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  1. C

    Noob sound?

    Nevermind! Please Delete:)
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    Gigabyte water cooling necessary?

    So I'm building my own computer from the ground up for the first time - yikes! In my build selection I didn't notice that there is a watercooling option on the Northbridge. Do I need to hook it up to watercooling yet? Can I run it juwt on air? I'll run watercooling when I can afford it.
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    Bent my Sennheiser 1/4" to 1/8" adaptor - what to buy?

    As the title says I had my HD650's plugged in the front of my computer when I backed into my computer with my wheelchair. Bending the tip just enough that I only get one side of the headphones working. Soooo, will any 1/4" to 1/8" adaptor work or is the Sennheiser some step above quality? I...
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    Making Yellow Dog Linux faster - how?

    So I installed YDL 5.0.1 for my PS3. Everything works fine, BUT, launching programs is slow. I have a feeling that's due to the 256mbRAM. I am not familiar with Linux so how can I speed Linux up? Are there any processes I can kill or things to uninstall or commands to run?
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    Onscreen keyboard program - is there one?

    Hey ladies & gents, I use OS X 10.5 and this program Keystrokes I'm a Quadriplegic so I use this program and I type by clicking on the keys on the onscreen keyboard. Is there a program like this for Ubuntu, Yellow dog etc? Thanks!
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    Work Unit Not Sending

    As the title says, it won't upload. Here's the log after I restarted the client: [15:21:56] Loaded queue successfully. [15:21:56] Deleting incompletely fetched item (4) from queue position #5 [15:21:56] - Warning: Could not delete all work unit files (5): Core file absent [15:21:56] -...
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    Did I get burned? Part 2

    So after 16-20min frames on my 3.0Ghz Mac Pro, at 100% I get this: [04:14:23] Completed 9600000 out of 10000000 steps (96 percent) [04:29:23] Timered checkpoint triggered. [04:30:10] Writing local files [04:30:10] Completed 9700000 out of 10000000 steps (97 percent) [04:45:23] Timered...
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    I'm back!

    Hey hey, It's been about a year and a bit since I 'left'. I always had 5 'borgs' somewhere producing units but now I've got my Mac Pro with dual 3.0GHz Xeon's & 10GB RAM folding:) I've also got a Pentium D beside me I'll get to in the next month and oh sh!t just thought of it my 1.66ghz...
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    About freakin' time!

    I ordered the Shure E500's from HeadRoom and a Total Bithead Amp on August 8th. I was told a one week wait. Well as of yesterday they finally shipped and FedEx just phoned saying they'll deliver between 3-5pm! How's that for freakin' fast FedEx. From HeadRoom to a suburb outside of Toronto in...
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    Computer startup problem...

    Ok, my friend gave me a call and this is his problem: So he was using Adobe Premier and it was giving him problems so he reinstalled Premiere. It tells him to reboot so he does. Here's the problem, the CD drive spins sooo loud and scratchy I can hear it over the phone. He then gets the prompt...
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    Can't View Velocity Micro ProMagix E2200

    I'm on an Apple Pro Mac running Safari for a web-browser and I can't see/view this article!? The other ones I can....
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    Satellite TV on PC's

    Hey, My housekeeper asked about this, she's phillipino. Is this valid or what's the deal? Is there anything else does the same thing? Personally, I think it's bogus.
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    It's Shipped!

    Woohooooo! I just got the e-mail from Apple saying it got shipped! I went over to FedEx and at 10:43am Cupertino time it got shipped! I got the express shipping because the less time an object is in transit = better luck of being okay. I ordered this, and then I made another order for 4gb RAM...
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    Is this possible...

    So I just bought one of those new Mac Pro's. But, I want to add my own hard drives. I'd like to use a WD Raptor for boot and then this 500Gb Seagate . So I guess it all boils down to, can I have drives that have different transfer rates? Or would I be better off putting two 160GB HD in RAID...
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    So what can I expect?

    So it looks as if Apple is going to use a Dual Woodcrest setup in their new highest end Powermac. Judging from the costs, it will probably be the 2.66ghz chip as two 3ghz chips would blow past their price target market. So I ask you guys, the guys of all things multiprocessing, what kind of...
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    Post your G5 Temps/Fan Speed

    I am curious to see what other Powermac G5's are running at in terms of temperature and fan speed. Dual 2.5Ghz G5 (NOT Quad) Full Load-200%- Processor A-76ºC Processor B-83ºC Half Load-100% Processor A-71ºC Processor B-77ºC Idle- roughly 10%? Processor A-61ºC Processor...
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    Help needed setting up router!

    Hey, So my Cisco 871W Router came yesterday and I tried to get her going, but I seem to be lost amongst all of its options. So, I am providing screenshots of the router software and my network info. First off here's my info: Domain Name: IP...
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    Post your Xbench Results!

    Since there is a plethora of testing programs for pc, let's see how fellow [H] Mac owners rank in Xbench available here . I find it is best if you run the test a bunch of times as it seems to get better. So I'll start 1. Score...
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    Ticked-off customer?

    So here's the deal, I made a full-fledged Flash website for Mr. X's company. I send him the invoice for $3000cdn for hosting, domain, stats, updates 3x a month etc. He then sends me a cheque back for $1500cdn-exactly half. So I believe there was a misunderstanding with my invoice because I...
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    Any comments on Cisco 857W Router?

