Search results

  1. K

    Project Modu-Li

    wow, nice work-log. good work. but: i don't like the font of your logo. it looks blocky and i wouldn't put that anywere on the case. there's one famous case-con-builder from germany who did it this way: i would do the logo the same way. just as simple and as short as possible. no big...
  2. K

    MicroATX in Xbox360

    yay, do it that way! do it!! :)
  3. K

    Project: Fruitf***er

    leave it chrome-look
  4. K

    The Lian Li Gallery

    looks good but you should have inverted the picture :)
  5. K

    Best Lian-Li Case?

    what do you think of the v800 desktop-case? :confused:
  6. K

    Painting my Sidekick 2 (56K Beware)

    red-purple-blue flipflop color
  7. K

    Jerker Gallery?

    that is punk :cool:
  8. K

    2006 Post Your Workstation

    i have the same recycle-bin ;)
  9. K

    Wolfenstein Radio PC

    i know that mod for a long time. i dont like the phone on it.
  10. K

    Project: Lamniforme II

    i've got the same display. its worth its money.
  11. K

    Case Paint Suggestions ( Black )

    buy a can of black spraypaint and test-spray on an old metal-plate or an old case. use polishing to get it perfectly.
  12. K

    Trippy Apple G5 - PC Mod

    wow this case looks beautyful
  13. K

    Hunt for the Loch Ness Monster

    the mountains look very unrealistic. needs some work. i'm looking forward to the finished project
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    Water system: Project: Silver Ocean

    put a ring around it or something.
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    orgasmic, best casemod i've ever seen. (and i've seen many in my life) it looks not oversized. its stylistic and sexy! :eek:
  16. K


    great! needs to get illuminated by some blue leds :eek:
  17. K

    I want a CLASSY case.. recommends..

    take it! take it! take it! its quality. i just readed some articles and stuff! *thumbs up*
  18. K

    I want a CLASSY case.. recommends..

    Coolermaster ATC110 ps: first post :)