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  1. M

    Legendary CPU Architect Jim Keller Leaves AMD

    Just to possibly quiet the naysayers. Jim has done this before, he usually joins a company for a major cpu architecture design and bails afterwards. K7/K8, left A4/5, left Zen, left I think he doesn't enjoy the incremental stuff.
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    Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord

    Some of the mods are just horrifying amounts of content. Pendor ate about 300 hours of my time and I never beat it.
  3. M

    Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord

    Dev Blog 11: deceptive blog numbers in their address. Some really cool stuff though.
  4. M Paradox scifi grand strategy game

    This will probably be the death of me. Either this or Bannerlord...
  5. M

    Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord

    Warband is worth it; tons of quality of life fixes and a lot of fantastic mods.
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    Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord

    I'm stoked with how it's looking so far. I don't care when it drops, I still play warband from time to time.
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    Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord Gamescom footage of the alpha for Mount and Blade 2: Checkerlord
  8. M

    HP Bans T-Shirts At Work

    Software engineer for a government agency. I wear a t-shirt and jeans almost every day. I will dress up for important meetings but that is about it. It would suck to not wear t-shirts...
  9. M

    980Ti Kingpin fully shown. Jesus Christ....

    I like the look of this one much more than previous Kingpin cards.
  10. M

    How Kickstarter Saved Obsidian

    Can't agree with this more, the devs for grim dawn keep expanding their game and are very passionate about it. Looks to be one of the best ARPGs made when it's done.
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    Grim Dawn Alpha starts tomorrow

    Devs announced a new class.
  12. M

    AMD Radeon R9 Fury X Video Card Review @ [H]

    That was a surprising and welcome twist
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    AMD Fury series coming soon.

    That's what the hdmi is for!
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    390X coming soon few weeks

    glad to see us getting back on topic
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    Fury won't beat 980Ti, much less Titan

    Everyone vs green
  16. M

    Grim Dawn Alpha starts tomorrow

    They picked up an old diablo 1 and 2 developer
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    390X coming soon few weeks

    No peppers?!?! :eek:
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    390X coming soon few weeks

    Mother of god.
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    390X coming soon few weeks

    If you list all the possibilities you can refer back to one of your previous articles and claim you were correct :D
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    390X coming soon few weeks

    I thought it was supposed to be a smaller card ;)
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    390X coming soon few weeks

    Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that HBM and the memory controller for it use a significant amount less power than their predecessor which is where they free up a bit of room to bump the clocks up with that many shaders.
  22. M

    League of Legends -- how many [H] regulars?

    Well, back to Diamond. I played a lot of games yesterday, and just got really frustrated with it. I feel like sometimes I just can't play well anymore.
  23. M

    Pillars of Eternity - *Official Discussion Thread*

    I've yet to complete a play through due to my indecisiveness; but I see a lot of potential in this and I am excited because it is not Forgotten Realms. I think you're right that if they keep working on it it will become much more fleshed out and interesting.
  24. M

    Pillars of Eternity - *Official Discussion Thread*

    Life is cruel. I'm stuck working late today. Then I work early tomorrow and have to leave from work to go visit my girlfriend's best friend for the weekend... To rectify this I am taking Monday and Tuesday off, but they are so far away...
  25. M

    Pillars of Eternity - *Official Discussion Thread*

    They went into developing this with the intention of making a full expansion. Like a real one, not a Borderlands DLC type thing.
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    League of Legends -- how many [H] regulars?

    Well, 5-5 in placements and plat 2. My mmr is really high ( my smurf is broken. I made a smurf to practice my offroles and I've been stuck getting my ass kicked by people in LCS)
  27. M

    Cities:Skylines Reveal trailer

    I was in the clear, had held out on ordering it. Then I came here. Sometimes, I hate you guys. In for 1.
  28. M

    Grim Dawn on Steam 12.49

    This game is a steal at twice the price. The devs are solid, and while it may be a work in progress, it satisfies the ARPG itch much better than D3 or Torchlight 2 ever did.
  29. M

    Crowfall MMO Kickstarter campaign begins

    Looks interesting; still skeptical though.
  30. M

    Darkest Dungeon: Turn-based Gothic rogue-like dungeon crawler

    Thanks for the update; I'll probably be holding off till it gets a bit more polished. I like how it sounds though!
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    Darkest Dungeon: Turn-based Gothic rogue-like dungeon crawler

    How did this slip completely under my radar?
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    League of Legends -- how many [H] regulars?

    I know how that feels. I was diamond in s3 placement put me in gold for s4 and then I hit diamond pretty quickly from there but I'm not looking forward to the climb again. On the upside if your MMR is grossly higher than your league you skip divisions.
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    League of Legends -- how many [H] regulars?

    Ali is very useful, but his skillcap is significantly higher than most supports. Playing Ali you need to know what you're doing and what you should be doing, mechanics and build are less than half the equation for him.
  34. M

    League of Legends -- how many [H] regulars?

    This game ends up being pretty damn demanding. I was only Diamond 3 and I just don't have the time to play as much.
  35. M

    500 Million ASUS Motherboards. The Celebration Starts at [H]. - Lucky Draw

    Been using RoG motherboards since the first Maximus Formula. I have had a lot of success overclocking on Asus boards.
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    Ducky Shine 4 now in stock!

    Agreed, I actually prefer Ducky's (Own a Ducky shine 3, two WASD keyboards, two filcos, and a das)
  37. M

    Blue, Red, Black or Brown Cherries?

    I prefer Greens...
  38. M

    Top games you're played in 2014.

    League of Legends Kenshi Mount and Blade
  39. M

    Games with a "bow and arrow"?

    Mount and Blade gets another vote. Takes some talent!
  40. M

    What GAME series do you wish they bring back?

    Blood Omen/Soul Reaver