Recent content by workshop35

  1. W

    Microsoft stoops to new low with ads in Windows 11, as PC Manager tool suggests your system needs ‘repairing’ if you don’t use Bing

    So this comes from an app thats made for the Chinese market? If the app doesnt come pre-installed this shouldnt be a big deal. Still dumb though
  2. W

    Microcenter is coming back to the Bay Area!!!

    Next they need to expand to the Sacramento area...
  3. W

    *Sniff* Farewell Atlas Robot.. You boogied with the best of them...

    Watching Atlas eat shit so many times was awesome, there wasn't a lot of that in the other videos. It's going to be cool seeing what tech is going to replace it.
  4. W

    EverQuest and Pantheon developer Brad McQuaid has died

    Kids these days are going to have a hard time playing an mmo that doesn't hold their hand through everything
  5. W

    Tribes 3: Rivals

    Brings back some of the best memories. Its probably too much to ask for them to not butcher it again
  6. W

    Ram & M.2 prices going up soon

    Semi market is still in the tank, prices arent going to rebound right away. Theyre trying to hype everything up with the usual buzzwords (AI, ML, HMB3 ect) but prices shouldnt move too much through 2024.
  7. W

    More Pictures of NVIDIA's Cinder Block-sized RTX 4090 Ti

    I actually like how absurd it is. But I'll never buy it
  8. W

    Checking in with my Ender3 pro

    What layer height did you print these at?
  9. W

    No thread about the framework laptop?

    You cant sell the leftover parts? Or is the market not big enough
  10. W

    [WTB][Adapter] GPIB to USB > Tektronix scope

    Can you use the National Instruments ones? We use a billion of these at work and they're a lot cheaper.
  11. W

    What are you playing on your deck?

    Definitely doing this
  12. W

    Intel cutting employee and executive pay

    This. My entire team other than me was laid off 3 weeks ago and both Solidigm and Intel aren't hiring. Going to be a bit before some people are going to find work in the industry.
  13. W

    What are you playing on your deck?

    Trying to finish Space Marine before the sequel comes out
  14. W

    AMD at CES 2023: 7950X3D, 7900X3D, 7800X3D - VCache Party In Here

    Put a modern GPU in there and you'd have no room expansion again lol