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  1. X

    Project: Digg (custom case) Finished

    I heared about this case on Diggnation. Its looking very very nice! ;)
  2. X

    Tekken Vs. Dead or Alive

    Meh. I play Soul Calibur instead. ;)
  3. X

    NFS - Most Wanted

    I had it for my PS2 I played it for months and months. I turned it in later at gamestop for 17 bucks. But it is the most fun racing game I have played.
  4. X

    Greatest Game Ever

    I would say Chrono Trigger for the Super Nintendo Had a Great World, Story, Battle System, Characters and even the Soundtrack was great.
  5. X

    I'm batman!

    Holy s***... :eek:
  6. X

    An Interesting Idea: An iPod Slot

    I really dont like iPod. But i would like to see this kind of project. :D
  7. X

    Heart of Gold Cockpit [Image warning]

    Sir you win the most coolest F****** thing on [H] this year...
  8. X

    My first mod (Battering computer)

    Loving the spikes man... Its the first I see them all over the PC... ;)
  9. X


    Doesnt matter at all... It just kicks @$$...
  10. X

    Good buy or not?

    Emachines is good also...
  11. X

    New Tomb Raider Legends

    I only the played the first game demo and i was young and stupid so I sucked at it... I mite buy some of the old games for PS1 that where good then this one once its 30 - 20 bucks i'll buy this one... I also saw the movies but they didnt give me the tomb raider feel also... I also saw the...
  12. X

    Project: Cheap mod for a cheap case :)

    *Bows* Bowing down to my new master bowing down...
  13. X

    Ugliest case mod evar

    Even a homeless guy think this is S***...
  14. X

    Do not buy game stuff from

    I just found circuit city to be better since they have more people running registers while others are still helping in the store...
  15. X

    PlayStation 3 Games to Require Hard Drive

    Maybe PS3 mite have a Core pack and Premium like the 360?
  16. X

    Iam china boy my MOD!!!

    OH MY GOD!!! Its... ITS SO BEUTIFAL!!!! I have never seen a case so beutifal...
  17. X

    2006 Post Your Workstation

    *bows down to darth for the godly set ups...*
  18. X

    Not all who wander are lost

    This is very nice! can the RC car still drive? I mean yeah theres alot of weight on it but can you drive it with a RC controller still?
  19. X

    Post your pc screen shots!

    HOLY F***!!! :eek: Please tell us what monitor that is!!!
  20. X

    Best final fantasy game

    1. VII ((PS1)) 2. VIII ((PS1)) 3. III ((Snes))
  21. X

    Nintendo XP

    *Bows* Nice man NICE!!! I have a Super Nintendo Emulator myself playing old school games on A PC is nice...
  22. X

    I know most of you hate it but i LOVE it ....

    If I was going to get a rig I would get a Penis case... Then take it to a Lan party lol...
  23. X

    Will iPod ever play WMAs?

    I thought of getting a ipod but after hearing about WMA's and stuff I really dont want one... Plus an ipod is to expensive for me...
  24. X

    PS3 graphics slowly starting to unravel

    Im worried about all the next gen consoles... Also nice dead links...
  25. X

    I know most of you hate it but i LOVE it ....

    I never really liked it... Lots of plastic... Yeah i dont have my own PC... But this case I cant stand at all man... :confused:
  26. X

    TJ07 pics

    My god... I want one... But im just a student... :(
  27. X

    Ugliest case ever?

    Yeah I like to have the handle but the rest is just very ugly plastic...
  28. X

    Post your pc screen shots!

    Not much... of a theme but I really dont need any of that flashy stuff...
  29. X

    Ugliest case ever?

    WHAT IS THE POINT OF THIS?! Handle is nice but...
  30. X

    2006 Post Your Workstation

    I think this guy is really bored at his work...
  31. X

    Digital2D's "Gorillaz" case mod

    Being a fan of Gorillaz I like it...
  32. X

    Jet Moto....anyone miss it?

    Oh jesus one of the few games I ever played for the PS1!!! I played the 2nd game for years... I must go to gamestop and look for this fun!!!
  33. X

    Glass Case?

    They put them out in the desert on houses so I wouldnt think so
  34. X

    The Optimus Keyboard has a date!!

    It looks nice... but the keys... I dont know... it looks like my fingers would slip right off... look likes there made out of cheap plastic...
  35. X

    iPod Shuffle Question

    Thanks... I hear people complain about itunes and stuff and I just want to hold MP3's and stuff on it...
  36. X

    Anything neat to do with a "dead" 4G iPod?

    Do what I do with dead electronics... Smack it with a axe a few times!!!! :D
  37. X

    iPod Shuffle Question

    My CD player sucks alot so I want to get a MP3 player but I need some questions answered... Most of my songs are ripped from CD's and there in Windows Media audio file format so I was wondering if I can already put them on a iPod or do I have to download a converter? or is Windows Media...
  38. X

    Post your pc screen shots!

    Deleted message
  39. X

    Water Cooled Xbox 360 @ [H]

    Very nice!!!
  40. X

    I hate spoiled brats (Dad sells son's Xbox360 for $100)

    Thats great... I cant belive kids are this spoiled these days though kicking the 2000 stereo? That was a dumb thing to do... Seriously if i did that my dad would kick my ass... and if the stereo broke... He would of smashed my PS2...