i run SeaTools, you would think somethings up. Memtested memory...
  11. P

    SeaTools: File Structure Error

    hey all, my PC has been locking up randomly/restarting and BSODing the dreaded 'MACHINE_CHECK_EXCEPTION' error since about 4 months ago. I've narrowed down any hardware error to my 160GB Seagate hard drive. So i ran Seatools and the only error i got was the NTFS File Structure error which...
  12. P

    whats your longest time running windows without a reinstall

    hmmm probably 3 months tops :D like other people, i mess around with new or beta software, screw up partitioning, attempt to install linux, games start playing poorly etc. Not that big of a deal, loading all the software and backed up files is probably 4 hours, might seem long, but its not too...
  13. P

    Sudden freezing

    anyone? the computer restarted by itself, and it said 'The System has recovered from a serious error' this was the error code BCCode : 9c BCP1 : 00000004 BCP2 : 8054D5F0 BCP3 : B2000000 ive googled it, and it turns out to be a conflict of drivers, however the thread...