Search results

  1. N

    7800GTX more expensive than 7900GTX?

    I just looked at newegg and was surprised. Why are they 7800GTX's more expensive than the 7900GTX's? Are all the 7800GTX's they still have from pre-7900 launch and they are still trying to make profit? or is there something else? Hell the 7900GT's are better than the 7800GTX's in some...
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    7800GTX Dual Head Setup - 22" and 19" CRT's

    I just got a new monitor, a 22" Compaq P1220. I'm trying to use dual head with my old 19" Viewsonic. I got it to work with Horizontal span on 1600x1200 x2. I dont want to do it that way though because where my 19" is 1600x1200 is a bit too small. How do you set it up so I can set individual...
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    New 200GB HDD, swapfile and drive label problem

    So my current drive configuration is something like this: C: 74.5GB - 10GB for Windows, the rest is another partition for games D: 189GB - New HDD E: 74.5 - Old Backup HDD X: 37.2 - External HDD Currently labeled as: C: System D: New Volume E: Backup X: External Z: Games I cant...
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    Whats the difference in these two boards? Pictures look the same. Features look the same. Whats the difference?
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    Need cheap 4-Port SATA PCI Card - Raid 5 capable

    I'm assuming you probably cant have "cheap" and "raid 5" in the same sentence but its worth a shot. I've seen some for about $100 but I was wondering if there's any around $50? lol ... It's for a future upgrade of a file server/HTPC I'm going to build. At first I'll just have 1 drive and...
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    Cant Map Network Drive - Windows XP

    I'm really starting to get pissed off here. I got a new machine I'm trying to setup for a friend and I have alot of programs on my machine I want to install on his. Both machines are Windows XP. When I try to map network drive from his machine to my drive it keeps asking for username and...
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    External HDD Enclosures that hold 2 or more drives?

    I'm interested in getting a USB external HDD enclosure that holds at least 2 drives, more is ok as long as it doesnt get too expensive. One that can possibly do RAID. I guess if nothing else I can just buy 2 single enclosures, but if you guys know of any that hold like 4 drives that would be...
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    Watercooled 6800GT doesnt OC very well

    I know I know, overclocking is luck of the draw. This seems like its something else though, so humor me and let me know if you have any ideas what I can do. First off this is a Water Cooled Setup. Its an eVga 6800GT flashed with an Ultra BIOS and 1.4V. Temps on the card at idle are 45C...
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    File transfers between HDD's are slow

    Using an NF7-S. My System Partition is 2x36GB SATA WD Raptors in RAID 0 Setup. I also have 2 IDE drives on in Master/Slave setup on IDE Channel 1. Transfering files between the IDE and SATA drives is very slow. I'm using Windows XP SP2 with all updates. Every driver is up to date, that I know of.
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    1600x1200 LCD for Gaming. Are there any?

    Not worried about price, just want to know whats out there. Recommended resolution of 1600x1200 with about a 15ms or less response time, that has good picture quality. The other specs dont matter so long as its good for FPS and has good picture. Just tell me whats available.
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    Does the NV Silencer Rev. 6 Ver. 2 fit 6600's? Does that heatsink fit the regular 6600's, the 6600 GT's, or both?
  12. N

    6800GT wont OC as high as "Optimal" shows

    So I have been running my card at 400/1100 for several weeks now with no issues at all. I went ahead and flashed to an Ultra BIOS and put it to 1.4V. I ran the "Detect Optimal" and it showed 446/1190. I thought I'd be more concervative so I ran it at 425/1150 and CS:S crashed within 10...
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    XP vs. 2000

    I know this is an old debate but I am curious to see what the benefits of XP over 2000 are. I've used XP before in the past and it seemed fine but it didnt seem to offer anything more than 2000. I read somewhere that XP will run faster if you have a modern system, I know it boots faster but...
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    How do I connect a HDD to my PS2?

    Say I had an extra HDD laying around that I wanted to use on my PS2, it would be cheaper to use that instead of buying a brand new drive or one of the so called "PS2 Hard Drives" that are over priced. Where do I get the cables necessary for connecting a HDD to the PS2?
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    Will eVGA replace my 6800GT if I dont have the original packaging?

    I believe my card has died on me, it's still under warranty of course, but I dont have the original box for it... I have the free version of Farcry, the driver CD, and the manual I think...
  16. N

    Should I upgrade to A64 from AXP?

    Currently running whats in my signature. All watercooled and pretty nice OC on everything. AXP is so out-dated now though and for not a whole lot of cash I could do a really nice upgrade and get some nice performance for my dollars I think. The big factor is that AGP is gone, if I upgrade...
  17. N

    Watercooled 6800GT wont OC as high as air cooled

    Ok so I used to use a NV Silencer 5, temps got around 77C or so at the highest I ever saw it. It was clocked about 445 on the core then. When I switched to water cooling the temperature might reach 50C if it gets really warm in the room. Anything above 435 on the core and I get lockups. I'm...
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    What do you think of these cases for water cooling?

