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  1. C

    MSI XPower Motherboard / Metro 2033 Giveaway.

    He-man always needed a MSI PSU to energize his batteries;)
  2. C

    Noob sound?

    Nevermind! Please Delete:)
  3. C

    Gigabyte water cooling necessary?

    Phew, thanks! Here we go, first build! yikes.
  4. C

    Gigabyte water cooling necessary?

    So I'm building my own computer from the ground up for the first time - yikes! In my build selection I didn't notice that there is a watercooling option on the Northbridge. Do I need to hook it up to watercooling yet? Can I run it juwt on air? I'll run watercooling when I can afford it.
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    Bent my Sennheiser 1/4" to 1/8" adaptor - what to buy?

    As the title says I had my HD650's plugged in the front of my computer when I backed into my computer with my wheelchair. Bending the tip just enough that I only get one side of the headphones working. Soooo, will any 1/4" to 1/8" adaptor work or is the Sennheiser some step above quality? I...
  6. C

    Making Yellow Dog Linux faster - how?

    Interesting...I'll report back if money permits on that one:)
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    Making Yellow Dog Linux faster - how?

    That's what I suspected. Hmm, would one of those new 7200rpm laptop drives help? Going from 5400rpm to 7200rpm? I do like Firefox on Linux though as now I have a complete browser and can download things and do pretty much everything albeit a very basic level. So no fancy commands I should...
  8. C

    Making Yellow Dog Linux faster - how?

    So I installed YDL 5.0.1 for my PS3. Everything works fine, BUT, launching programs is slow. I have a feeling that's due to the 256mbRAM. I am not familiar with Linux so how can I speed Linux up? Are there any processes I can kill or things to uninstall or commands to run?
  9. C

    can you install YD6.0 on PS3 from USB stick?

    I just installed YDL on my PS3 and I made the mistake of downloading the newest YDL 6.0 like you have, what you want is yellowdog-5.0.1-phoenix-20070511-PS3.iso I tried installing YDL 6.0 but it was looking for PS3 files that weren't there. As for the actual installation you have to have...
  10. C

    Onscreen keyboard program - is there one?

    Hey ladies & gents, I use OS X 10.5 and this program Keystrokes I'm a Quadriplegic so I use this program and I type by clicking on the keys on the onscreen keyboard. Is there a program like this for Ubuntu, Yellow dog etc? Thanks!
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    Bill Gates, Steve Jobs Face-to-Face

    My Money is on Gates. I despise Steve Jobs and those Mac ads simply because sooo many Apple fans love/warship him and anything Apple. That said I am running a Mac Pro and two Apple Monitors. I bought them because it's what I need, not because of looks or some 'culture' that Mac-less people are...
  12. C

    Work Unit Not Sending

    Oh finally sent it. Weird:confused:
  13. C

    Work Unit Not Sending

    As the title says, it won't upload. Here's the log after I restarted the client: [15:21:56] Loaded queue successfully. [15:21:56] Deleting incompletely fetched item (4) from queue position #5 [15:21:56] - Warning: Could not delete all work unit files (5): Core file absent [15:21:56] -...
  14. C

    Microsoft Turns Up Heat After Leak

    Wow, that's a memo to be scared of:eek:
  15. C

    Psssssttt..... pass me some of that good stuff.... I like it !!!

    QFTx3 I have two 3.0ghz Woodcrests in my Mac Pro and a 1.66ghz Core Duo in my Mini and a few random boxes spitting out the 186pt WU and Im at 2,000ppd.
  16. C

    PS3 tripling t-flops for Folding!

    Yeah it's good they're getting a little more public awareness out. To put when's being done succinctly here it goes: a) the olfactory stem cells in your nose are good but not great, they're 'old' stem cells and not that great. But they(researchers/dr's) are still tinkering with this procedure...
  17. C

    PS3 tripling t-flops for Folding!

    Yeah you're totally right. It gives a 'human' side to the 'face' of Sony. I live in Toronto and it, the PS3 & Folding, have been on the news for the past few days. Even my parents paid attention and asked me if we should/could get a PS3 for movies and folding! I'm a quadripalegic so I can't very...
  18. C

    PS3 tripling t-flops for Folding!

