Search results

  1. C

    Receiver to Bluetooth Transmitter Help

    Hello, I am looking to connect my receiver (Oykno SR-313) to a Class 1 Bluetooth transmitter for audio but am having trouble finding a class one transmitter that accepts audio cables. Typically I only find 3.5 mm inputs or the odd time RCA. I am only using this to transmit music to an outdoor...
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    Drivers not present after reboot and 13.19 update

    Hello, I have been trying to update my drivers but once they are installed and I reboot my computer the display drivers are missing. I did not have this problem on my last drivers and the beta (13.20) gives me the same problem. If I do not reboot then the drivers work but I do not have...
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    CF Issues 7850 13.4

    Hello I just got back my second ASUS 7850 from RMA and am having problems with Crossfire. Before I upgraded to 7850's I was running CF 6870's with no problems (except for one card dying leading to the upgrade from ASUS). Without CF games run great, once I turn CF on the in-game screens seem to...
  4. C

    RMA Replacement Choice Help: CF 6870 or 1 7850

    Lol, I wish I did, but as it turns out you don't need to know anyone!
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    RMA Replacement Choice Help: CF 6870 or 1 7850

    I agree, I have many asus products and when I rarely have to RMA them it is easy and in this case just plain awesome.
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    RMA Replacement Choice Help: CF 6870 or 1 7850

    After talking with ASUS they have offered to replace both my 6870's for 7850's :D
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    RMA Replacement Choice Help: CF 6870 or 1 7850

    Looks like I will go with the 7850. Thanks for the advice.
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    RMA Replacement Choice Help: CF 6870 or 1 7850

    One of my CF 6870 1GB cards stopped working so through the RMA process they have offered be a 7850 2GB to replace it. I know I cannot CF a 7850 with a 6870 but would it be worthwhile to just take the 7850 for now and grab another one on sale down the line or try and see if they can get another...
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    DNS Server not responding multiple times a day

    I too have never used to "dig" command and would like to know a little more. That said, a new router solved the issues it seems.
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    DNS Server not responding multiple times a day

    I have directly connected to my modem and the problem seems to have disappeared. Unless I am missing a setting on my router, I think I might have to get a new one.
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    DNS Server not responding multiple times a day

    Seems I am still getting the same issue.
  12. C

    DNS Server not responding multiple times a day

    Thanks for the quick reply! I will give that a try and see if it works.
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    DNS Server not responding multiple times a day

    Hello, For the last several months, but progressively worse, my internet drops due to the DNS Server not responding. This happens across my whole network and the only fix I can come up with is to reset the router every time it does this. At this point I am thinking a new router is in order...
  14. C

    Samsung Galaxy Tab 8.9 Thoughts?

    Sorry I forgot about this thread. I picked it up a few days ago and I agree; it is a solid tablet. I highly recommend it to people who want to read complex pdf's (both colour and BW) and want an ereader too.
  15. C

    Samsung Galaxy Tab 8.9 Thoughts?

    Thanks for the link. It seems it will suit my needs.
  16. C

    Samsung Galaxy Tab 8.9 Thoughts?

    Hi, I am looking for an ereader that will do pdfs really well. The pdfs are from scientific journals (multiple columns, full page graphs, etc.). I have been looking at the kindle fire, nook tablet, and the kobo vox color. But each of these suck for pdfs so I am looking at the Samsung Galaxy Tab...
  17. C

    DVI-D or HDMI to Composite Help

    Thanks for the advice. Going to try the linked converter!
  18. C

    DVI-D or HDMI to Composite Help

    It is composite. I just need to Video though. Sorry for the confusion.
  19. C

    DVI-D or HDMI to Composite Help

    As of right now I do not have an HDTV (student building a Home Theater System) so I do not have to worry about most issues that have been brought up.
  20. C

    DVI-D or HDMI to Composite Help

    I need some help with converting a DVI-D or HDMI to Composite Video. I can get the DVI-D into VGA but from there I am stuck on how to do this. My TV, receiver are all old and do not have HDMI or DVI-D inputs. Audio will be done (for now) through optical out on my motherboard. My HTPC specs are...
  21. C

    HTPC Build Help

    That PSU looks good. I could get another mobo, but it is from an old build and did want to buy a new one if I didn't have to.
  22. C

    HTPC Build Help

    Thanks, two quick questions. 1. Is there a good modular PSU? 2. What case should I get? I would like to keep it under $150 CND.
  23. C

    HTPC Build Help

    Hi I need some help in picking out parts for a HTPC build. Below are the answers to the standard questions. Here are some parts I think will work well but am looking for help. CPU - PSU -...
  24. C

    Reinstalling Windows Applications on another HDD

    Hi, I am reinstalling windows and most of my programs are on a separate HDD. Will I need to reinstall them or can I just run them from that drive provided I name the drive the same? Thanks
  25. C

    Do I need to reinstall Windows?

    Thanks, I was just double checking. All it means for me is reinstall a few programs and updates. Most of my applications are on a seperate HDD.
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    Do I need to reinstall Windows?

    Hi, I got a Gigabyte 990FXA-UD3 today and currently have a Gugabyte 880a-UD3. Do I need to reinstall Windows or can I just swap them out? Thanks.
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    Crossfire not working

    Time for a new one. Lucky Black Friday is coming up!
  28. C

    Crossfire not working

    That is what I am thinking. Just ran a few more benchmarks. I see a noticeable improvement with CF but in games I am not seeing any improvement. Oh well.
  29. C

    Crossfire not working

    Reinstalled the chip set drivers from Gigabyte. No Effect. OCd the PCIE frequency to 105. No Effect.
  30. C

    Crossfire not working

    DLed 3Dmark11 (basic) and saw a 34% increase with CF on. Seems it is working just not well.
  31. C

    CF Mobo Recomendation

    Thanks, I will expand my search for x8x8 boards as well.
  32. C

    Crossfire not working

    Would a new motherboard solve my problem? I.e. one that is CFX supported.
  33. C

    Crossfire not working

    Tried uping my northbridge speed to 2600 from 2000...nothing... not sure what to do...
  34. C

    CF Mobo Recomendation

    I am hoping that a new motherboard will increase the gains... I might be limited by my current northbridge though...Going to get a x16x16 board though on Black Friday (if the deals are good).
  35. C

    Crossfire not working

    OCd to 3.7 @ 1.488V and did not see much if any gain in any test (tried Crysis, LOTRO, Kombustor). However my temps are ~60-68C
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    Crossfire not working

    I will give that a shot soon. Quick question, would it be possible that the x4 lane is decreasing performance?
  37. C

    Crossfire not working

    I get the same FPS at all resolution (vsync not enabled).
  38. C

    Crossfire not working

    Both card were between 90-98% for most of the time. Sorry I forgot to add that.
  39. C

    Gigabyte GA-870a-UD3 Crossfire??

    NP, glad I could help!