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  1. G

    Want some advice on CMSs

    I really need to move my site over to some type of CMS. Its about 200 odd pages of just plain old HTML now. It has a very very strong following in my forum (About 7500 users). The forum is about as active as can be, but I've almost just about quit on the main site because its so hard to keep...
  2. G

    Help me pick out some hardware for the new wireless home network.

    Currently two desktop computers and a single laptop...would like to plan on having the ability for another laptop and desktop computer without a whole lot of hassle. Distance needs to be 90ft or better through a bunch of walls. The main connection is on one end of the house and the one...
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    Clayfighter, any chance for Wii?

    I remember playing the hell out of the N64 version, Clayfighter 63 1/3. Has anyone heard any type of news about a newer version coming out on any of the new consoles?
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    Recovering an overwritten file Any chance at all of getting the original one back?
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    CRIPES! I saved over a friends slot in oblivion :-(

    Man I cant believe I did that...he was pretty far in the game too. I'm gonna get my ass kicked for sure now :o Why the heck isn't there a better save game management system? I clicked save and didn't even realise it was going over his. Damn.
  6. G

    Thinking about converting my site to use a CMS, a few questions

    I've got a rather large website thats approaching 300 pages, all coded in plain html via dream weaver and uploaded through FTP. I've had this same design since early 01, and to be honest its archaic and un-organized as it possibly can be. The whole thing needs to be redone. I'm wanting to...
  7. G

    How long has steam had a new GUI?

    I just loaded it up today for the first time in a couple weeks and noticed it. Looks pretty nice. Edit nevermind I see thers already another thread.
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    Monarch A0110289 (H8DCE) Socket940 SLI motherboard I was googling for some Socket 940 stuff when I ran across this. Never seen or heard of it before. Anyone have any experience or links to any reviews on the board? Looks interesting...
  9. G

    Fastest AGP Card

    Well, You see I've got the AGP platform (And a fairly expensive one at that) in my rig and I'm looking for a video card to up the ante a little bit. Mainly so I can be ready when AOE3 comes out. Is the X850XT still the fastest AGP card? Any word on the 7800 series possibly coming to AGP? I'd...
  10. G

    Any news of the RTCW sequel at Quakecon?

    I haven't heard anything about it since they annouced it was "in the works". I want some new info and screens :(
  11. G

    20pin ATX power connector on MSI K8N Neo4/SLI

    The review on the main page says that the platinum board takes both the 20 and 24 pin ATX connectors. The board I've got is NOT the platinum, heres a link to it on newegg: Obviously the question now is if I can use a 20pin ATX power...
  12. G

    INSANELY long boot up time on Asus SK8V

    I thought it was just hanging at the splash screen at first, except then everytime I rebooted it kept doing it. So I finally got pissed after about the 15the time and went to go get a drink. As I came back to the computer I had seen it had just cleared the splash screen and had started running...
  13. G

    New build keeps BSODing on XP Pro install

    Theres a thread at anandtech with pretty much everything that has went on. Link: Just ran memtest86, its went completely through it once and is running a second time. No errors. Someone has got to have an idea...
  14. G

    Any PCI Express socket 940 motherboards out there?

    Besides the Asus K8N-DL? Just wondering, for shits and giggles more or less.
  15. G

    Tips on tracing an image into vector

    I'm trying to learn my way around Illustrator, fairly familiar with Photoshop but I'm trying to expand and learn vector a bit. I tried googling for some tutorials on the subject but didn't get much of anything. Pretty much I'm just looking at some general guidance on which tools are the best...
  16. G

    Anyone play Joint Ops:TR on dialup?

    Yeah yeah yeah, I know, get with the times. No broadband available here, satellite is my only option and I'm told its worse for gaming then dialup. So my question is, is it at all possible to play JO without broadband? Its hard to manage RTCW even if its a 6 person server. :(
  17. G

    Any reccomends for a font manager?