    I'm still trying to decide but I am considering these two atm: Now before you go screaming saying get the Stacker let me tell you what...
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    What radiator for this case? Would I have trouble mounting either of these in this case: - ThermoChill HE120.2 I noticed...
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    Possible to use DD RBX for Socket A and S939?

    I'm thinking about getting a water cooling setup for my current system but I would like to be able to switch it over to a new S939 system some time next year. To me it looks like there are two different RBX blocks for Socket A and S939... or am I just reading it wrong? Can I buy it for use...
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    What are some good 120mm fans?

    I can search around all day and find a bunch of them but what they are rated at on the site and how they actually "perform" is two different things. I would just like some suggestions on some that are known to be good. Thickness doesnt matter. Noise isnt really an issue because I have fan...
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    Cant overclock K8N Neo2 Platinum

    This is my brothers system and he lives in another state so I've been trying to help him over the phone with this stuff but we had no luck. System Specs: K8N Neo2 Platinum - BIOS 1.3 Winchester 3000+ XP-90 w/92mm Vantec Tornado 2x512 PC3200 OCZ EL Platinum Revision 2 PNY 6800GT WD SATA...
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    NF7-S onboard USB ports not working

    Yesterday I took my system apart to do some case mods and during that time I noticed the passive heatsink on the southbridge came off... I cleaned the soutbridge and heatsink off ... reapplied it with AS Epoxy ... put the system all back together ... onboard USB ports arent working anymore. I...
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    SP-97 vs. SI-97

    Has anyone used both of these and noticed any differences? I just got my SI-97 in and tried it against my SP-97 I've been using for quite a while now. Running the Prime95 Large FFT causes temperatures to rise drastically and eventually BSOD's... on the SP-97 I dont have that problem. I'm...
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    MSI K8N Neo2 Platinum wont POST in DC mode

    I'm trying to help my brother build a new system and since we arent in the same state its rather difficult to troubleshoot things. On top of that I dont know a whole lot about this board. He hasnt been able to get the memory to POST using slots 1 and 2... the two furthest away from the CPU...
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    OCZ PC3200 Platinum Rev. 2 Question

    Is this memory: The same memory in this review:
  27. N

    Where can I get one of the IQYHA CPU's?

    So far I havent been able to locate one.
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    Occassional 5 second lockups - huh?

    I didnt really know where the best place to POST this was but I figured this was hopefully close enough. Anyways what happens is every so often in games or any 3D application I guess you could say the system will act like it locks up, it will freeze for about 5-10 seconds and then just start...
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    Not too much longer now for NF4 boards...

    Check out the review ... I know I'll want to build one of the new NF4 SLI systems... but man... I already spent too much on my last system lol ... oh well ... I can dream :)
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    Can't figure out 8500 AIW TV Tuner Stuff

    I just recently bought an 8500 AIW from someone online. I got all the hardware it came with originally but he didnt have any of the software/hardware... which is fine I can download it. Before I installed anything I went ahead and did a fresh install of Windows 2000 SP3. Then I installed SP4...
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    8500 AIW TV Software

    I bought this card with all the hardware pieces from someone online. He didnt have any of the software for it so I'm looking for stuff and I've never even owned an ATI card so I'm a bit in the dark here. So far I have everything up and running and have the display working on my TV. I'm not...
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    What should I use to cool the SB?

    I have a passive aluminum and an active copper one that is smaller. Here are links to them: Seems to me its a no brainer to use the copper one but I dont have any...
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    NF7-S not detecting RAID Drives

    I recently got my replacement NF7-S... my other one died from an experiment icon_sad.gif ... anyways... I have RAID enabled in the BIOS. When the RAID BIOS comes up and says press <ctrl + s> or <F4> to enter RAID utility I try both buttons many times but it wont enter the utility. After it...
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    Can anyone recommend a good printer?

    My price range is around $100 but I could go a little more if I found one that had nice features. I'm just looking for a regular printer basically, it doesnt have to fax/scan/copy and all that but if there is one that is in that price range and can do all that stuff thats cool. I saw a few...
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    Where can I get an ATI AIW 8500 128MB?

    Like the one in this review:
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    Decided to get an AIW card or equivalent. Need suggestions.

    I have 2 systems right now, one is my new gaming machine and the other is my old system basically just a backup system. I want to build a junker system to fool around with different things... I have most of the parts laying around except a video card. I was going to get some cheapy $50 card...
  37. N

    Best video card for under $50?

    I need a cheapy video card for a junker system that I can play around with. I see alot of cards around the $35 range at newegg and I'm not familiar with the older/cheaper generation of the cards... surely one of them stands out from the rest... I know its no big deal if its for a junk system...
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    eVga 6800GT, NV Silencer 5, Step Up, Warranty... question...

    If I wanted to go threw eVga's step up program and get the 6800 Ultra would I be able to do that even though I put on the NV Silencer 5? I could put all the old stuff back on it but would they be able to tell I changed it?
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    I'm afraid to go higher...

    So I recently installed my NV Silencer 5 with AS5. I noticed right off the bat a big difference in temperatures and overclock. I was up to like 440/1140 from 425/1120. Any higher and something would go wrong. Well after giving the AS5 time to set and I also tightened down the NV Silencer...