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  1. C

    geforce 8800 poll.

    How could anyone possibly rate a card that isn't out yet? You have not read one single review and the specs of the card have not been confirmed and you are voting that the card Rocks? Just goes to show you the average age and IQ level on these boards are that of a 12 year old child. :(
  2. C

    What is the best video card for a 100MHz machine?

    Dude get a 7950GTX there shouldn't be bottleneck with such a beefy processor. ;)
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    ATI Radeon X1950 XTX / CrossFire Evaluation

    Raw frames per second don't matter much anymore. Your simply not going to notice a difference when a card is 10 or 20 fps better than another, especially when those cards are pushing over 100fps anyway. What you can notice is differences in image quality. I'm willing to bet that if we were to...
  4. C

    ATI Radeon X1950 XTX / CrossFire Evaluation

    Yes, I've read other reviews, have you. It was not flaimbait, its the truth. As soon as the review was finished you quickly tried pointing out that the 7950 is faster and then provided links to some canned benchmark sites who support your claim. Then proceeded to attack/start a discussion with...
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    ATI Radeon X1950 XTX / CrossFire Evaluation

    Razor1 your posts reek of bias.
  6. C

    ATI Radeon X1950 XTX / CrossFire Evaluation

    Nice review. So the X1950XTX is faster and cheaper. No small feet for a single gpu card. Whats even more commendable it Crossfire beating Nvidia's Quad card configuration. Looks good for AMD/ATI.
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    ATI Radeon X1950 XTX / CrossFire Evaluation

    Grammar or spelling mistake on the bottom of Oblivion page. Fixed! Thanks for the heads up on our error, it is appreciated. - Kyle
  8. C

    ATI X1950XTX Review!

    The benchmarks should be run at apples to apples settings. Just because NV takes a big performance hit pushing maximum quality means that they have a big problem. Frames per second is not king, when the cards are capable of 250fps. You cannot see a difference anymore. What you can see is Higher...
  9. C

    First Review of X1950XTX from VR-Zone

    Pardon me, but I thought Razor1 was banned? Every time he posts in the V-card section an argument or flame war errupts. Maybe its just me, but I thought we were better off without him.
  10. C

    ATI X1950XTX Review!

    I don't know about you but when I game, I want the highest quality settings on as possible. Why else am I spending $400 on a video card. The extra frames per second one gets by lowering image quality settings are unviewable in most cases.
  11. C

    ATI X1950XTX Review!

    Review over at the Hardware Zone. Looks like X1900 owners can keep their money and wait till next gen.
  12. C

    where is nvidia and ati born in?

    I don't think his comments are racially motivated. Perhaps what he's trying to say is that he'd rather not support sweatshops or have his videocard built by a 10 year old child. ;)
  13. C

    Firing Squid Wastes their Ink

    Childish unprofessionalism are the keywords here. I've been a [H]ard reader for quite a while now and unfortunately at times Kyles posts and editorials echo these words.
  14. C

    Its official....AMD has bought ATI

    LoL, even Intel is no match for the world domination of Walmart. Personally, I'm exicted by this merger. I've viewed Intel as the evil empire for years now. Especially after reading statements from the ex Ceo of Compaq stating that dealing with Intel is the equivalent of working with a loaded...
  15. C

    Firing Squid Wastes their Ink

    I'm surprised Tim didnt throw in "The way its meant to be played statement as well" He's obligated to make statements like that. Intel has there hands down everyones underpants.
  16. C

    Nvidia bans Geforce 7950GX2 Quad SLI testing!!!!

    If you havent gotten 10,000 frames per second in Quake 3 you just havent lived. :rolleyes:
  17. C

    Company-wide Vista Upgrade

    Yea, I don't see anything that Vista has thats crucial and would require the switch.
  18. C

    What's going on with 7900 series? (nv)

    After scowering many video card forums over the past several months. Many people are/were having problems with the 7900 series. Unnaceptable levels of RMA's were reported on every forum Ive visited, this one included. Unfortunately, Your probably right.
  19. C

    WoW player's video card

    Just give it a little while. Your wife will be ready to divorce you. Your kids will be 2 years older and you will wonder where the time went. Don't say I didn't warn you.
  20. C

    WoW player's video card

    LOL :D You better watch man, the game is heavily addicting. I had to stop because it became the #1 priority in my life. Very disturbing indeed.
  21. C

    X1900XTX or 7950GX2

    I would suggest waiting until DX10 and Vista, unless its absolutely imperative that you get a new card, which it shouldnt be. ATI is also coming out with quad graphics boards like the 7950GX2 code named Gemini and Hellfire in the next few months. The cards will probably retail for half the cost...
  22. C

    Who's getting sick of upgrading their video card?

