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    Microsoft blocks workaround that enabled users to create local accounts as part of the OOBE installer.

    Can also flash the Windows ISO to USB with RUFUS, which gives the option to create the local account ahead of time.
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    Russia Says It's Assembled a Lithography Machine, Will Make 350nm Chips

    If they were resolutely secure in the belief that things are going well for their invasion and genocide, there'd be no need for a propaganda stunt to try to manage perception. Overcompensation is telling. Same for the "sanctions aren't working" trope. If they weren't having an impact, why the...
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    After you die, your Steam games will be stuck in legal limbo

    "Everything is temporary" is the anchor phrase I remind myself before getting hung up on shit, especially when it comes to loss, or perceived loss. It's not about defeatism, but a tool to preserve valuable time by moving on more quickly from whatever can't be changed or isn't worth the energy...
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    After you die, your Steam games will be stuck in legal limbo

    Yep. Valve probably isn't interested in creating what would mostly just become a ToS abuse vector for scammers and an influx of bogus wills trying to hijack Steam accounts to resell them, nevermind creating additional work for themselves trying to police the authenticity of legal documents. I'm...
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    Another day, Another Rumor of Valve being Acquired

    And I don't even blame the troll that created this acquisition fanfiction - he's gotta be laughing his ass off to his discord buddies. The real story here is how down bad some of the tech sites clearly are, to be propagating this nonsense when ten seconds is all it takes to see the "source" is...
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    New Windows AI feature records everything you’ve done on your PC

    I suspect MS understands scrutiny will be high at first, and so might ship something better-behaved initially, with a plan to relax the ToS later when no one's looking as they've done previously. I have no doubt Enterprise windows in a business setting under careful Group Policy control will...
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    New Windows AI feature records everything you’ve done on your PC

    I appreciate the devil's advocate approach you seem to be taking to both-sides'ing this debate while others may only kneejerk to the headline - nuance and perspective is important - but in this case I'd argue that a third party MacOS developer trying to jump the AI gravytrain and hoping their...
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    New Windows AI feature records everything you’ve done on your PC

    MS has a bad record of "Off" and "Disabled" not actually meaning Off or Disabled, and that will be a concern for many.
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    Microsoft stoops to new low with ads in Windows 11, as PC Manager tool suggests your system needs ‘repairing’ if you don’t use Bing

    I had to clean up a friend's Win11 Home laptop recently, and the stock OOBE really does roughly resemble a grandmother's malware-infested AOL PC.
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    Microsoft stoops to new low with ads in Windows 11, as PC Manager tool suggests your system needs ‘repairing’ if you don’t use Bing

    Problem for who, though? Because MS has been so lax about enforcing windows activation, and so tolerant of all the keyselling schemes for so many years now, that it has to be deliberate. There are "activate windows for free!" guides, KMS activation guides, all sorts of free and "cheap"...
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    Windows 11 Market Share Keeps Declining

    I'd gladly pay $199 for a Windows 11 Lite/Premium straight from MS that shipped with 90% less of the monetization stuff present on stock install (similar to LTSC), and with no arbitrary restrictions on what could be further opted out of or Uninstalled. More linux-like modularity without needing...
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    Gigabyte RMA SCAM

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    Windows 11 Market Share Keeps Declining

    Win11 24H2 LTSC is an attractive option assuming you find a creative way to get a key since it's not a retail SKU, but there may be issues for anyone gaming-focused since and you'd need to test your games since, if I recall, past LTSC versions had incompatibilities with some games.
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    Windows 11 Market Share Keeps Declining

    Yep, Tiny11 is one way to go, but has a few downsides, and it's ultimately someone else's modified ISO. For anyone considering it I'd recommend rolling their own instead, it's pretty simple: WinUtil has a tab for MicroWin (also opensource). Download the Win11 ISO directly from Microsoft so you...
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    Windows 11 Market Share Keeps Declining

    Win11 is very likeable once it's trimmed back to sane from it's default OOBE. WinUtil is the first thing I create a startmenu shortcut for after installing Windows, since it has not only OS tweaks, but a single pane to install many other common programs you otherwise have to hunt around for...
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    Two years after launch Windows 11 adoption is still waaaay behind Windows 10

    Ahh the soft-trolling of "I haven't personally experienced what you've described, it must be an exaggeration so why do you hate Microsoft?" The astroturfing on this has always been a little odd - and not specifically anyone in this thread but overall. I get that some feel like it's a...
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    NVIDIA to Only Launch the Flagship GeForce RTX 5090 in 2024, Rest of the Series in 2025

    Nobody has the answer to this except MLID who will have made it up, since even Nvidia likely hasn't decided timing this far out, because it's a spreadsheet decision with variables in a state of flux between now and launch. As for anything being a bad move, it's moot because the gaming target...
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    Windows 11 Market Share Keeps Declining

    People choosing to trade privacy for convenience features on Android or iPhone does not entitle Microsoft to anything. If you let a neighbor borrow your lawnmower, is that a green light for any neighbor to help themselves to anything in your garage whenever they feel like? The resistance to many...
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    Copilot or else! (for OEMs...eventually)

