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  1. S

    Audio-Technica ATH-AD700 Headphone Review @ [H]

    Yup, I bought that Zalman mic for a few bucks to supplement my headphones a couple years ago and everyone has always been able to hear me clearly. The only drawback is that the clip is designed for smaller cables than the one used in the AD700 headphones: if you force it, it pinches the cable a...
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    If Pink Floyd Wrote Video Game Music

    I'm also one to find it difficult to listen to. I love the album (I've even got the SACD version, which is pure aural bliss) and I have some 8-bit music in my audio library that I enjoy; but it seems to me you that one has to write specifically for the medium to get the best of it...
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    Cable Companies Taking Over Streaming Video May 1st

    Surely, he meant April 1st
  4. S

    Study: 73% Use Bank Password Everywhere

    For all of our lives we've been acclimated to using the same signature for everything: checks, bank cards, official identification documents, any contract that requires "proof" of identity... Then people are told: your password is your signature, well that's what they did: they replaced their...
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    Intel Smoke Demo: Vista vs. Windows 7

    The whole point of the demo is to visualize the main difference between Vista and 7 as pertains to the Nehalem architecture: the return of hyperthreading. Hyperthreading is Intel's trick to reuse a somewhat idle core that is waiting for resources (like memory) and execute a different thread on...
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    Tesla Owned By The Tango

    1) This was a handicap race, so the Tango got a 0.2s headstart on the Tesla. 2) Because the Tango beat its handicap it was disqualified, so technically the Tesla won the race. 3) That particular Tesla had the old gearbox, the models with the new gearboxes are faster. 4) The Tango, at least...
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    Chameleon Building

    A bit overkill to me. Unless one actually loves the moving 3d shapes aspect of it, the general visual effect will be available for much cheaper and in color in 5-10 years from now with OLED paint. Or you could borrow Nissan's color changing paint in the near future for even cheaper.
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    P5K-VM Long Pause between POST and loading screen!

    Happens to me when I use the USB hub integrated into my Dell 2405FPW, which I need to extend the number of USB ports on my Shuttle. If I unplug the monitor or if I plug an external USB HDD into it, then there is no pause. Hope this helps
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    ATI Radeon HD 3870 X2 Drawing

  10. S

    Silverstone SG03 new build **PICS**

    Wait a minute, did you manage to run that setup using a smallish Shuttle PSU??? If so, I am definitely impressed with Shuttle power supplies. They could branch out in that direction, since the XPC market seems to be faring poorly...
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    Silverstone SG03 new build **PICS**

    Steeeeve, how's the review going? I don't want to hurry you, take your time, but I'm really interested in the tests you planned to do. Can we get some photos in the meantime? ;)
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    SG03 + Construction Paper (Pictures)

    Interesting, it looks like this confirms what I had been saying. Thanks for sharing! You could also email Silverstone, as a few of us have done over the past couple of weeks. They're now saying they're looking into providing a regular panel as an option to replace the mesh panel.
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    Silverstone SG03 new build **PICS**

    Excellent initiative! Nice to finally see someone measuring the sound output and also cooling performance from the box. Then of course, it depends on your front fan models, whether you want to go for silence or performance, and whether your PSU is facing outside or inside. Also, that side vent...
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    Silverstone SG03 new build **PICS**

    dworley, Do you have a way to read your HDD temps? How effective would you say the bottom 12cm fan is at cooling the HDD(s)? Also, since you got a Raptor, how loud is it when seeking considering it sits behind a mesh front panel and not a more soundproof material? Thanks much
  15. S

    Silverstone SG03 new build **PICS**

    So many good news at once! @White0ut442: I'm glad that they are considering it, thanks for emailing them. @Steeeeve: I was about to ask you since you didn't mention that particular box in your news update on your site recently.
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    Silverstone SG03 new build **PICS**

    Sorry dworley, partial hijack of your thread, but it's related to posts here. Actually since you've built one already, I am even curious about your opinion on the subject. I think the new SG03 has lots of potential, however I am less than psyched about the mesh panel. And I know some of you...
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    Silverstone SG03 new build **PICS**

    Don't worry about it, the SG03 comes with a filter in the front that is really easy to clean. You can see that in VR Zone's review:
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    Qmicra II Preview

    Not only the heatsink, but the Qmicra also allows three 5"25 bays while the SG03 only has one 5"25 and one 3"5. You could also say that the Qmicra allows for a push-pull fan combination while the SG03 has no rear fan (unless you use the PSU as air extractor).
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    Qmicra II Preview

    PCDesignLab is now accepting preorders at a price of $320 (IIRC that's $80 cheaper than the original QMicra, but you may or may not need a couple extra parts).
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    x1950 Pro AGP power req too high for Shuttle SN95G5?

    Well, I have been running the X1950 Pro Sapphire 512MB AGP in my SN95G5v3 for a few weeks. On the one hand, I have not been gaming much since I swapped my X800Pro out (but the X1950 is going to be submitted to heavy loading soon as I plan to run Oblivion in 1920x1200 with HDR). On the other...