Recent content by quimby999

  1. Q

    advice on a Mobo for new system build

    Its been a while since I have built a system, so I am not up to date on motherboards or cpus or memory. so any advice on cpu ram and the right motherboard to use would be helpful, I have a 2000 to 2500 dolar budget and 500 for the mobo would seem about right. GAMING WILL BE THE PRIMARY USE FOR...
  2. Q

    FAA Allowing Companies To Start Claiming Territory On The Moon

    he moon will have to cleared of The Fallen and the Hive first, was just there and despite killing many of them I can see it may never be safe for mankind there again.
  3. Q

    15 Year Old Who “SWATTED” Gamer Given 25 Years To Life

    only a matter of time until someone is injured or killed in one of these, then the person who started the hoax will face charges for that.
  4. Q

    Streaming Breaking Bad Over LTE Costs Over $2,000

    you all just havesucky internet providers. I have 60 mps and no data caps, probably because my internet provider is the only county owned Telco in the country. data caps will be the death of digital content.
  5. Q

    Destiny's Beta Guardians are Gone Forever

    doesn't take long to get to lvl 8 and get back to where you left off and get the same stuff you had . I had fun doing it and will again.
  6. Q

    Sony Sued Over Killzone: Shadow Fall's 1080p Promises

    show me single ad for this game that claims 1080p , the only thing that was ever talked about was this game at E3 and that doesn't constitute an ad.
  7. Q

    Sony Sued Over Killzone: Shadow Fall's 1080p Promises

    irrelevant its a PS4 exclusive. the Xbone can't play this game at any resolution.
  8. Q

    Sony Sued Over Killzone: Shadow Fall's 1080p Promises

    to prevail you need to show you were damaged in some way, at most his damages are the 60 he paid for the game, first he has to prove he can tell the difference between the interlaced and actual 1080 I'm bettinghe couldn't, I will cheer when he's ordered to pay Sony's costs for this frivolous...
  9. Q

    White X-box one with sunset overdrive

    I have a silver 360 I might actually get an XBONE if it came in silver, a white one would be too much white with the Destiny PS4 and black attracts too much dirt. Maybe they will do a special Halo version that I would get.
  10. Q

    Foxconn to Recruit 100K to Make iPhone 6

    I'm sure they can get 100,00 new slave laborers from the prisons in china.
  11. Q

    Destiny - Discussion Thread

    love it so far , only played solo thus far but id love ro try coop out.
  12. Q

    Destiny - Discussion Thread

    thnk you,
  13. Q

    Destiny - Discussion Thread

    I'm in the tower not sure how to get offthe tower and do something yet
  14. Q

    Destiny - Discussion Thread

    us ps3 pm me
  15. Q

    Destiny - Discussion Thread

    my spam filter sent my codes to spam folder but I had already found the codes in my profile