Search results

  1. N

    Upgrading around the end of the year

    I'm planning on upgrading around the end of the year from my current GTX 285 to something new. After doing a bit of research, the Kepler cards are looking pretty awesome. Will they be worth waiting for at that point? I'm currently game at 1920x1200 on my 24in, but would probably look to...
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    WTB: Xonar D2X Optical Adapter

    Mine has gotten lost somewhere. If you have a Xonar D2X Optical Adapter and are not using it, please let me know!
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    Racing Wheel 360/PS3/PC

    I'm looking for a racing wheel with pedals that will be compatible with 360, PS3, and PC. I don't care if it is wireless or not (assuming that probably won't happen). I'd also prefer it not to cost $300. The only one i've been able to find so far is the Fanatec Porsche 911 wheel, and it's a bit...
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    Help wiring new apartment

    So, the wife and I will be moving to a new place next month, and I'm a bit stumped on how to best get the place wired up. We'll be using cable internet, and unfortunately there is only one cable jack in the whole place - (I looked through twice to make sure I wasn't missing one). The cable jack...
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    FS: EVGA GTX 285 SSC

    I have an EVGA GTX 285 SSC for sale. Used for about 8 months, then I took it out of my machine a few months ago. I was running it in SLI, but I don't need the extra power. Still works perfectly, comes in box with all cables. I'm asking $275 obo, includes shipping. SOLD!
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    TJ07 w/ 285 sli - need better airflow

    So, I've got at TJ07 with 2xGTX285s in it, and the case just simply isn't keeping up with the cooling needs. I've been having serious problems keeping the cards cool enough to not crash. Even a single card gets uncomfortably warm. So, I need some ideas as to how I could improve the airflow over...
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    GTX 285 running hot

    So, I'm running 2xGTX285s in SLI. One card idles (with auto fan speed, so its at about 40%) at 65, the other idles at 45. When I'm playing games, I have to manually set the fanspeed to 100%, or the hot card gets well into the 80s and usually crashes the computer. I'm wondering if maybe the...
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    Help with loop for 285 sli setup

    So, its summer....its getting hot...and I have no AC. This is causing HUGE issues for my cooling. My current setup uses two GTX 285s and when I'm playing games, I have to have the sides of my case off and an extra fan blowing to keep from overheating. The problem is that the heat from the video...
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    New cooler for 285gtx

    I really need some new cooling for my 285gtx setup. I'd prefer to stay air. Any recommendations? Now that its starting to warm up I'm starting to get some crashes as the hot air from my vid cards overheats my southbridge, causing some nasty issues.
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    Accelero Extreme GTX 280 w/GTX 285?

    Has anybody used the Accelero Extreme GTX 280 with a GTX285? I'm in dire need of some better cooling on my 285s since they are causing my southbridge to overheat and crash :mad: I know it says that they are compatible with the 285s, but has anybody tried it? Or, are there any other coolers...
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    P6T Deluxe Southbridge heat issue?

    So, recently my computer started to crash during gaming. It could happen after 5 minutes or 2 hours, but it was always the same. The monitors went black, audio kept playing for a short while and then would loop. It would restart by itself after several minutes, but I would usually hardboot it...
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    HX 1000 +12v low

    So, I've been getting some crashes in games lately. I'll be playing just fine for an hour or two, then all of a sudden the screen goes black (sound usually keeps playing for 30seconds or so normally). I never get to a bluescreen, the computer never recovers. I have to hardboot it. At first I...
  13. N

    TRUE + i7 w/o fan?

    How much performance is going to get lost by not putting a fan on the HSF? I'm looking to OC to 3.8+ - would that be possible without a fan? I'm ok with the temps being a bit higher, just so long as they're safe. I'm just trying to quiet my rig down a bit. I'm already running my gaming machine...
  14. N

    Problems with EVGA GTX285 SLI

    So, finished my new rig a few days ago, and I think one of my video cards may have issues. I've started to get blue screens after a while playing games if SLI is enabled. At first I thought it was just a WoW issue - it would hard lock the computer almost immediately after launch if SLI was...
  15. N

    AquagraFX for GT200b!

    I emailed Aquacomputer about waterblocks for the GT200b based video cards and just got this response!
  16. N

    GTX285 - take GT200 coolers?

    I'm considering getting a couple GTX285s, but am wondering if they take the same full cover coolers as the 260/280 (specifically if the AquagraFX GT200 cooler will fit). Anybody know?
  17. N

    GTX 260/280 waterblocks

    What are people using? There are several around that I've seen (really love the look of the Aquacomputer one, but can't seem to find it from a US store and don't really wanna pay 120+ international shipping for it). Anything people love or would say to steer clear of? If it matters, I will be...
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    P6T6 WS Revolution over volting

    I'm trying to decide on an x58 motherboard to get and I really love the look of the P6T6, but after reading about the .2v over volting on the CPU, I'm a bit nervous. Is there any news on a BIOS update or other fix for this, has it been confirmed elsewhere (or was it just this one board with the...
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    FS: P4 rig parts, CRTs

    I just went and dug out my old P4 rig that had been in my storage unit for a couple years and decided that the guts needed to go. Also for LOCAL PICKUP ONLY: 19in CRT "flat screen" includes VGA and Power cables - $15 17in CRT includes VGA and Power cables - $10 Both...
  20. N

