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    Project: 'Troy's Pinball' - Arcade Sequel Build

    It has been nearly a year and a half since I finished my last project "Troy's Arcade" and it's time for a sequel. I had initially planned on building another MAME with a trackball, spinner, 4-way stick and light guns, but then I saw an article at covering a pinball build and...
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    Project: 'Troy's Arcade' - Scratch Build MAME Mod

    Having been practically raised on arcade and console video games I've wanted to build a MAME system for a really long time. When I was a kid I would collect bottles and cans along the roadside for deposits and then ride my bike ten miles round trip to hit the local video arcade and play the...
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    Project 'TroyBoX' - Scratch Build Mini-ITX HTPC/MAME Mod

    This project is already underway, so instead of cut and pasting it all from my site I'm posting a short version, for anyone interested the full worklog can be read in its entirety here: I'll skip posting pictures of the hardware since you'll see the...
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    Project Lament II - Hellusion (scratch build)

    This is my first ever computer modification where I designed and built the entire case from scratch, formerly titled "Hell's Illusion" this mod took over a year to create and is the sequel to my HellRaiser Cenobite PC mod. My idea came from an 'Art Bank' that I had a long time ago with an...
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    Hell's Illusion - Project Lament II

    Project Lament II: Hell's Illusion... (what's a dining room?) Sequels as a rule suck, especially horror movie sequels. The HellRaiser series is one exception and there are sadly far too few others. HellBound is every bit as good as the first, or better in every way, depending on which fan you...
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    Project Lament: HellRaiser Tribute Mod

    Hellraiser is hands down cool and quite scary, there are a fair amount of existing modded cases that pay tribute to the puzzle box but face it, the box isn't scary. Cenobites are scary, so I am shooting for a "what if the box opened and a case modder were transformed into a cenobite" kind of...