    Prefer freeware, but if its cheap I'll look into it too. What do you guys use? Had good luck with it?
  18. G

    Socket 940 FX51 temps

    I've had this system a while now, nearly a year, but recently it started randomly rebooting on me. Ended up being a heat problem. Was hovering around 120 at a good load, anything above that and it rebooted. So I changed my OEM AMD heatsink, to a Scythe unit with a fan controller from new egg...
  19. G

    Configure outlook express 6 to Send mail, only?

    How do I do this? I don't want to receive any mail from the pop3 account, I only want to be able to login and send through the the SMTP server. Help :confused:
  20. G

    $1500 Socket 939 system review What do you think? This will be mainly for office use with some light gaming (So not really concerned with the video card but it should be able to do a decent job if it needs to). No mouse because I just...
  21. G

    RAM drive in XP SP2

    I've found a couple different programs to do a ram drive on XP, but none of them have been successful. Then I got to wondering if there was maybe something in SP2 that was causing it not to work? Is anyone running a ram drive on SP2, or know of someone that does?
  22. G

    Creating an addon for Outlook express against spam

    OK guys, help me out here. I don't know a single thing about programming, but I was in outlook this afternoon trying to fight off the spam with the stock filters and I had an idea. What if there was a way that when a word was highlighted, you could hit some key combo and automaticly add it to...
  23. G

    Xbox logo easter egg in Doom3?

    I took some screenshots for my friend and seen this as I was converting them to jpgs. Probably a long shot, but what do you guys think? Go easy on my bandwidth please :p
  24. G

    Doom3 storyline question *spoiler*

    Does anything happen differently if you dont send the radio transmission to earth like Sarge asks you to do?
  25. G

    36gig Raptors on RAID 0 are LOUD, is this abnormal?

    I'm defragging the array for the first time today and I've heard some noisy drives but this is about insane! My Seagate 120's that I run most everything else on are smooth as silk compared to these. I know they spin 10k vs 7.2k but sheesh is it that much difference? Link to soundclip included...
  26. G

    Task bar wont hide

    I've always had my taskbar set to hide, because its always been annoying for it to be there all the time (For me anyways). The other night I moused down to it to maximize a program like I've done thousands of times, and the taskdar stayed visible, and will not hide no matter what I do. I've went...
  27. G

    Continous high pitched buzzing noise is driving me insane

    Ever since I had to reinstall XP a couple days ago, I'm getting this very high pitched buzzing noise in about 3 seconds intervals. It does not do it during the first 5 minutes of loading windows after a reboot but then it starts. It sounds like its coming from the the video card alot (Asus...
  28. G

    Good heatsink and fan for socket 940

    The stock setup just isn't really doing it for me. Noise is not an issue, I could sleep through a hurricane. Temperature drop is the main thing. Dont want to do peltiers or watercooling or anything quite that exotic, yet. For now I just want a standard aircooler setup with a little more oomph...
  29. G

    Seagate 120gb and WD Raptor help

    Built my new system and got it going about a day before I had to leave for a weeks vacation, got back this evening and I want to start working on the bugs in the system. Got two Seagate 120gb Model ST3120026A. The master drive identifies in windows and in the BIOS with no problem, however it is...
  30. G

    Built video signal

    Got my shipment from Newegg, built it last night and have been unable to get a video signal. Specs are as follows: AMD FX-51 Asus K8V mobo Asus Raedon 9800XT 4x512mb Corsair XMS Thermaltake Xaser 3 case/PSU 2xWestern Digital Raptor 2xSeagate 120GB Lite-on CDRW Plextor DVD+/-RW...
  31. G

    New comp parts list, please review This will be built by me and is going to las a loooooong time which is why it has alot of new (And expensive) stuff on it. Hopefully go a couple of years without having to do any kind of upgrades at...
  32. G

    Text Effect Question... (PS)

    I want to make some text look this in PS7.0 I've gotten the squish and stuff right, but the color around it I just cannot figure out for the life of me. I know this should be easy but its driving me nuts, and I even consider myself a pretty good PhotoShopper. I've tried making the text glow...