Recent content by tommo

  1. T

    HTC Droid Incredible $99.99

    FYI Android 1.6 and up has turn by turn navigation with spoken instructions..
  2. T

    New CPU or GPU ?

    :) enjoy
  3. T

    New CPU or GPU ?

    you can get about 10% more performance (in 3dmark) by getting that 5770 and almost double the framerates in some games,1697.html?prod[3251]=on&prod[3231]=on&prod[3293]=on
  4. T

    FS: 16gb ipod Nano

    great deal, best of luck
  5. T

    Need suggestions on new Gaming Mouse

    The switches in a mouse (where you click) are only rated for so many clicks. They're not designed for a lifetime of clicking. I've worn out a mouse's left click button about every 2 or so years using logitech mice (mx300, mx310, g3). Doesn't your G5 have a warranty?
  6. T

    WTB: 2x2GB Desktop DDR2 800, PCI-e Geforce 8800 or equiv

    Helpppp Someone must have some old ddr2..
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    WTB: 2x2GB Desktop DDR2 800, PCI-e Geforce 8800 or equiv

    bummppp Anyone? Send me your highest offer, we can talk about it. :D
  8. T

    WTB: 2x2GB Desktop DDR2 800, PCI-e Geforce 8800 or equiv

    Offer for 8800GTS pending.. still looking for RAM. Anyone? I'm willing to entertain higher offers.
  9. T

    FS: Win7 Ultimate, Flip MinoHD, Laptop RAM, 1GB Ext HD, Bose Earbuds

    triport bump haha good headphones - half price- nice
  10. T

    FS: EVGA 8800GTS 640mb PCIe

    daymn.. i wanted it :( pm if it falls through
  11. T

    WTB: 2x2GB Desktop DDR2 800, PCI-e Geforce 8800 or equiv

    I only need 2x2GB DDR2 800 now, thanks guys. $50 OBO. Thanks Tommo