Recent content by vincel

  1. V

    Least expensive 10gb switch?

    Try to create another vlan with sfp1 sfp2. I did that and copy between 2 sata HDD is about 300MB/s.
  2. V

    New Small Business Server suggestions

    Just migrate the Sage DB to the SSD and leave the OS on the original array, and use the original array as backup. If one SSD could not keep up with Disk IO, then try raid0 with 2 or 3 SSD. Samsung Pro are good candidate, but not sure how they run on raid.
  3. V

    New Small Business Server suggestions

    3 HDDs probably is the bottleneck (maybe in raid 5). Just get a enterprise 1TB SSD and you done. 10Gb is ok for office LAN but doesn't make any difference for VPN.
  4. V


    Congrats Grandpa. And watch out brilong is mowing fast.
  5. V

    H8QGL and EPS12V Splitters?

    Reverse PCI-e connector works, but make sure it's not loose otherwise the surface of contact between conductors is not adequate. Less surface of contact generate more heat on conductor leading to burning wires.
  6. V

    Question about upgrading from Esxi 5.0 to Exsi 5.1

    ND40oz, I am not sure how to update vCenter. I use vSphere client to connect to vCenter Server. The Update Manager acts on Esxi hosts. By remote login into the server where vCenter installed, I see VMware folder, and should I run vCenter Server Linked Mode Configuration to update vCenter?
  7. V

    Question about upgrading from Esxi 5.0 to Exsi 5.1

    My boss hold me off from doing upgrade. Someone is developing software in the lab and it's an important project, no-one wants to take the risk. Anyway the lab never had the Update Manager plugin installed. After I installed it, I remediated and downloaded all the patches, and now all hosts...
  8. V

    Can a person who hack your PC, hack into your phone?

    Few years ago, one of my guest bedroom light turned on and off by itself at about 2am. When I see the light was on, I tried to get to that room, then suddenly it turned off before I get there. That's freaked me out seriously, I was thinking maybe a ghost was teasing me. The problem was, the...
  9. V

    Question about upgrading from Esxi 5.0 to Exsi 5.1

    ND40oz, thanks again for clarification. So recapitulating, steps to follow: 1. I need to upgrade to vCenter to 5.1, 2. setup SSO, 3. migrate one of ESXi host to 5.1, 4. move dc, db servers, ca server to new ESXi 5.1 host ... This vCenter server is attached to a tape backup, and we ha a vm...
  10. V

    Question about upgrading from Esxi 5.0 to Exsi 5.1

    ND40oz, thanks for heads up. I don't think we use SSO (or maybe I don't know). We use Active Directory in Windows server 2008 R2, but the weird thing is I was able to log on vCenter before domain controller server (vm) with active directory was power on. Is this SSO?
  11. V

    Question about upgrading from Esxi 5.0 to Exsi 5.1

    Child of Wonder thanks for the detail info. So it's a little more complicate than I was expected. Anyway, someone is developing software on this lab, and I don't want to interrupt their works by crashing the whole thing. So there is noway to migrate few hosts at once then do the rest later...
  12. V

    Question about upgrading from Esxi 5.0 to Exsi 5.1

    Peanuthead thanks for the input. I was thinking maybe upgrade one of the ESXi host into 5.1 then migrate with vMotion the domain controller server and few other vm servers into it first. Can vCenter 5.0 able to manage ESXi 5.1 host? Or I have to add another vCenter 5.1 box to deal with ESXi 5.1...
  13. V

    Question about upgrading from Esxi 5.0 to Exsi 5.1

    Hi Everyone, I am managing a small lab with 4 Esxi5.0 hosts (each host consist of Dell r710, xeon e5649, 64GB ram) and a Dell EquaLogic 4000 as iscsi storage. The lab was setup 2-3 years ago, and I just inherited it. My question is how easy to upgrade from Esxi 5.0 to Esxi 5.1, also vCenter...
  14. V

    Can synology ds1812+ run FreeNAS? What raid hardware does it have?

    It's hard to have all the specs you want: low power, small footprint, high capacity storage, and maybe fail-over protection. Just build your own box with norco or chenbro chassis, Asus C60M1 m-itx board, extra sata controller. Run Freenas on USB-flashdrive, You will get about 50-60 MBps...
  15. V

    VMware Data Recovery takes forever to do integrity check

    I found the cause why the vdr is slow. It originally has 2 iscsi LUN but 1 was used for backup and 1 was clean. When the LUN#1 had some integrity check error, I switched the 6 backups job onto the LUN#2, and unmounted the LUN#1. Then when the LUN#2 had the integrity check error (got error...