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  1. L

    [H]ard Forum Storage Showoff Thread

    Nice and clean setup. The only thing that would bother me is the Lack-Racks. While they are neat, weight capacity is not their best point. With the weight of the servers above the bottom one, a bump would likely see it topple. In the past, I have seen right-angle steel or aluminium placed...
  2. L

    Got a 5.6gig file and an 8gig stick, wont fit, wtf?

    Format the sucker. There is likely hidden junk/recycle bin folders on the turd. Death to rotten apples while at it.
  3. L

    New Samsung 840 Evo burned me.

    WTF? The screenies are just fine.
  4. L

    Intel SRT limited to one cache?

    So you cloned your OS to a cheap and issue prone drive and now want more bang for buck? Clean Load FTW! Put two Hyper's in RAID-0 and then use the Evo for a cache over the HDD's. If still not clear, Intel SRT works by using a single SSD upto 60GB (rest of space is either wasted or can be...
  5. L

    Perc 6/i slow with Intel SSD's

    The Dell cards are good but best left to HDD's. Use SSD's with AHCI SATA ports and enjoy them. If you somehow feel the need for HW RAID, time to dig deep and move to a much new card.
  6. L

    New Samsung 840 Evo burned me.

    Cheap drive, cheap outcomes. Edit: I see you have plenty of third-party crap running, good chance issues are also self-induced...
  7. L

    SSD with 7 still shows defrag

    I would suggest you take your own advice, you don't know me nor have you read and understood the OP. Read the OP again and you would see the signs why he has issues and that he did a install, not clone. Noted the signs for you.
  8. L

    Thecus W2000 Windows Storage Server

    If you haven't used server 2012R2 before, you won't realise what it can do. That being said, this product is aiming way to high above the bar. The CPU is very tiny and the 2Gb RAM is abysmal. If you want to use SS for anything more than a spanned or mirrored volume, you will want a crap load...
  9. L

    Samsung 840EVO Running at slower speed

    I would love a dollar for every time I see threads were people buy cheap Evo's and expect performance. Buy a Pro and stop being tight.
  10. L

    SSD with 7 still shows defrag

    Is the drive on a direct AHCI connection? Normal to still see it, just leave it out of the scheduled pool. It doesn't and fits in category of just leave it alone. Either another drive was present when loading and/or it was not the first boot device. No, you just need to find where it went...
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    AM2 based NAS in 2015?

  12. L

    Affordable SAS SSD's

    Have a look at STH who have been benching a lot of SAS SSD's of late.
  13. L

    For those who buy external drives and take them apart.

    Sounds like you're the bandit in question or he who would do the same and then cry foul. The drive was sold and purchased as a single item. Regardless of it being made of four main components (PSU, USB-SATA interface board, Case/packaging and of course, the cheapest drives on the planet), the...
  14. L

    Upgrading Storage: RAID 0 2x256GB SSD

    One day, people will stop buying Evo's when they realise the saying, You get what you pay for rings very true. As for SS, no, not in this case. On-board RAID smashes SS, hands down.
  15. L

    Fileserver hardware and technology questions for new build

    May I suggest Server 2012R2 or Windows 8 Pro as the Hyper-V host, then use your OI + NappIT on this? Hyper-V is well known to support drive and hardware pass-through than VMware bases.
  16. L

    Pointing an SSD boot drive to an old Windows 7 install

    Leave the libraries alone. Just right-click on each of the folders like Desktop, Docs, Pics, Music and Downloads (Location and Move are the key words to look for) and you will be fine. A better approach would be to copy all your data you want to another drive and nuke the current HDD to get rid...
  17. L

    Upgrading Storage: RAID 0 2x256GB SSD

    I have had both single SSD and RAID-0 setups, the RAID does offer a performance gain but in this argument, price is actually the key argument. Usually a 500GB SSD costs more than two 250's, so, have your cake and eat it too.
  18. L

    Windows Server 2012 R2 Tiered Storage for MS SQL?

    I have skimmed over the content of the thread and as much as I use SS, this application is not for small office or home use. You are talking serious sized databases and thus should not be messed with. Hardware RAID with decent drives is the answer that comes to my mind. SSD's are a lot better...
  19. L

    How easy is to put in a SSD into this laptop?

    Clean load, forget the cloning crap.
  20. L

    For those who buy external drives and take them apart.

    Dude, WTF? The OP's bandit opened the drives voiding warranty, end of story.
  21. L

    Defrag of Intel Rapid Storage Technology HDD?

