Search results

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    Dead Burner?

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    Dead Burner?

    I have an AOpen DUW1608/ARR burner. In the past few months, it's had a few problems burning discs, and yesterday it stopped reading discs. When you put a disc in, the light flashes and the disc spins around inside. I've tried DVDs, CDs, and DVD-Rs. I've tried 3 different firmwares, uninstalling...
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    Span video across 2 Monitors

    I have two monitors and am looking for a way to maximize video to both monitors instead of one. How can I do this?
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    AAA to wall power

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    Dual Video Card, Dual Monitors

    I currently have an ATI AIW Radeon 9800 Pro 128 MB Video card. I am thinking of buying another video card and another LCD monitor in order to do a Dual Monitor setup. Here's my question: If I am spanning games across the two monitors, and the second video card (not my AIW) is of lower power...
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    A question about this HSF

    So, I was thinking of getting this cooler. On Zalman's site it says that it is compatible with my socket, but not my specific motherboard. My question is, why won't it work if the sockets and fan sizes are standard? EDIT: My Motherboard is an AOpen AX4B Pro-533
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    AAA to wall power

    I have no real idea where to go with this, so I have decided to ask. I'm working on a project which involves my Belkin FM Transmitter to be on all night. However, it runs on 2 AAA batteries which may not make it through the night, let alone through every night. So, I'm wondering if there's a...
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    Free 128MB USB Flash Drive
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    FS: Motherboard Clock (2 Available)

    I'm selling 2 mohterboard clocks. They look very similar to that one above, it's just a different model motherboard (These are AOpen AX4GE-N and AOpen AX4BS-V). Motherboards are dead, but the clock that I have turned them into is fully functional. They hang from picture wire on the back, and...
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    BF2 or Quake 4?

    I need to buy a game and can't decide between Battlefield 2 and Quake 4. What do you think I should go for? I wasn't a huge fan of Battlefield 1942, but isn't the new one very different?
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    FS: Binder of Pokemon Cards

    I am seling an entire binder of Pokemon cards. There are at least 100 cards in here. They are sorted by the pokemon number. After those are the Trainer Cards followed by the Energy Cards. The binder is in somewhat good shape, and the pokemon cards are in extremely good shape. There is more room...
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    Aspire X-Navigator

    I'm thinking of buying this case (details here) It seems good to me, but does anyone have any particular knowledge about it?
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    Cable Management Question

    I have seen people taping cables to the side of their case. What kind of tape should be used for this?