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    Russia Says It's Assembled a Lithography Machine, Will Make 350nm Chips

    I just wish that they'd keep it in the soapbox, there's a reason I made the conscious decision to not get a genmay sub after a couple of the free weekends many moons ago.
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    Not in 40+ years have I had this problem. Power switch failure.

    That is an unusual way to fail, especially if was sitting there untouched. I haven't had that issue with either of mine that I've had since shortly after they launched in 2012. I just bought a couple of RT- AX88u Pros this week to replace them along with a new modem since my old modem could...
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    MSI ends AMD GPU partnership due to poor sales

    This doesn't surprise me at all given how crappy the MSI Radeon cards have been, they don't offer anything good and they don't offer anything that's a good value. I'm honestly not sure why anyone would buy one unless it was the only thing available or a really great special deal.
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    Fallout 4

    Also check your emails, I got a code from GOG the other day for another couple dollars off of that but it was one those that's only good for the account attached to the email address it was sent to. At 8 bucks I decided to grab it for the dlc and being a drm free version with better control...
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    Is there a gaming mice that is not garbage ?

    No mouse is going to last forever but it does seem like switches have gotten worse, especially Logitech though I haven't tried their mice with optical switches. The funny thing is that most mice are using the newer Omron switches that are rated for more clicks but don't seem to actually last as...
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    Broken Roads

    I wish that I could stand isometric view because there's a bunch of them like this one where the other aspects look like something I might enjoy. Unfortunately it's one of those things that's a deal breaker unless I can zoom way in close over the shoulder for a pseudo third person view and play...
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    Horizon Forbidden West

    I enjoyed the first game and had already heard from console players that this one was good. It also sounds like the PC version was done well which is a pleasant surprise, if they had released it a couple of months after the console version instead of a couple years I'd be buying it right now...
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    Dragon's Dogma 2

    This game hasn't been on my radar and I never played the first one but it looks interesting enough and looks like a style of RPG we don't see as often as I'd like these days. Hopefully they sort out the performance issues and drm save file nonsense, preferably by removing denuvo. I've played a...
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    Modder transforms AMD's RX 5600 XT by boosting its memory capacity to 16GB and widening its memory bus to 256-bits

    It's impressive what some will do just to see if it can be done but I could have told you that the card was memory starved. I bought one when my card died at the beginning of the last mining craze, I planned to replace it in a month or two but prices went crazy so I spent a couple years...
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    Why do Mice manufacturer's have such shit software?

    Bad Logitech software has been an ongoing issue for them and as soon as they get their software in decent shape they abandon it and force all new devices after that to use whatever buggy and broken garbage they replace it with. It happened with Setpoint, then LGS, and I imagine that it will...
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    Stupid thing with AMD card on GTA V

    They call it texture filtering quality, turning off surface format optimization right below that could help too.
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    Thinking about getting a 7900xt or xtx, but worried about my psu and coil whine problems people are reporting

    Not only can coil whine vary from card to card of the same model it can also vary depending on the combination of power supply and individual card, a card can be fine with one PSU and loud with another even if they're both good high quality PSUs. I've got the XFX Merc 7900xtx and the only way I...
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    Thermalright high-end air coolers questions.

    I think the overhang is the main dealbreaker for many but I've also seen several people mention that they picked the SE version of the PA or PS over the non-SE because the latter wouldn't fit in their case and for the PA that's only a 2mm difference.
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    Thermalright high-end air coolers questions.

    I've seen several people mention size as the reason they went with the Peerless Assassin or Phantom Spirit over the Frost Spirit.
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    Get Ready for "Gamerlicious" Nvidia Control Panel

    It's about time they updated their control panel, the old one was a logical layout when it was more simple but it never designed for the many features that drivers include these days and it showed in how it ran and how hard it was to find related features at times. Having a modern interface...
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    no sound from speakers but subwoofer works

    That would make sense and I figured it had to be something like that but I was only aware of stereo plugs having three connections; ground, left, and right. I replaced enough headphone jacks in my walkman/discman days to know that.
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    no sound from speakers but subwoofer works

    The feature I'm talking about disables output when it detects something plugged into the headphones jack. With some software I've used if you disable it then you have to switch outputs manually but it still disables the other and some software allowed both to be enabled at the same time but I'm...
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    no sound from speakers but subwoofer works

    Same thing with most soundcards or onboard if you have something(even an adapter or extension cable that isn't plugged into anything, don't ask me why) plugged into a headphones jack including the one on the case. Realtek and Creative drivers both offered the option to disable this the last...
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    Oh Samsung, you had one chance to redeem yourself......Tech cuts guy's TV to void warranty and Reddit removes video from the post.

    The contractor deserves the bulk of the blame but it reflects poorly on Samsung as well since they hired the guy. It sounds like they fired the contractor and gave the guy a new TV which is good and mostly mitigates their share of the blame IMO but if they pressured anyone to have the video or...
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    Kingdom Come: Deliverance

    That cheat mod looks useful just for the ability to set the weather, I quickly get tired of rainy weather in games and this game had a lot of it. I've been meaning to get a second playthrough in now that I have a much more capable system that can run it on high settings with decent framerate...
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    Optimum speaker setup for PC gaming?

