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    Music takes over my computer

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    2000MHz Hyper transport???

    So i was looking on newegg today and not only was i surprised to see my $240 processor going for $100 but i saw it said 2000 MHz Hypertransport now i kno i have a 200MHz HTT x5 LDT to make my Hypertansport 1000MHz correct? then how...
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    problems overclocking

    specs are in the sig so with my same setup with pqi 3200 ram i was able to OC to 2.75GHz now with my upgrade to crucial pc4000 i was hoping for the best and so far nuthin the best stable overclock i can get is 215 x 11 for a miserable 2.36GHz...
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    Monitor goes black after 5 secs

    i always turn off my monitor after i'm done using it and yesterday i turned it on and after 5 seconds the screen went black the little green LED stayed on so the monitor didn't turn off the monitor is a LCD MAG LT916s here's a link to a newer version...
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    Gold Memory Error help!

    I always thought my problem with my computer was my Aspire PSU but i was told to run gold memory in another post and it won't pass test 122 i'm not sure what this is but does this mean i need new RAM my problem was the computer would randomly restart and BSOD i've tried reformatting the HD and...
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    noob RAID question

    my bad for re posting if this has been done but people keep telling me i will get no gain from taking my 2 250 gig WD250KS n running them in RAID 0 but i def want all my space n i mean y wouldn't i wanna run RAID 0? i mean i would like a performance gain for the work of doing RAID will...
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    help i have aspire

    SO i know now that i am dumb for buying an aspire psu for great looks n good reviews i wish i saw your buying guides before i bought my computer but anyways i need aome help i am really confused n i'm pretty sure this is a psu problem hope u guys can help me in a nut shell my computer...
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    Dual monitor-windows go to wrong screen

    i have just set up a dual screen display one for watching TV on VIVO and one for normal use. Now if i am watching TV and open a window such as display properties or properties of my computer this window will be behind my VIVO on the other screen now this is a big inconvience and i was...
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    Music takes over my computer

    i don't understand when i am listening to music my cpu load goes to 100% i've used both nero mix and windows media player this is on a new build jus like a week old using abit's sound card not sure what to do o yea n the music doesn't sound very good either but that might be my speakers...
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    new rig any thoughts?

    i've put thogether this rig and kno i haven't done everything right. i'll put in the parts and where i got them and hopefully pics soon too of how i put the together. now the main issue i have is my 1kg heatsink and the fact that i have my case upright. any thoughts on it will help. NEWEGG...