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  1. G

    Got an IBM Thinkpad T30... what to do with it?

    My primary laptop is currently an Apple Macbook, 2.0ghz processor, 320gb hdd, 2gb Ram.. I recently got an older IBM Thinkpad T30 Laptop in perfect working condition.. what are some suggestions for things I could do with it? I am thinking about upgrading the hdd with a 250gb 2.5" SATA drive I...
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    Anyone swap out the factory speakers in a Macbook?

    Everyone knows that the on-board speakers in a MacBook are a joke. They are WAY inferior in volume to any other laptop available.. has anyone taken a Macbook apart to replace the speakers, or make a mod that increases the volume beyond the factory limitations? I don't want to have to use...
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    the white iPhone 3g...

    Yup... I got a white 16gb, exactly what I wanted.. complements my white macbook quite well
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    2 external HDD's both crapped out at same time

    symptoms aren't looking good. I plugged each of the HDD's into my mobo (one at a time) as a slave drive... booted up... went to "My Computer" and it wasn't there. went to "device manager" and "disk drives" and it showed the name of the drive, and said it was operating normally ???? but it was...
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    2 external HDD's both crapped out at same time

    Thanks.. yeah, I'll give that a whirl tonight... <sigh> .. man, I hope the data is recoverable. Otherwise I'm gonna have to send the HDD's out to some data recovery service or something. I cannot imagine losing all those photos.
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    2 external HDD's both crapped out at same time

    My setup: Wireless network, PC in my office, Macbook and laptop in living room connected via wi-fi, NAS in my office with 2 external HDD's plugged into it via USB. For the last year, I've been able to access the files on the NAS and external HDD's via all computers (including my Macbook)...
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    First year I can't find anything I want on BF

    Wow.. for the past few years I've been checking out websites before BF in anticipation of all the great deals.. and anxiously go out shopping at the crack of dawn every BF.. this year.. .I can't find ANYTHING that grabs my attention.. Have I reached gadget nirvana? Is there nothing else I...
  8. G

    Gimme suggestions - wireless router/print server...

    Wow.. I was making this WAY more difficult than I had to! Turns out my NAS has 2 USB 2.0 ports on the back! I plugged my USB printer into one, and a USB Hub into the other, and plugged my 2 external HDD's into the hub, ... I can now access all of them (NAS, HDD's, Printer) from every computer...
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    Gimme suggestions - wireless router/print server...

    Please? I really need to get this figured out, and there hasn't been a single response to my question. I can't imagine it's such a difficult scenario that nobody here knows what to recommend?? I already have an SMC 802.11b wireless router, that's working ok, but I want to use a faster...
  10. G

    Gimme suggestions - wireless router/print server...

    Okay.... I was hoping to get some responses here, but it must be a quiet night for the Networking Gawds.. .so I did some searching, and more searching, and then some MORE searching..... and the ASUS WL-500G seems to have the features that will fit the bill .. it's got a USB port, so I am...
  11. G

    Gimme suggestions - wireless router/print server...

    I'm looking for a wireless router (802.11g) that will act as a print server, and possibly even turn my external USB 2.0/Firewire drives into NAS devices .. .I went to Best Buy tonight and they told me that there is no such thing as a Wireless Router with Print Server built in.. .I know the kid...
  12. G

    iPod scratches

    I'm just gonna use Meguiars plastic polish
  13. G

    Is Quicktime Pro worth the money? For DVD's>Ipod?

    I want an application to EASILY put DVD's on my iPod, I'm using a new Macbook. I've tried Handbrake, but it's a PITA.. I need to do each 'chapter' on the DVD individually.. I want something easy.. even if it means I have to pay $30 for it. Will Quicktime Pro enable me to rip and encode DVD's for...
  14. G

    He he he he he.... got a new Macbook .. very cool!

    I've been a PC user for 10+ years.. finally decided to make the jump and get a Macbook 2.0... I've had it for a couple weeks now. Pretty freakin nice! However, I'm looking for a good program to use to replace Frontpage (which I used quite a bit ) on my PC.. I'm not very impressed with iWeb...
  15. G

    How to completely remove all data on a HD?

