Recent content by Wazooty

  1. W

    Looks like the 3080 is in stock here

    In stock the same way ebay has them in stock.
  2. W

    Gtx 970 displays don't wake from S3 sleep

    Just got an EVGA superclocked gtx 970. Aside from skyrim crashing at any given time within half an hour, the only other notable problem is it refuses to properly wake from S3 sleep. Computer wakes up but the displays just stay off. Perhaps it's just a driver issue....anyone else?
  3. W

    Microphone...non headset

    Seems these are pretty rare, but does anyone have suggestions for non headset microphones? I'd like to have the freedom to use the mic plus my computer speakers without having to wear the headset around my neck. Ideally I'd like something I could place under my monitor (maybe 2 ft away)...
  4. W

    Rampage IV extreme losing connection to SSD intermittently

    Hello, I've had a rampage IV extreme for about 6 months now. It's been excellent until a couple weeks ago. The boot drive, a sata III SSD, loses connection randomly. I'm sitting in windows, then everything starts to freeze up after some period of time (30 minutes+, it seems) and I restart the...
  5. W

    Tweaking Skyrim Image Quality @ [H]

    The new beta 1.4 patch provides considerably more performance than even r4 does. I got 45 fps at the top of dragonsreach stairs with r4, now I get 60. I'm running ugrids at 7 and the only times my fps ever goes below 58 is when the game is loading a different section of your immediate...
  6. W

    AMD Radeon HD 7970 Video Card Review @ [H]

    Maybe you've already done this but if at the time of the test you weren't using the 4gb mod for skyrim, it might behoove you too for eyefinity and such. The 1.3.1 patch that just came out basically permanently forced the 4gb mod into the official game so...might be worth checking out again...
  7. W

    GeForce 290.53 Beta Drivers

    Up to 25% in skyrim? Daaaamn gurrrl.
  8. W

    Crossfire vs SLI - which offers the smoother gameplay experience?

    Pretty much this. It all boils down to whether the games you play support this or that.
  9. W

    Dual monitors, 15*C hotter?

    edit: nvm
  10. W

    GTX 780 Performance leak (probably fake...)

    Unless the Y axis is actually a blown up fps chart, meaning it's only getting 2 more fps ;)
  11. W

    Dual monitors, 15*C hotter?

    Only the memory speed switches to 3d clocks (at least for me), which is still enough to cause 15deg more of heat, but yeah. Kind of annoying since as far as I can tell those clocks are completely unnecessary.
  12. W

    Any Near Future Upcoming Price Drops Expected?

    Eh, depends how many texture mods you want and just how good you want the game to look. I plan on getting another gtx 480 to tide me over until the next gen, skyrim being pretty much the only reason. If you have horsepower there are always ways to make the game use it.
  13. W

    Best X79 motherboard?

    I've owned 2 evga motherboards because I judged them solely on how well they overclocked for some reason. Next mobo I buy will be asus for sure. Too many stupid problems that should never exist popped up with the EVGA.
  14. W

    Tweaking Skyrim Image Quality @ [H]

    I notice that cities and a few towns in general always cause the game to drop down in the 40s at times. In a couple spots it's down to the mid 30s. I can be constant 60 fps anywhere else in the world, but it's those damn cities. Any suggestions as to drivers? I saw a few posts above that the...