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  1. F

    new project: quake 3 box^2 [bad start]

    so after going huge it's time to think small I thought and here's my new project: while a lot of you may think that q3 is dead already, I still enjoy playing it so why not building a rig that's dedicated to that classic? (well q1 ist even more classic, but every gameboy color could run it by...
  2. F

    my deep black Silverstone with "power rails"

    yeah, while i've been reading the [H]-forums since the beginning (march '00 i think ) i really never had something to show off - until now ;) here's my watercooled opteron box (175@2,84gig) with copper power rails which are in fact the main 12v, 5v, 3.3v and 0v lines for the mobo. all the...