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  1. D

    Palladium makes a comeback! Apparently, Intel decided to go with MS on the hardware DRM issue. The end of privacy is almost here... Thoughts?
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    Interesting temps...

    Last night, before playing with the OC on my "new-to-me" A64 Clawhammer, I noticed my temps, were, well... odd. I am used to seeing temps on my old rig (TBird 1333) around 53-60C. That was normal. ANd I was okay with that, as it ran beautifully, for what it was. During the OS load, driver...
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    Ubuntu media shipping question

    Anybody out there ordered media from the Ubuntu website? If so, how long did it take to get your media? My new A64 parts will be here this week, and I wanted to have a Ubuntu 64 partition running, just to see how sweet it is. Also, my laptop is due for a reformat/HDD replacement, so I...
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    WTB: s754 and nf3

    Folks, When my wife says jump, I have a tendency to listen. When she tells me I can get a A64 sytem since the bid fell through on the house we were trying to get, I say okay. What I want is: 1: AMD s754 A64 Athlon. NO SEMPRON! HSF is a big plus, but not a necessity. 2: (1) ATX NF3 chipset...
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    PROJECT: "Escape From Dell Hell"

    Alright... here is the backstory. A couple of months ago, I was given an Dell 4200. Just the case, PSU, mobo, and proc. Well, as I had no use for a Dell, and I needed money after paying my federal taxes this year, I sold off the PSU, mobo, and proc. (Thanks wpd7!!). So, then I had this...
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    Question about Dremel find today

    If anybody is a Dremel expert, I have an interesting question for you. Today, I stopped by one of the local pawn shops, and made an interesting find. A complete Dremel kit for less than $20.00, in excellent condition. The question I have, is, how old is this damn thing? The label on the...
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    Razer Diamondback Plasma LE

    When I came home tonight from work, that abso-freaking-lutely beautiful mouse was up on the monitor screen. Along with a note from my wife. The note said "See Me." So I did. She handed me the credit card (she runs the money in the house... I can't balance a checkbook to save my life), and...
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    Office Fire Sale! aka Drucifer's poor sale.

    Due to the fact that my office is currently a disaster area, and has been deemed as such by my wife, some stuff has to go. Okay, all of this stuff has to go. Please, help me save my sex life! :) Of course, I also had to write a $942 check to the IRS yesterday... so until this stuf goes, no...
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    AMD guy needs help with Intel stuff

    Okay all, first off, I have always been an AMD guy, but I am playing with Intel for the first time since the P100s came out. Yeah, its been awhile. :) I have a proc that I have no bloody clue about. I know it works, 'cause it POST'ed in the POS OEM Dell board it came out of. That board had...
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    Mandrake 9.2 recieves -crc error on install

    I am attempting to install Mandrake 9.2 on a Dell XPi CD laptop. Why? Because I need something usable to use it as a word processing station, and the laptop was free. :) Anyway, When booting the machine to perform the install, I recieve a -crc error. No descriptor on the error, just this...
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    The I gotta get an LCD FS/FT thread

    My fellow [H]'ers, I gotta get an LCD monitor. Period. My POS 15" CRT sucks. No, I don't just mean poor performance, I mean it really sucks. Probably has about 2 months left in it. Time to upgrade! Yes, I know, I should have done this awhile ago, yeah I know. :) Anyway, I found some processors...
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    9600/9800 Questions

    Okay folks, I am converting back to the ATi side of the house during my new build. However, seeing as how I am kinda stringing the build along (it is more of a continual upgrade), and my current mobo is just about dead, I am being forced into action a tad quicker than expected. The new system...
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    FS/FT 2600+ Athlon 333 Barton!

    Hey all, I am selling off a CPU that was given to me by a friend who had no need of it (went to <gasp> Intel. I really really really want a A64 939 setup... so, as much as I would want to use this chip, off it goes! This is a pre-superlock proc (PCB is not translucent), and I have never...
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    Need some advice/info from the Intel folks...

    Alright... A buddy of mine just gave me a dual proc, Pentium Pro setup with one proc. Proc is only a 180 (SU103) and the whole darn thing is in one UGLY full tower AT case. Question is... I want a second chip for the board (file/print server for home), but I don't know if I have to...