Recent content by Toompra

  1. T

    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    I don't think thats possible since each monitor was individually tuned at the factory. Threy all have different defaults. What is your G2 value at? Most Trinitrons I've seen have it around 140-150 by default, so if yours is significantly lower than that it probably means it was changed.
  2. T

    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    Yeah thats the thing, the one you want to change does not have a name, it's just a number. Sorry this isn't very easy to describe without Windas in front of me. I guess the best way is by telling you how I discovered it in the first place. I was looking over all the .dat settings in Windas and...
  3. T

    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    You need to buy a usb to serial adapter/cable, such as this one. But whatever you do don't buy this one. I've had nothing but problems with that cable, the driver is a peice of crap and will crash your whole computer to a blue screen with an...
  4. T

    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    I have fiddled around with that setting on a different monitor, the reason it isn't sticking is because each color temp has it's own seperate C_MAX_B_MAX value, which is the one you want to change, not the global one. I don't have Windas running right now so I can't tell you exactly where it is...
  5. T

    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    Just wanted to follow up on this, I was talking with my dad yesterday (who just happens to be a forensic scientist) about the AG coating. Turns out until recently he was teaching at an IT college and was working with a spectrophotometer. Wish I would have known that when I took the coating off...
  6. T

    PS3 and Viewsonic CRT Monitor

    A VGA box will also work.
  7. T

    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    Yes please do send him the coating for analysis, I'd be very interested to find out if it could be suitably replaced. I noticed a couple more scratches on the screen of my newly acquired FW900, they don't bother me that much but it would still be great to have a perfect screen. I'd remove the...
  8. T

    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    You are very right, this thread contains a lot of good info but with it scattered over so many pages of posts it's pretty much useless, organization is definitely needed. I think an owners club sounds like a great idea. I could probably contribute a good amount to it since I own a total of 4...
  9. T

    Program to adjust gamma for games?

    Yes powerstrip works very well for gamma, I frequently use it with games and movies. But you say the nvidia gamma and digital vibrance don't work? They did the last time I tried em, but you're right I just checked and they are now for desktop only, wtf? I know nvidia likes to remove...
  10. T

    Do all TN panels have flawed backlights?

    Yeah they pretty much are all that bad. Although I have seen a couple Samsung 226bw's with somewhat acceptable bleed, but I've seen other 226bw's that were horrible so they clearly aren't all good. So I guess it is "possible" to find something decent but I'd say your chances are pretty slim.
  11. T

    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    Well after watching craigslist since 2005 I FINALLY found someone selling an FW900!! The guy lived about 30 miles from me and I couldn't pick it up since I have no car but I managed to convince him to deliver if I paid $20 extra. In total it cost me $195. Not bad considering it has a mfr date of...
  12. T

    Stupid question: Selling a broken monitor?

    Considering people frequently sell those or similar monitors in working condition for around $50 I would say your chances of finding anyone who will buy a broken one are pretty slim.
  13. T

    I really like CRT.. but....

    I have several 21" Trintiron CRT's that only weigh about 67 pounds each. Sounds like yours is excessively big. Right now LCD is your only alternative to CRT, there are some newer display techs on the horizon (such as SED or FED) but they likely won't be released for a long time yet.
  14. T

    A few CRT questions

    As long as you save your monitors data the first time you fire up Windas you can pretty much do whatever you want with it, if you screw up no big deal just load back the defaults. A degauss coil should be safe as long as it's used properly, you can find exact instructions on google. A magnet...
  15. T

    A few CRT questions

    The pots are not random, there will be only 2 of them, one for horizontal focus and the other is vertical focus. Just take the plastic casing off and look at the left side of the monitor, you should see them.