    Accurate. "Off" was removed from their UX design vocabulary long ago because it has a quantitative value. There's no ambiguity. The shift in language to "Minimal", "Minimum", "Basic", etc was devised and focus-grouped to create the illusion of user choice, while having no quantitative value MS...
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    EK in hot water again?
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    Linux Suggestion

    I've been following Bazzite - it probably warrants its own thread. So far it's looking like the closest thing to a SteamOS for general desktops unless and until Valve-time ever releases the actual thing. It includes the SteamDeck UI experience which is superior in many ways to booting Windows...
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    Samsung Readies 290-layer 3D NAND for May 2024 Debut, Planning 430-layer for 2025

    Yep the 980 Pro was mentioned, and Samsung got a black eye for that one, but it doesn't appear to really be part of an overall pattern of behavior. Whereas the OEM's mixing and matching components as well as changing them without notice as they go are part of a more systemic problem created by...
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    Samsung Readies 290-layer 3D NAND for May 2024 Debut, Planning 430-layer for 2025

    The messaging here is that they are fully vertical, while the rest of the market tends to be drives built with a hodge podge of third party components. It doesn't make Samsung drives immune to problems - the 980 Pro had some turbulence - but there's accountability, they own any problems. There's...
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    NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4080 Crashes During Million Dollar CS2 Tournament Despite Being Selected As The GPU Of Choice

    Clickbait-slime is the only thing keeping the lights on for a lot of these tech sites. Nvidia drivers aren't infallible, but all the other systems at the tourney were on identical hardware including GPU. If anything, people jumping up and down about one exception during one game kinda proves the...
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    Global sales of XBox are so bad developers wonder if supporting the console is worth it for them

    If Valve parlayed SteamDeck's success and the SteamOS advancements into rebooting the SteamBox concept that blew up on the launchpad last time, I think it'd find some success now that Valve has much more supply chain experience building VR hardware as well as the Deck. And then god forbid a...
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    Global sales of XBox are so bad developers wonder if supporting the console is worth it for them

    IMO, third party exclusives isn't why PS5 dominates, it's not the primary motivator for customers. It's firstparty, Sony invests a lot in their in-house studios, which make some of the best titles. I realize this isn't news. Microsoft understood the critical importance of firstparty when the...
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    NVIDIA Blackwell GB100 Die Could Use MCM Packaging
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    Linux Suggestion

    My hope for the PC world is Valve finding a reason to leverage the massive work that's gone into evolving the software stack for SteamOS on the Deck, and releasing a SteamOS for general desktop use. I know they've hinted at the possibility, but they don't do stuff unless they see a big upside...
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    Linux market share passes 4% for first time

    One of the freeing aspects of moving most of my systems to Linux has not been in any illusion that linux updates can't break something, but knowing that a financial incentive in an oversight vacuum isn't influencing or steering the updates. Meaning if something does break and a rollback is...
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    Nvidia Transitioning To Official, Open-Source Linux GPU Kernel Driver

    And that is a heavy lift for sure - years of accumulated code like a rubber band ball of fixes on top of fixes, tweaks and optimizations that have to be pulled apart, re-examined and refactored. But they seem to understand they would only benefit from an open-source driver model, along with...
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    Linux market share passes 4% for first time

    The "ZFS for everything" religious phenomenon has been an interesting one on the timeline of modern computing. Off-topic, but ZFS is pretty much inescapable for anyone that's tried researching improving or expanding their storage. Just about every online guide, forum...
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    Elon Musk Sues Open AI and Sam Altman for Breach of Founding Contract

    Elon is always working an angle - usually in service to some ulterior, master of the universe type powerplay in his head. I used to like the guy - Tesla and SpaceX seemed cool, his "working for the betterment of humanity" shtick seemed genuine. But in more recent years am finding him dangerous...
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    Linux market share passes 4% for first time

    From what I understand, the vast majority of freebie hoarders don't ever play the games. The game is the dopamine hit you got adding a free game to the library; after that it's forgotten about in most cases. Not that that's a bad thing, but "bribe people to come to my party" isn't great...
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    Linux market share passes 4% for first time

    I do, it's great, but respectfully, I'm not sure how it would change what I mentioned. Two things can be simultaneously true: Epic has talented and competent developers, some of who are linux users and run their development environment atop linux; and their CEO can be short-sighted, flippant...
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    Linux market share passes 4% for first time

    Sweeney will once again just hang back, let Valve and others take all the risk, make all the investment, do all the heavy machinework boring a tunnel through the linux gaming mountain. And then he'll show up and decry "Steam's outrageous and unfair linux gaming monopoly" as he announces EGS for...
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    $2,500 RTX-5090 ( 60% faster than 4090 )

    An overflowing toilet is impervious to scorn. And manufactured rumors is a dedicated Industry now with teams of employees and production budgets. I used to think MLID, AdoredTV etc were causes, but no, they're symptoms. Just like the degeneration of cable news (Right and Left) catering to and...