Search results

  1. B

    Sapphire 7970 $320 ($300 AR)

    It's still showing as being "in stock", even after this deal has gained popularity on various sites. I get the feeling there will be quite a few disappointed people come Monday.
  2. B

    First Look At Windows 8.1

    The "Windows 8 sucks!" cries are just as overblown as those of "Windows Vista sucks!".
  3. B

    Has The Internet Killed The Loch Ness Monster?

    My Facebook feed reminds me on a daily basis that people are still very much gullible.
  4. B

    Topless Women at Game Developer's Holiday Party?

    If IBM had a corporate holiday party and had topless women there, it would not be acceptable. Why is it acceptable for a gaming company?
  5. B

    Topless Women at Game Developer's Holiday Party?

    Because there is a history of misogyny in the gaming industry and this only reinforces it.
  6. B

    z68x-ud3h-b3 UEFI update

    Wish I'd seen the threads about the problems before flashing. Flashed my GA-Z68X-UD3H-B3 last night, now I can't seem to get my 6970 working with it. If I pull the card, the IGP works, but when I plug it back in, neither the card nor the IGP work. I'm going to try to flash back to Award...
  7. B

    Why Facebook's Stock is Tanking

    Chrome + Facebook disconnect.
  8. B

    Blame Netflix Troubles on Spotty Streaming Selection

    Netflix is getting TiVo'd. Why would content producers allow Netflix to rake in all the money for themselves? Unless they can turn things around with original content like Arrested Development, they're going to be starved out.
  9. B

    The Mounting Minuses at Google+

    I do like the circle mechanism for controlling contacts and access to things like photos. I just wish they'd done it sooner. Many of the people in my contacts are not willing to sign up for Google+. I tried Pinterest for a bit, but I don't really "get" it. Their terms of service don't...
  10. B

    Kids Run Up $10k Bill Watching Netflix

    They have no problem implementing a cap when you're costing them money (i.e. "excessive" use of your "unlimited" plan), but are more than happy to let you run up a bill far above of your average.
  11. B

    Motorola to Launch Droid 4 in December?

    By the time Verizon gets around to releasing the Galaxy Nexus, the replacement will be ready.
  12. B

    MC 2500k $60 off combo price with certain Z68 Gen3 MB

    Maybe it's just me, but the "11/25 ONLY!" seems a bit of an indication.
  13. B

    Rumor: Galaxy Nexus U.S. Launch is December 8?

    They should have just opened it up for any and all carriers to sell. Some people would have switched carriers, if necessary.
  14. B

    Indie Royle Bundle #2 now live!

    Alternatively, if you grew up playing Sierra and LucasArts adventure games, you may find that Ben There, Dan That! and Time Gentlemen, Please! are hilarious spoofs on the genre.
  15. B

    Grand Theft Auto 5 Trailer

    Look on the back of a dollar bill. Obviously not exactly the same thing, since dollars don't use roman numerals, but that seems to be the stylistic theme they were going for (especially with how the V is shaded.)
  16. B

    Steve Jobs' 'Curious' Lack of Public Philanthropy

    That seems to be the common denominator among all who are against social programs.
  17. B

    48% of Google+ Users Haven't Made a Public Post

    I'd bet a large number of Facebook users have never made a public post, either.
  18. B

    Google Plus Deleting Accounts En Masse

    Celebrities and public officials often want to tightly control their private information, yet still use social media. You just need to control what you share and with whom you share it with.
  19. B

    Patent Firm Targets Lawsuit at Angry Birds

    Unfortunately, our current politicians don't even seem able to prevent the country from defaulting on its debt. I don't see how they could possibly handle IP reform.
  20. B

    Adventure Games

    Ben There, Dan That! and Time Gentlemen, Please! are great spoofs on old-school adventure games. The first one's even free.
  21. B

    Inserting Digital Ads Into Rerun TV Shows

    Looks like that is just poorly calibrated TVs and/or poor quality pictures of said TVs.
  22. B

    XBox 360 4GB w/Kinect + 100 Gift Card + GEEKON T-Shirt @ Newegg

    According to "Gift Cards do not expire."
  23. B

    Plankton Malware Found in Official Android Market

    Has it manage to steal the Krabby Patty secret formula, yet?
  24. B

    The Official E3 2011 thread

    No Xbox price drop? I was really hoping the Target typo was just a premature advertisement. Oh well, I've waiting this long, guess I'll wait a while longer.
  25. B

    Syberia is on steam. Go buy!

    Steam is a bit more convenient, but these games are each $3 ($5 with non-discounted price) more there. I'd go GOG. Edit: Whoops, that's because GOG is having a 50% off sale for them right now. Still, I'd go for the cheaper price ($4.99).
  26. B

    Portal 2 Adoption News "Controversy"

    Childhood obesity is an epidemic. Where's the outrage over "fatty"?
  27. B

    I'm so sick of terrible console ports

    The problem I usually have is not so much with the underlying games, but with the interfaces. It's like I'm running an XBox emulator on my PC. The game interfaces were clearly not designed to work with the input devices I'm using.
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    Xbox 360 from 2005 that is suffering from RRoD. Can it be saved?

    It's a shame I have ethical concerns in shopping at Walmart. That does look like a good deal.
  29. B

    The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings ann.

    Ugh. Had to drop desktop resolution down to 1920x1200 to be able to launch game in 2560x1600 full-screen. Others on GOG forums having same issue. Also, keyboard volume control doesn't work, which is annoying.
  30. B

    Top 3 Games

    Baldur's Gate 2 Starflight Sid Meier's Railroad Tycoon
  31. B

    PC Gaming is too much work.

    The Voodoo Memory Manager that it used was a pain in the ass and incompatible with other memory managers.
  32. B

    Valve ‘Probably’ Done With Single-Player Games

    Ditto. Due to real life constraints, I have limited time for gaming. When I do actually have time to play, I want to play and not have to deal with any coordination issues.
  33. B

    50% off your order at Papa Johns

    Worked for me in Northern VA. Was able to combine it with existing "Special Offers"
  34. B

    Win A Lawsuit Against Best Buy, Get Banned For Life

    In this case, however, there is no indication that Best Buy overcharged him for the repairs, or made any unnecessary repairs. They simply proceeded without getting his authorization first. This doesn't seem like a nefarious scheme by Best Buy to fix broken stuff, just a mistake. A mistake...
  35. B

    [WARM]Buy Dragon Age 2, get Mass Effect 2 Free.

    Ok, let me clarify: Anyone know of any deals on the PC version of DA2, so people who do not already own it can take advantage of this deal?
  36. B

    [WARM]Buy Dragon Age 2, get Mass Effect 2 Free.

    Anyone know of any deals on the PC version?
  37. B

    Direct2Drive 30 Days of Deals (updated daily)

    You find The Witcher's combat boring, but list Diablo first as an example of good combat? I could never finish that hack and slash clickfest.