    I'm going to be selling a couple computers I've got laying around, but before I put them up for sale, I want to completely wipe the hard drives clean. I know that Formatting the drive doesn't REALLY remove all the data, so what's a good way to remove all the info on my hard drives?
  16. G

    Computer shutting down.. seems random

    The 'flex' was the problem! i removed the 1 screw that was causing the flex... played bf2 for an hour straight with no probs! thanks!
  17. G

    Computer shutting down.. seems random

    thanks... I'll take a looksee
  18. G

    Computer shutting down.. seems random

    amps? I haven't a clue. video card is an XFX geforce 6800
  19. G

    Computer shutting down.. seems random

    A couple weeks ago, I decided to upgrade my pc case... I got an NZXT Trinity Case with 400w PSU, and upgraded to 2gb of new RAM at the same time. Prior to doing this, my computer was working fine, and I frequently played Battlefield 2 for hours on end with no problem. I moved all the...
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    Good power supply for the money?

    I went and picked it up after work.. the guys at Compusa didn't even know about the deal and it wasn't marked anywhere.. the price on the shelf was $99, but it rang up as $74, and the rebate printed up with it for another $25 (MIR).. I also picked up a $9.00 PSU tester... gonna check and see how...
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    Good power supply for the money? I am looking to replace mine, since I'm having so many problems with 'shut downs' on my current setup .. saw this and thought I should check with you guys before buying.
  22. G

    How much "flex" is acceptable when installing Mobo?

    I got a new Case to put all my stuff in to. It's an NZXT Trinity case that I got from Newegg.. I noticed that when I installed the mobo (ATX), that when screwing it all in, that it wasn't laying completely flat (yes, I used the brass spacers) and as I tightened down the screws, there was a bit...
  23. G

    Anyone familiar with NZXT?

    I'm gonna swap my old PSU into the new case and see how it works... if the problem goes away, then I know for sure it's the PSU and either I'lll just stick with the old one, or buy a new one. Thanks guys
  24. G

    Anyone familiar with NZXT?

    My old PSU was 350w (I think it's a Raidmax) and didn't have any problems with all the components in the PC.. I just assumed that since this one was 400w - I wouldn't have anything to worry about... so are the ratings not all that reliable?
  25. G

    Anyone familiar with NZXT?

    I looked at Newegg and found the case/psu combo I got link It mentions that it's a ATX12V psu
  26. G

    Anyone familiar with NZXT?

    The only numbers I saw on the PSU were the following: Model # MPT400 Some other numbers that were below some odd looking logos/icons: B190032 D33233 E199529
  27. G

    Anyone familiar with NZXT?

    I bought a NZXT Trinity Case with 400w PSU from and put all my stuff into it from my old case. I'm having problems with the computer shutting down while I"m playing Battlefield2 ... someone mentioned that it might be a PSU issue.. here's my setup.. Case: NZXT Trinity (from Newegg...
  28. G

    Memtest 86+ causes system to crash

    Well, I put in the old RAM, and have the same instability problems.. As far as system specs: Case: NZXT Trinity (from Newegg, bundled with PSU) Mobo/CPU: ECS Nforce3-a mobo with AMD Athlon 3200+ processor RAM: Corsair 2gb TwinX PSU: NZXT PF400 Add-on cards: Video Card: XFX Geforce...
  29. G

    Memtest 86+ causes system to crash

    I've been having problems recently with jaggies and poor gameplay while running Battlefield 2.. this started after I moved my components, mobo, etc into a new case with a new PS, and 2 new sticks of RAM. I got the Corsair 2gb special from Newegg. So, last night I was attempting to play BF2...
  30. G

    finally found a program that shows temps...

    Oh wow! I did use waaaay more than a rice sized drop ... guess I need to pull the heatsink off again and clean it up and reapply. I probably put about 4 pieces of rice worth on there... instructions that came with the paste didn't say how much to use... :(
  31. G

    Whose computer is running the hottest?

    All this crying about C vs F ... jeeeez. I have my monitors reporting to me in F, because C means nothing to me. I don't know if 100 C is hot or room temp... I'm in America, where we use Farenheit.
  32. G

    Whose computer is running the hottest?

    waiting for a meltdown