    HDMI to a Marantz AVR. With an HDMI out to my monitor as well I can use PIP to watch cable/dvd in the corner or split screen to use my second pc at the same time too.
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    Optimum speaker setup for PC gaming?

    Height speakers are usually referenced as a third number behind the sub, so a 5.1 setup with 2 height speakers added would be a 5.1.2 setup.
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    Optimum speaker setup for PC gaming?

    For positional sound I think 5.1 is the minimum to do it right, 7.1 can make a noticeable improvement if the room is large enough, and Atmos isn't something I've messed with since few games support it and it requires extra speakers; headphones are poor for positional audio but the easiest way...
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    Verizon Wireless class action lawsuit settlement up to $100

    It's annoying that the lawyers make so much in some of these cases but the alternative is to make people sue individually for their $150 which would in essence allow corporations to act illegally towards their customers as long as they avoided regulatory fines or criminal prosecution. Wireless...
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    5.1 (or 5.1.2) speaker set sub-$600?

    Congrats on the Elacs, I've heard a lot of good things about them so I'm sure they'll be a nice upgrade. Just a word of warning though, if they're like most high end speakers they'll sound better after 40-120 hours of breaking them in at moderate levels(avoid really blasting them during that...
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    50 years of video game revenue

    Thankfully I think the gaming industry has finally mostly realized that mobile gaming is a completely separate market than PC/console gaming and really even portables since their main draw these days is being closer to a console than the phone almost everyone is already carrying. I can't recall...
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    5.1 (or 5.1.2) speaker set sub-$600?

    In a large room set up for home theater with a large seating area it can be hard to find one spot that the sub seamlessly blends with the audio and doesn't seem directional. In that situation a second sub is called for but outside of that it's not important unless you can't find a spot to put...
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    5.1 (or 5.1.2) speaker set sub-$600?

    That's by far the best way to figure out what sounds good to you but if you have a good set of headphones you should try the thing on Crutchfield's site that lets you preview the tonal quality on certain speakers, it's not perfect but I was surprised how much it matched the real life comparisons...
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    5.1 (or 5.1.2) speaker set sub-$600?

    I think that is something to be concerned about though mainly with the fronts and center like kydsid said. I wouldn't worry about matching the sub at all but you might want to try to match any back speakers if your ears are picky. I have matching fronts and center but due to space constraints...
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    Upgrade vs New System

    The slowdowns you mentioned while loading things makes me wonder if your boot or storage drives are having some issues(which could also cause the BSODs). I'd at least run Crystal Disk to check if any drives are showing errors or issues, I would also unplug any external drives and see if the...
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    The thread has mostly devolved into a back and forth lacking in substance and heavy in hyperbole and the inability to recognize that others might have a different opinion, like I said earlier I'm not claiming that one side is better or more right but your recent comments have not been above the...
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    The most substantive criticism I've seen from you in recent pages is that they didn't live up to their hype without actually saying what it was that didn't live up to it. As for the second part I'm not sure exactly how to read the following comments from you other than you don't believe the...
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    From my perspective your comments the last few pages has been overwhelmingly negative and refused to acknowledge that others might have different opinion that's legitimate.
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    There also seem to be a few that consider it a personal affront if anyone says anything positive about the game. Both sides have become incredibly toxic in this thread.
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    I find it funny how divisive this game is and the amount of rhetoric being used on both sides when the fans seem to agree that it's hardly the best game and the haters seem to agree that it's hardly the worst game. I don't ever plan on playing a Bethesda game until it's been out for at least 6...
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    Exodus (space RPG)

    I'm not aware of any mod for it but there is a bug in GTA4 that requires you to limit the framerate to ~30 fps during one of the missions or you can't pass it. You have to button mash at one point and it's tied to keyframes that were designed around console performance. With that said I also...
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    Exodus (space RPG)

    It was a gradual shift for sure, I would just consider ME:A and DA:I the point at which Bioware became pretty much completely assimilated and had lost a large portion of their original talent. They were the first games by them I played that didn't feel or look like Bioware games. IIRC Mass...
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    Exodus (space RPG)

    Andromeda came out after Bioware had more or less been assimilated by EA and had lost a lot of their original talent. In my mind both Andromeda and Inquisition were more EA than Bioware, they were okay but lacked uniqueness and didn't feel like Mass Effect or Dragon Age games.
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    Exodus (space RPG)

    The trailer looks promising and the project being led by the old Bioware lead without EA involvement sounds good too. It definitely has that Mass Effect feel to it but that's not a bad thing and it looks to have it's own unique feel to it as well so it shouldn't just be an off brand rehash.
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    Light No Fire (Hello Games)

    It looks interesting. It sounds about as ambitious as the NMS was and I wouldn't be surprised if they work on it for years after launch too but hopefully it launches in a bit better shape. It will be interesting to see how they handle quest design since NMS was pretty light on that sort of...