    Hey, Well my home office has become a full-fledged office and for some reason the Linksys WRT54GL keeps crappin' out on me in terms of signal strength. I'm also looking towards VPN because it would be so handy for my family/friends/employee(s) to be able to access their work. So I'm looking...
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    Flash Forms!

    I'm in deep kaka(shit) I had a Flash Form using ASP but the client bought a Linux server and now the form doesn't work :confused: So Im freakin out, what is the easiest way to pull data from a 'contact us' form and send it to the clients email or something else EASY! Any and all help...
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    Who has an Apple Developer Account?

    Hey, I'm getting ready to buy a bunch of stuff and by stuff I mean over $15k of 'stuff'. Unfortunately/fortunately, my Insurance company is replacing all my Apple stuff. I noticed that becoming a 'Select' Apple Developer gives you significant savings. I never thought about signing-up/paying...
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    How cool would this be...?

    More like how Nerdy, but I just bought a Xerox Phaser 8550DP colour laser printer and it has a 600mhz PowerPC processor &256mb RAM...hahaha. My printer might fold! This could be an interesting project, very successful or very.......horrible--a non-printing $2k cdn printer :p EDIT: Link here...
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    Retouching 35mm Slides

    Hey, My Dad has some slides from the late 60's/70's that are in need of repair. I have a Microtek Scanmaker i900 that works awesome, but my skills are lacking. How can I retouch these slides from 'dust', 'scratches', but more importantly colour? Here's a relatively sized down example...
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    Flash submit.php

    So I setup a form in Flash with name, comments etc. And I have: on(rollOver){ this.gotoAndPlay("s1"); } on(rollOut, releaseOutside){ this.gotoAndPlay("s2"); } on(release) { getURL("submit.php"); } that to send the info......but what should go in submit.php...? Thanks
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    I bought one of those CMOY amps and I had my headphones plugged in and unknown to me the amp volume knob at 100%, so I got BLASTED by my HD650's for what seemed like eternity (probably 2s). So I got everything figured out, turned the amp back on and I get feedback. Quiet feedback but enough to...
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    Possible Macbook 'base'

    If Asus builds Apples laptops, this Asus laptop has a few cool features of being Mac worthy, but who knows, it's all speculation. If not related to the Macbook at all, it certainly is in the same market. Check the Asus laptop out here
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    Scanners, Printers...

    Hey, I've been doing some 'freelance' work lately in website creation, brochures etc. But I see the need for a high quality scanner to do photos and a quality printer to print off sample brochures/ads etc before they get sent off to a printing service. As for price range, I'd like to keep...
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    Website Stats...

    Hey, I'm looking for a good (obviously) Website statistics service/package/download whatever. I searched Google but there are so many, and I'd rather have first hand impressions. I hear Google's is good but I haven't been invited :( On another note, I saw 'LivePerson' today in action...
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    50, yes fifty, 30" Apple Displays

    Read here folks :o :o
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    Flash Help! What did I do!

    Figured it out---Delete This Thread!--Save and Compact just cancels all the previous 'undos' So I'm editing a Flash template and everything is fine until I accidentally clicked 'Save & Compact', instead of 'Save'. Now on each Flash page all my text and static images have been grouped...
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    How come...?

    Newbie question that has always bothered me: Why is it that when I open a a say 2.1mb file it comes up as 17.2mb in Photoshop? Or any file for that reason? Brad
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    Adium Skins

    Hey, I switched to Adium but desperately need new, quality skins because I've seen some of you guys witth them! Any suggestions or examples! Brad
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    How to test webserver?

    Hey, I just installed OS X Server on my Powermac G5. For those not familiar, OS X Server uses Apache for webserving. Now , is there a way I can synthetically test my webserver? As in see how many Requests/hits etc my current setup can take before it grinds to a hault? -Brad
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    Repairing Permissions

    Since switching over a year ago, I've been exceptionally pleased with the performance of my Powermac G5. However, lately things seem to be getting slower and slower-especially booting up. So I went to Disk Utility and Verified and Repaired permissions. It had a whole lot of things to fix, mainly...
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    Wallpaper on Dual Monitors

    I have two 23" ACD's non-mirrored. I have a 3200x1200 wallpaper that I want to spread across BOTH monitors. Right now I have the same background (1920x1200 it cut the image) on both monitors(not spread). So how can I get the full 3200x1200? If possible...
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    Powermac G5 9600XT Question....

    I'm not advanced in computer ports, but I have a dual 2.5ghz Powermac with a stock 9600XT. In the one port I have my Apple 23" Cinema display, I have another 23" ACD that I wish to plug-in, BUT, the other port on the card does not fit my monitors connection. The open port looks very similar to...
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    Underpowering Headphones

    I picked up some HD650's and I haven't received my amp yet. Would it hurt them to plug em into my Z-6800 speaker pod? I know from car audio that its sometimes 'bad' to underpower speakers...well thats what I heard.
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    'Edge' Device?

    I ordered a new Internet Connection (Direct Internet Access-3mbps/3mbps) from TeraGo networks in Toronto, they're a Wireless carrier so they have to install some sort of 'receiver'. Anyways, I got this in one of their e-mails and I don't understand it fully because: a) Never heard the term...
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    It looks like I'm going to need to buy an Xserve, problem is, is that I have to buy it soon, knowing it's going to be changed. I'm looking at getting the dual 2.3ghz w/ 2gb ram for webserving and media storage on a Xraid. So I want to know your opinions on the future of Xserve and the...