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  1. W

    Eyefinity owners: Displayport -> DVI or Displayport->svga

    I have the saphire dp->vga active one. I hate it..the colour of that monitor is totally different to the other 2 monitors. Also...mw2 dosnt work properly like l4d2 does...sooo annoying!
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    Help me turn my garage into a mint sound den!!!

    I wouldn't normally no, but when one is talking about a pc that is covered in grease and for the's gonna be mint :)
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    Help me turn my garage into a mint sound den!!!

    Hi guys. I have a pc in the garage that i'm wanting to add some ok-ish sound to. I have all the speakers ( just warfdales ) And also have an old dolby prologic amp that only accepts RCA in's. I want to connect me pc up to i require some oldish ( i guess ) soundcard that can...
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    Sound for my home theatre advice....

    Well the reason why i ask is because of the following.... The pc in the lounge will be hooked up to a plasma on the wall. The pc is networked to a filez box which holds all my dvds on the hdd in raw format. So im not playing DVD's from my discs but from a pc...... So is a audigy 2 zs plat...
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    Sound for my home theatre advice....

    So not talking about the speakers just yet..... I have a pc that will sit in the lounge with highish specs ( so min requirements are assumed to be met ), I want to know what you guys would recommend to put in it for some high quality audio output for the DVD's that will be playing. Im...
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    Extremely Low Framerates in Half Life 2

    It's been said before, and i'll say it again....get more ram....a gig is about the norm for not being the bottleneck nowadays.
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    Im sorry... I cant help but laugh

    Try using the translutional disfunctioner to get an even bigger overcoxer on your mouse,it ownz0r!
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    I'm Never Overclocking Again!!!!!!!!!

    lol Does your computer feel slower as well? That's all that really the performance feels.
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    8250 3dmarks with X800PTE and FX53 @ 2.9G

    Do you guys watch the 100 meter olympic sprint finals and go..."pfffft, big deal i bet he cant run that fast for 24 hours" I understand that it dosn't pertain to what "real world performance" is maybe, but it's one of tools that are around atm, if you don't like it....go make one you do like...
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    Coolermaster Upgrade Worklog (NO 56k!!)

    NICE! So can you get a bigger oc now?
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    3DMark05 Countdown

    you mean its gonna be all over? :D hope not :D
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    Artifacts? Whats Going On Here?

    I must be colour blind, they look fine to me.
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    3DMark05 Countdown

    Let me put all your minds to rest. There is already some warezed version out on the web, has been for a while now, i ran it and scored 69 trillion points and received a bonus ice cream voucher for the local supermarket. Upon presenting the ice cream voucher I stumbled across a field of grass...
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    i just installed 6800oc on my new comp...

    If you don't notice a difference then gimme your new card :D
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    i just installed 6800oc on my new comp...

    Take your card back it it's under warrenty, otherwise you will be doing some home job stylez on that card of yours.
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    i just installed 6800oc on my new comp...

    Thats a dead giveaway there....
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    ______+++++...Wait Just A Minute...+++++______

    This is true, they bought all the amd chips they could find, because they wanted to upgrade :D
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    i just installed 6800oc on my new comp...

    errrrr, correct just like beer dosn't solve everything, well nearly :D All brands of products have had "dead out of the box" stories. I used to be an asus fan untill I received 2 bad runs in a row, both of which was an obvious design fault. Since moving to MSI and gigabyte I haven't had a...
  19. W

    6800GT buyers were had!

    ffs this thread made me hungry for I cruised down to the local food store to buy some. I get home and open the packet and there was some dang gf6800 gt card inside!!! ffs!
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    i just installed 6800oc on my new comp...

    Dewd, do a clean winblows install.
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    Coincidence? XBox Dev == loss of desktop dominance?

    There is something about the "feel" of a pc, that will never be matched by a console.
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    Help me spend $$ on a pc

    I'm not looking to save to many $$, wanting to spend around the 2k us mark
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    Help me spend $$ on a pc

    So the first question for me is the cpu. What AMD ( im sorry I game more than do other bs :D ) cpu should I buy? Mainly I want to play stuff like Doom3/ut2k4/HL2, play movies and do the normal crap. I have around 800us$ to spend on this.........I do overclock ( even if i have to get a new...
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    How far can u safely push a A64 3000+ and a 3200+?

    lol how does one hit this speed at ...errr...that speed :D good question thou...what cpu?
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    NEWEGG HAS PCI Express mobos and video cards in stock

    I'd say that happens with any product. I doubt in 6 months time that dual of these cards will be beaten by a single card for a long time.
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    NEWEGG HAS PCI Express mobos and video cards in stock

    I know :) I always call it to see the peeps who are finnakeeee :D
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    NEWEGG HAS PCI Express mobos and video cards in stock

    It dosn't offer any benefits.....yet. but if you get a pci-x gf6800 you are saving in the long run if you are going for the dual gf6800 pci-x setup :)
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    PCI Express 6800

    yeah typo, my bad. :rolleyes:
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    PCI Express 6800

    Well i've saved up my 5k and am just waiting for the pci-x gf cards to come out......or should i just buy a normal 6800ultra agp now? arrrrrghhhh!
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    The Reason Why The 6800 GT Is Best

    You will always find peeps who had a problem with either an nvidia or an ati.....big deal. Me personally am in the market for what performs the best, screw what it costs, just sell ya soul :D I'd like to see more peeps comparing the 6800's to the latest ati thou, not just the x800. yay for...
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    Nvidia SLI, SLI's back with a vengeance

    SAWEEEETTTT! i'm sold and wont be spending that spare 2k on a new tv now :D *waits patiently....patiently.....waiting.....! gimme!
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    Ghosting images across the network.

    what version of ghost are you using?
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    Ghosting images across the network.

    First off....wicked Read Me thread! i'll be spending a few hours there! I have a pc that has winxp on it with a fresh install. I have another pc that has winxp on it ( that we shall now call the files box ) I want to use ghost ( i presume ) to copy the the fresh winxp install over to the...
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    we laugh at people who don't know the basics of heat transfer

    Brillant read this one :D I think I have to admit that you do indeed need case fans to keep your system cooler. Running your prime for 2-3 mins is like browsing the web for about an hour :P You are 21 after all so I think we can forgive him :D Can't wait to see the pics of your temps when...
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    P4 2.4C dieing after 5 months of 3.5Ghz

    Yeah i'm with MontyAC on this one. If the cpu was bung then it would more than likely be bung....but ram on teh otherhand....that can really throw ya! so can psu's thou. Let us know how it turns out.
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    amb 2600+ at 2.35ghz using stock cooling?

    Yeah man that sounds ok. You could try resetting your HSFU after a little lapping, that will decrease it by a bit.
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    AMD 64 3000+ overclocking.....

    How far can these puppies overclock? anyone know?
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    Where does a kiwi get an A64 3000+?

    The $$ is so good atm that it is better for me to import one, as the cheapest was 490+gst . Where as They look to be around 250us = 400 landed.
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    Where does a kiwi get an A64 3000+?

    So i'm in this little country down the bottom of the world and don't really have to much faith in purchasing due to bad experiences. So im looking at getting one of these lovely things now that our doller is going strong v the US. What internationally shipping hardware places do you guys...