Search results

  1. E

    WTB Intel 6-core i7 LGA 1366

    Looking for either i7 980X, i7 980, or i7 970 for my machine (I want to keep this system going until Haswell-E). Please bump if you PM.
  2. E

    Completing my audio production/gaming Core i7 920 rig

    Already got these parts: CPU: Intel Core i7 920 (want to overclock to 3.2GHz) Mobo: Gigabyte GA-EX58-UD5 GPU: 2 x EVGA GTX 275 SLI RAM: 6 x 2GB G.Skill DDR3 1333 Audio interface: EMU 1616M PSU: Zalman 850W PSU HDD: Western Digital Caviar Black WD1001FALS 1TB SDD (for sample streaming): OCZ...
  3. E

    Crytek, I love you but...

    Instead of spending so much money and effort on singleplayer games that no one plays after the first completion, why not do what Valve (and somewhat Id as well) does and focus more on multiplayer games that provide a service, and not just a product, to all the gamers out there? I mean, even...
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    eVGA 9800GX2 just started producing artifacts in 3D games except for Quake Live

    Strangely enough, there's no issues with ATITool or Furmark. And my GPU temperatures, while artifacting, are under 75 degrees C as reported by the Everest Ultimate Windows Sidebar gadget. But Crysis Wars, Left4Dead, and Audiosurf all show me this (taken by FRAPS)...
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    Windows Vista Ultimate 64 OEM: Is it possible to clone/migrate?

    So, I have my OS (Vista 64) installed on a rather slow and quite old 400GB hard drive. What's the easiest software to to clone it and migrate over to a 640GB drive? Do I have to worry about Windows reactivation or anything? I have an OEM version of Vista 64 so I'm not sure if that would be...
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    When will games cease to be GPU limited? Is it even possible?

    After looking at all the Core i7 benchmarks, I've become curious about all of this hubbub. And for those who have been in all of this far longer than myself (I started building with the 9800 Pro), when did games start becoming limited by the GPU? Or were they always GPU limited?
  7. E

    FO3 load times: Do you actually get a chance to read the tips/appreciate the art?

    I don't :( Load times, even initial loads to the Wasteland, are typically less than 5 seconds; this is ridiculous (and it's also ridiculous that I'm complaining about really short load times).
  8. E

    Larger and more cooling/drive expandability than a Thermaltake Armor+?

    Any suggestions for cases which fit the bill? I like black :)
  9. E

    9800GX2, 8800GT, Vista x64, 180.42 drivers: At present your GPU is not supported

    My 9800GX2 came in today! However, I followed the multi-GPU guide, un-SLI'd the 9800GX2, and I can't get the 2 other F@h instances to work. They spit out the "at present your GPU is not supported or you need a current driver." :( FahMon spits out this: Is it because I didn't use...
  10. E

    Folding@home/GPU2, 8800GT, and Far Cry 2

    Am I going crazy or does leaving F@h (GPU2 client) not paused and running in the background adversely affect Far Cry 2 performance? But how come it throttles down for all other 3D applications/games? Or am I just going crazy? :o And I'm running 180.42 drivers...I'm not sure what other...
  11. E

    The complete system build with the most effective PPD/price ratio?

    I'm addicted and I want to at least start planning the build with which to start my farm. Hell, just thinking of the possibilities keeps me up at night. Additionally, how do those of you with dozens of machines control them? Or don't you? I figure I can use the extra CPU/hard drive power...
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    Woah. G.SKILL 2 x 2GB DDR2-800 memory just went up $40 overnight? Is there any reason for DDR2 memory to go up twice in price? I don't want 8 GB of RAM to cost me $200 :(
  13. E

    Two sub-$800 systems: one primarily for gaming and one primarily for content creation

    Since I enjoy building computers, two of my friends approached me for advice on building systems and they are going to be using them for primarily different functions. The first one will be primarily gaming and doing some content creation and the second one will be primarily doing content...
  14. E

    Would a 9800GX2 for $279.99 for gaming and Folding@home be a wise purchase?

    Considering the GTX280 is almost half as slow as a 9800GX2 when it comes to Folding and gaming performance differences in current generation games is negligible, would a 9800GX2 at $279.99 be a particularly wise purchase? Or will that performance difference become significant as next...
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    Text based games and Roguelikes

    Is it sad that these games are is what I spend the most time playing on my PC? Is there any love for Nethack, Kingdom of Loathing, or Angband?
  16. E

    Gears of War 2 not coming to PC because...PC gamers are too tech-savvy to not buy it?

    From: What do you think of this line of reasoning? Oh and: Never again >:[
  17. E

    "Unsexy" feature dealbreakers

    Everyone wants larger screens with higher resolutions, dazzling (and substance-filled) user interfaces, and thinner and thinner device dimensions, but what about all the unsexy and underappreciated features which can't be easily marketed and yet remain important to you when considering mobile...
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    Dell 2005FPW & Soyo DYLM26E6

    I've had a Dell 2005FPW for quite a few years now and very recently purchased the Soyo DYLM26E6 (from the $400 Office Max deal). It came in today and I have them set up in a dual monitor configuration (yay for UltraMon!). For those who were wondering (since I couldn't find any reviews for...