    DV6 means little as it is a convention used for the last 10 years. Your memory is an odd amount for a lappy that likely only runs dual channel. You cannot have a RAID-0 array with one HDD and a SSD. You should remove the third-party (HP's are packed with bloat) crap including SM and use the...
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    50TB+ flash array/storage you recently purchased

    Well done on clearing up the question I was now asking, are you a wanker? CopyRunStart has given you the response you need.
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    AM2 based NAS in 2015?

    What ever you decide, keep in mind some simple advice. Always plan what you will do when the hosts system fails. Now I said WHEN with this hardware instead of IF due to knowing these were ordinary boards to start with. You will also need to be wary of HBA's not working in the PCI-E slots due to...
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    Windows Server 2012 R2 Tiered Storage for MS SQL?

    All this, but no mention of the working file size? How big is the database?
  25. L

    Velociraptor jumper 7-8 Dude, XP died years ago, stop living in the past.
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    50TB+ flash array/storage you recently purchased

    If you want us to do your homework, then just ask it without hiding it. Cheap SSD is going for roughly $0.50 AUD per GB here down under. That means domestic desktop SSD, not enterprise that is more than twice to 4 times as much. Now add in RAID cards, yes, you will need more than one if you...
  27. L

    Sata data cable splitter?

    Bullshit, no pretty way of saying it! Not many optical mediums get close to the USB 2.0 speeds, stop ranting crap.
  28. L

    Why does some storage have multiple RAID Groups?

    Google up I/O You will soon answer this threads question.
  29. L

    Sata data cable splitter?

    The use of a USB-SATA interface is very good suggestions and advice. Optical media needs very little bandwidth at best and yes, is a waste of ports these days. The use of an internal port adapter will ensure no issues with cables or a busy BUS. Most system I build these days, Optical media is...
  30. L

    How to store on HDD and have access on SSD boot drive

    You don't have to wipe it. Wiping is a good way to start fresh. If you have games or folders like steam/origin then these will need to be placed there and the client (Steam/Origin) needs to be pointed at the games folder.
  31. L

    New setup advice

    What ever fool, I know what I ran for years, I know what they did in speeds, I don't need to prove nothing to you. I would love to show you that your figures are bullshit, sadly, I have no boards anymore with 10R's. I do however run a H97 in my WS, here is an apple for you to chew on: 4x WD 2TB...
  32. L

    How to store on HDD and have access on SSD boot drive

    Wipe the HDD clean. Nuke it and format it correctly. Put the following folders on it: Documents, Pictures, Music, Downloads & Desktop. Now go to your SSD, into the Users folder and go to your profile. In there, you will see each of the folders like what you just made on the HDD. Right-click...
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    Warning - Norco 4220 drive trays and airflow

    Any dead corpse's around to dig up? Necro thread.
  34. L

    Time for new SSD.. Best 500ish gb?

    No really correct, most SSD's will hit the SATA-III bottleneck with ease. Speed is not the best method of judging in this case. Quality will be the magic, if so then the Sammy Pro's and the Intel 530's take the cake. Incorrectly applied statement. If you are asking about the Intel south-bridge...
  35. L

    New setup advice

    Dude, sounds a little like there is some "Having your cake and eating it too" along with "Mixing ambitions with capabilities". The on-board ICH10R would see roughly single drive write speeds but reads would be RAID-0 like across the array, easily smashing your older SAS. A quartet of RAID-0...
  36. L

    External storage interface

    Nope, it mutated into SAS. NO!
  37. L

    Increase volume C without third party tools? (win7)

    Read the OP and take close note of what was asked! Use the VERY simple OS tools, they are there already and don't require downloading a third-party tool (ISO) then having to boot into it, then run the risk of wiping the volume if you mess up..... Can't help mods with power-tripping needs.
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    New setup advice

    ROFL The board has a ICHR10 chipset, nothing more to want. Motherboard GPT support, only an issue for idiots who insist on loading an OS to a 2+TB driver of array. The current chipset will take any drive you like if making a storage array, if your post-BIOS setup for the RAID doesn't like the...
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    Raid card not recognized (Intel RMS25PB080) Intel® Integrated RAID Module RMS25PB080
  40. L

    External storage interface

    I will say Obsolete! SAS HBA, external SFF-8088 port, SFF-8088 cable, PCI slot riser SFF-8088 adapter card in other chassis and go from there.