    UPS for 2 machines

    I'm looking to step up to a UPS for my gaming rig and home server. Specs for the two: Gaming Rig --------------- -Corsair HX1000 -Core i7 920 -Asus P6T -2x EVGA GTX 260 55nm -6GB DDR3 1600 -147GB SAS 15k HDD -2x1TB 7200rpm SATAII HDDs -SATA DVD RW -2x 12v Pump -Lots o Fans...
  21. N

    Help building loops

    OK, so I've got my FINAL spec's for my computer at last, and being the n00b to water cooling that I am, I'd like some help building my loop (actually loops). I want cooling for: NB, Mosfet, CPU, and GPUs. Relevant Specs: i7 920 ASUS P6T 2x EVGA 55nm GTX 260 I'd like to do a dual...
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    Newegg: PC Power & Cooling S75QB 750W That's $115 off INSTANTLY plus a $35 MIR, for a total of $150 savings! Pretty good to get that PSU for $100 + shipping :)
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    Upcoming i7 blocks?

    Are there any i7 waterblocks that should be coming soon? I'm not in love with the way the GTZ looks. So what is on the way, and will it be out in the next month or so?
  24. N

    Best Virtualization software (free)

    I'm starting to mess around a bit with having a few VM's, and am wondering whats the best free VM software. I'm currently running Virtual PC, but I've used VMWare in the past. I want to run Server2k8, maybe a WHS box, and xp64. I'd also maybe mess around with a couple linux distro's if I got...
  25. N

    Help with ideas for i7/UFO build

    I'm about to build myself 2 new machines - an i7 based, watercooled gaming rig, and a file server. I've never done any serious modding before, but I've recently been inspired. So, I'd like some input on what you think I should do. Keep in mind that this is my first time, so I don't want to push...
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    WTB: 8+ Port RAID Card

    I've got my card!
  27. N

    Controller card for WHS

    I need to get a controller card for my upcoming whs build because i'll need additional sata ports. Any recommendations? I'm looking for cheap and reliable. Doesn't need to do raid well or anything since its not doing anything besides connecting the drives so WHS can do its thing. EDIT: Should...
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    Blu-Ray/HD-DVD software

    Are WinDVD, ArcSoft, and PowerDVD the only things that will playback Blu-Ray and HD-DVD still? I'm trying to decide whether to grab a blu-ray burner with my next rig, but if those are my only options I think i'll pass because I'm not thrilled with any of them.
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    Case for a WHS server

    I'm looking to build a WHS server and I'm trying to find a case to use. I looked at the Norco people have been recommending, but I'd prefer something that doesn't use a ton of 80mm fans (this is going to be out in a room because we don't have closet space for it) and I need to keep it a bit...
  30. N

    Addatives for water

    I've been reading different things, and wanted to know what you here do. Do you use addatives or not? If you do use them, what do you use? Just a biocide or something like Water Wetter? Also, dye or colored tubing if you have a preference.
  31. N

    When is SLi Worth It?

    I'm curious what people think. I'm building a new rig, and trying to decide whether to make it SLi or not. At what point does the performance gain you get from SLi make a difference? 1920x1200 with full settings? 2650 full settings? 24 in screen? 30 in screen? I've seen a lot of differing...
  32. N

    First time WC need help with build

    So, I'm working on a new gaming rig. I've toyed with the idea of water cooling in the past, but never wanted to spend the extra money to do it, but this time around I've got the money and would like to take the plunge (no pun intended). The (rough) build is: i7 920 2x GTX260 (possibly...
  33. N

    Opinion: Buy now or wait?

    I'm putting together a new system primarily for gaming, and I'm going to take the plunge into SLi. I'm curious what you all think. I have one friend telling me I should wait until next year when nVidia releases its new gen. My two options are: wait until the new stuff comes out next year, or...
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    Choosing File Storage/Backup Solution

    I'm in the middle of trying to figure out a file storage/backup solution. I've just about run out of space on my desktop, and I recently had a hard drive fail which has pushed me into getting this done quickly :) I'm trying to decide which route to go. My first thought would be to go with a...
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    need an ultra-slim case

    I'm looking for an ultra-slim, fanless case. That is what I'm going for - only without the innards. Its going to be mounted behind a TV, so it needs to be very thin. Thanks for any help :)
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    5+ way PS/2 splitter or KVM switch

    I'm looking for pretty much what the title says! Either a PS/2 splitter or KVM switch that will split at least 5 ways. The only thing that I've found so far thats close is and its only a 4 way split. Anybody know of anything or have an idea of where to look...
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    Case recommendations

    I'm in need of some help finding a good case. I like the Lian Li PC-V2100 a lot - aestheticly and how much drive space its got. However, depending on how my mobo search goes I might need to get a heat-piped board, which pretty much cuts out all the lian-li's. Anybody have good cases that are...
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    Core2 Duo non-heatpipe board

    I'm in the process of putting together a new box and am struggling with the motherboard. I really want a non-heatpiped board simply because I'll more than likely be getting a lian-li case (meaning upside down mobo and poor heatpipe preformance.) I'd like an Asus - i've had nothing but bad luck...
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    S-80 Full Tower?

    Anybody know if Lian Li is planning on (or is likely to) bring out a full tower version of the S-80. Its perfect, except it doesn't have enough HD bays.
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    Suggestions for cases

    I'm looking for a case to use with a mobo that has a heatpipe (probably the A8N32-SLI Deluxe). I was looking at something like the Lian Li PC-V2000A - i want plenty of HD space - but a friend warned me against using the new Lian Li's with heatpiped mobos as they orient them upside down. Anybody...