    Yeah this is outstanding! I mean who would have thought that hundreds of thousands of PC's would be put to shame in less than a week from a gaming console. It's rather neat to see such a huge company like Sony to put time and effort into developing this co-operation. I've got a new view of Sony...
  19. C

    No Stats :(

    It's probably all those PS3's overproducing! YIKES, they certainly are powerful!
  20. C

    Did I get burned? Part 2

    Yeah I think I may need some more RAM, I think you're right :p.........I'm running OS X. So should I be doing anything different to avoid these faults? It's a bad day-my core duo Mini was at 96% of a 1700pt WU and ran out of time:( I guess I'll have to leave that on all the time
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    Did I get burned? Part 2

    So after 16-20min frames on my 3.0Ghz Mac Pro, at 100% I get this: [04:14:23] Completed 9600000 out of 10000000 steps (96 percent) [04:29:23] Timered checkpoint triggered. [04:30:10] Writing local files [04:30:10] Completed 9700000 out of 10000000 steps (97 percent) [04:45:23] Timered...
  22. C

    I'm back!

    Hey Tormond, I remember you started folding just after I did way back when!
  23. C

    I'm back!

    Yeah I've been reading through some threads, a lot of new faces around here! And holy cow Team 33 is doing amazing, two summers ago it was a gritty fight against OCAU. Yeah I'm using the new SMP clients which seem to be doing really well:) EDIT: Wow, King N has done a lot of nice updates to...
  24. C

    I'm back!

    Hey hey, It's been about a year and a bit since I 'left'. I always had 5 'borgs' somewhere producing units but now I've got my Mac Pro with dual 3.0GHz Xeon's & 10GB RAM folding:) I've also got a Pentium D beside me I'll get to in the next month and oh sh!t just thought of it my 1.66ghz...
  25. C

    Microsoft Offers Money To Use Live Search?

    Hell, you have a good point! I wouldn't mind at all, I could easily use that instead of Google:) . Hmmm, I wonder if they've contemplated this......
  26. C

    Worth Upgrading to WD Raptor?

    You will never saturate a SATA 1.5 it's a lot of marketing gimmick. That said I purchased a WD150 and frankly not impressed! I was more impressed by the 3 500gb drives I put in RAID 0. So maybe buy a second drive and put it in RAID?
  27. C

    Velocity Micro Gamer's Edge PCX @ [H] Consumer

    Damn, I hate reading these reviews...such sweeet set-ups! Kudos to VM and the [H] for a good review.
  28. C

    Computer Abuse, what ticks u off?

    Hahahaha! :p I just started reading this thread and found that pretty funny, soooo many fights over using 'the computer'.
  29. C

    XPS 700 @ [H] Consumer

    Good to see they're up to 'snuff'! I'll make a mental note of this for the future, kudos to Dell!
  30. C

    New MBP: Glossy or Matte

    I voted glossy because well, when watching movies it really adds to the 'experience' and even if you're outside or in a bright classroom it doesn't take much effort to move/turn the laptop or yourself. I don't use a laptop often but I have a 30" & 23" ACD, and if they were glossy...mmm, I'd...
  31. C

    Suggest a desk...

    I figured this will be the thread to ask it, what's the story behind that desk/picture? keefusm, nice job, looks classy. As for a desk I went Ikea style, a corner desk. Works well but I find there is wasted space in the actual corner.
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    Diggnation Video Podcast?

    I've never played videos on an iPod but it's my understanding that the .m4v files are for your iPod while the .mov(Quictime) is for your computer.
  33. C

    Burning a DVD

    Hmm, I always used a program called DVDImager to make an .img file out of my VIDEO_TS folders. It's a Universal Binary & Free ;) Here it is.
  34. C

    Z-5500 amp humming?

    Hahahaha true say! That's funny I never realized that, and how Cocaine is measured in kilograms. Anyways, maybe the humming is coming from the amp on the back of the Sub? You know like electrical 'noise', like when you're near power lines you hear that buzzing? I know with car audio that...
  35. C

    Which PC do you think is better?

    I'd go with the Celeron just because it's tried tested & true. Uses hardly any power, and has that higher clock-speed for Folding ;) I've never used a Sempron machine however...
  36. C

    iPod Nano Question

    Hahaha yeah this just happened to me the other day, I was like WTF....didn't Apple back Firewire...
  37. C

    Z-5500 amp humming?

    Americans and their stubbornness! Join the rest of the WORLD. It's called Metric and makes a shitload more sense. Well, except for the fact I have no idea how tall I am in centimetres or how many kilograms I way haha :rolleyes: I had the same issue with my Z-680's, but as soon as I played...
  38. C

    About freakin' time!

    I ordered the Shure E500's from HeadRoom and a Total Bithead Amp on August 8th. I was told a one week wait. Well as of yesterday they finally shipped and FedEx just phoned saying they'll deliver between 3-5pm! How's that for freakin' fast FedEx. From HeadRoom to a suburb outside of Toronto in...
  39. C

    So who's going to snag a new 8 Gig iPod nano???

    I don't know why Apple made the 8gb only Black, sure it looks slick, but that blue nano looks sweet! Depending on the light it's either a darker blue or the lighter blue you see on Apple's site.