    I can give you a million good reasons why not. Why not give the money to charity, why not help a starving child in Africa? Those are two better places $500 can go every six months than buying a new video card and seeing a few extra pixels on a computer screen.
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    BFGTech GeForce 7950 GX2 @ [H]

    Sure, Apples to Oranges. One costs $300 and the other $650 plus the cost of supporting computer hardware. I prefer computer gaming, but damn is it expensive.
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    BFGTech GeForce 7950 GX2 @ [H]

    I agree that there will be more people building rigs with widescreen displays but it wont be common for quite a while. 30' won't be common until 60' come out and there are huge price drops. Most monitors that are capable of these very high resolutions cost $500+ dollars and most people...
  25. C

    BFGTech GeForce 7950 GX2 @ [H]

    By all means show me these polls. The overwhelming majority of gamers worldwide and enthusiasts on this site do not have 24 or 30' displays nor game at these resolutions. I do believe this card has its place though, right next to SLI and Crossfire. Though less than 1% of all gamers have dual...
  26. C

    BFGTech GeForce 7950 GX2 @ [H]

    Nice review. Alot of information. The problem is most people do not game at those crazy high resolutions. Nor do they have monitors that even support such resolutions. But this is an enthusiast site. And still most do not have 30' or even 24' inch monitors, or have the ability to game at...
  27. C

    Anyone else terribly unimpressed by the 7950?

    Not really a bad analogy at all. Nvidia did nothing to improve the design or technology of their product. It is not a single card and should only be compared to SLI. They just stapled two 7900's together.
  28. C

    Anyone else terribly unimpressed by the 7950?

    I wouldn't put it past ATI either for that matter. I for one will stay clear of this card and wait for next gen cards with DX 10 support.
  29. C

    Got my XFX geforce 7950 GX2 XXX Edition this morning

    How were you able to get one already? I must have missed the post were you said you worked for Nvidia or AEG? ;)
  30. C

    Have you been affected by a defective 7900 series card?

    I am in 100% agreement. Normally I'm a big Nvidia supporter. So many 7900 owners having problems is ridiculous! to say the very least. This is compounded by the fact that there are paid Nvidia forum trolls, has really shaken my confidence in the company. When my 7900GTX broke, 1 month after...
  31. C

    7900 GTX or X1900 XT?

    I cannot believe people are still arguing about this. I thought its already been decided that the XT or XTX is slightly faster, slightly cheaper and provides slightly better image quality, while running hoter and requiring more power. Give it a rest folks. Both cards are excellent.
  32. C

    New info on 7900 series faults!!! - DEFECTIVE voltage regulators!

    Yes, what do you mean? Complete BS? I thought everything posted on forums was 100% fact. :p
  33. C

    New info on 7900 series faults!!! - DEFECTIVE voltage regulators!

    Would be nice if Kyle and Brent commented on the issue or contacted Nvidia for a more detailed explanation. If this is true, Nvidia should have done a full recall, kind of like Ford did with thier explorer series a few years back, instead of knowingly sell thier customers faulty equipment. AEG...
  34. C

    X1800XT 512, Should I?

    I agree. Excellent card for the money. You are unlikely to find a better deal. ;)
  35. C

    Dell Strikes Back - editorial @ [H] Consumer

    Unfortunately, I arrived at the same conclusion. The article definately felt like cheap advertising more than an editorial. All of a sudden Dell has excellent technical support again? Dell cannot and will not be cosidered a top gamers box until it sells AMD processors and moves away from...
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    Dell Strikes Back - editorial @ [H] Consumer

    double post. please remove
  37. C

    no AA with HDR... but why?

    Rollo, your opinion doesn't matter because your opinion is dictated to you. :o
  38. C

    no AA with HDR... but why?

    Thats about as nice as anyone could put it I guess. I really wish [H]ard would just give him the boot already. According to Kyle, he hasn't broken any rules so we'll have to put up with more pro Nvidia propoganda I guess. His posts aren't the slightest bit objective.
  39. C

    no AA with HDR... but why?

    Uh, that's nice. What does this have to do with the topic of this forum?
  40. C

    Is the 7900gtx faster than the x1900xtx?

    [ 100% agree. I am totall sick of seeing their one sided opinions. Rollo at least gets paid for his efforts. Whats your excuse Razor1?