Search results

  1. C

    Hover Hound for Newegg to Amazon Price Comparisons

    Mozilla unexpectedly broke Hover Hound in Firefox 52 and it stayed broken for a few weeks while the update was being approved. I just tested a fresh install on Firefox 53 and I did not received an error. What version of FF are you using?
  2. C

    PC Hound Updates 8/24/2015

    PC Hound - Updates 8/24/2015 Introducing Hound-O-Matic (Alpha), the first fully dynamic PC system builder. Set a budget and filters, then let us do the work! (This is an Alpha: Expect errors. Please provide feedback!) Streamlined interface for adding parts PC Hound rank and aggregate merchant...
  3. C

    PC Hound System Configuration Tool

    What is the PC Hound System Builder? The PC Hound System Builder is a tool that will allow anyone to configure a Do-It-Yourself PC build in minutes...or even seconds without leaving the PC Hound site. The PC Hound System Builder will ensure component compatibility. It will also supply you...
  4. C

    Is Hover Hound dead?

    They decided to remove a part of their SDK, which Hover Hound previously relied on, in Firefox 40 for no apparent reason. A new version is pending approval that works with FF 40. I'm hoping I can get them to expedite the review process and have our new version pushed to users today.
  5. C

    Hover Hound

    Well that's not right... It's fixed now, sorry for the inconvenience. Page may need a hard refresh for it to show up if it's cached.
  6. C

    Hover Hound

    Does it go away permanently if you click the 'X' button in the upper right hand corner?
  7. C

    Prevent old Newegg links from redirecting to Amazon.

    It's kept track of by IP address, so a different browser on the same computer would also disable the intermediate page.
  8. C

    Resize plug-in would be really nice
  9. C

    Just saw a NewZon ad with newzon installed

    The only way this can happen IF you have either the opt-out or NewZon installed is for your IP address to somehow change intra-browser session. Every time you open your browser with either of these extensions installed we record your IP address (with no other information) so that you do not see...
  10. C

    Just saw a NewZon ad with newzon installed

    This is not supposed to happen, even with the monthly reset. Are either of these scenarios accurate: 1) Have you left your browser open for a long period of time, greater than a week? 2) Are you going through any proxies such as Tor that may change your outgoing IP address frequently?
  11. C

    Newzon Chrome extension

    Currently it is hard coded to always go to the US site, but this will be addressed in a future update.
  12. C

    Opinion on NewZon

    Both the Opt-out extension and the NewZon extension itself disable the ad on [H] by making a quick asynchronous ping to the NewZon servers when your browser is opened. The only possible way that the ad could appear if you have either of these extensions installed is if somehow your IP address...
  13. C

    Opinion on NewZon

    The Firefox opt-out add-on was taken down by Mozilla telling us: "Please don't send example add-ons to Mozilla." We are trying to get it re-listed now. In the meantime, you can download it here: Download it, then drag it into your Firefox window...
  14. C

    Link errors

    The hard drive storing the database filled up unexpectedly with large log files, preventing any connections to the database and causing the error. The error was not specifically NewZon related, but since both the outbound click handling and NewZon use, you saw the green [N]...
  15. C

    Newzon popup

    The opt-out, or "spammy software" as you put it, makes a single ping-style request that doesn't send or receive any data or plant any cookies. The "spammy pop-up" is shown once per unique IP address that hits the forum and is never shown again.
  16. C

    Hover Hound for FireFox is Officially Released!!!

    Here is the NewZon marking opt-out add-on for Firefox users: Use this add-on if you do not have NewZon installed and do not wish to see any NewZon related marketing / features on HardForum. This is a tiny add-on that simply pings...
  17. C

    Newzon popup

    Here is the NewZon opt-out add-on for Firefox users: As mentioned earlier, this add-on simply pings our server once upon opening your browser.
  18. C

    Newzon popup

    As Kyle said, we are trying our best to reach the millions of users who come to [H] who might find NewZon useful while protecting others from seeing the marketing more than once. Currently tracking by unique IP address and offering the opt-out are the best things we've come up with. The...
  19. C

    Newzon popup

    There was a brief error in the javascript today at around 3:50 PM EST that lasted for about 30 seconds where you may have seen the NewZon splash page on every pageview even if you had NewZon installed, opted-out, or already seen it. Issue has been fixed, sorry for the inconvenience.
  20. C

    Newzon popup

    After installing the opt-out, it will take until tomorrow for those buttons to go away. There is a variable stored in your local storage that keeps track of that, so if you can clear localStorage (I think Chrome has an option to do that) they will go away immediately.
  21. C

    Newzon popup

    This is exactly why we made NewZon and the only thing it does.
  22. C

    Newzon popup

    If NewZon is installed, up to date, and enabled (and you aren't using multiple different proxies to access the web), it SHOULD disable all intercept pages, popups, and buttons on HardForum. Are you still seeing an intercept after installing the latest version of NewZon? If the green NewZon...
  23. C

    Newzon popup

    If you have NewZon installed it goes away permanently, if not it should only appear at most once per day. If this is not the case, are you by any chance using a proxy service such as TOR?
  24. C

    Newzon popup

    Please make sure you have version 0.73.1 installed, if not update [N]ewZon. When you come back to [H]ardForum the message should be gone. In addition, even without [N]ewZon installed, it should only appear once per browser session.