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  1. J

    XCM 1080p box and L204WT problems

    To further the insanity, I tried the box on my friends L204WT last night (3rd one of the same model), and it works perfectly at 720p. :confused::confused::confused: One thing I noticed that is odd, I'm not getting the Out of Range warning(s) like I used to about 2 months ago, before I got it...
  2. J

    XCM 1080p box and L204WT problems

    So I'm pretty much at the end of the line here. I've tried everything I can, but I can't seem to get this monitor working with this box and PS3... again (yes, it was working for 2 months before it stopped). I now have a second VGA box, and four monitors on my kitchen table in an attempt to find...
  3. J

    Need help with steps for a memory READ operation...

    Hey, I'm taking a course and have to select a type of RAM to describe in detail. I selected DDR ram and have done the first question easily, but am having some problems finding the answers I need for the second question on the sheet. As I said above, I've selected DDR-RAM and now I need to...
  4. J

    Driverheaven HL2 bench shows ATI > nvida by alot

    Me --> :confused: I'm definitely waiting for retail HL2 to come out before I trust any benchmarks...
  5. J

    *** Official Catalyst 4.8 Thread ***

    I recieved a very small FPS boost in Doom3. I didn't do any other games as they already run smooth and didn't really need a boost. Doom3 BM w/ rig in sig (9800pro is running stock speeds now) 4.7 Catalyst - High - 1024 - AF 2x - AA 0x - Advanced options all on 1) 28.4 2) 32.1 3) 32.2...
  6. J

    Diablo 2 replacement?

    I just picked up Dungeon Siege: Legends of Aranna and it's pretty good. I've had the original Dungeon Siege since it came out in 2002, and it was great when I played it then. The graphics are still pretty impressive and with the Legends of Aranna expansion (it also includes the full game) it...
  7. J

    Applying the Humus patch ~ a question

    I would put your card back to default speeds; I had the same problems with my O/C 9800 pro in my sig. I'm far from an authority on the Doom3 engine :p , but I would turn off the setting in your config file and force it on in control panel; You never know what could be happening within a new...
  8. J

    any specific ATI drivers for Doom?

    Hey, There are new 4.9 (BETA) Catalyst drivers out: And, there is a patch done by Humus: Install the Humus patch like the instructions say; making...
  9. J

    9800pro 256mb vs. 6800 128mb

    Personally, I would go for the 6800 w/ 128mb at this time.
  10. J

    Applying the Humus patch ~ a question

    Yea, listen to Rizen. I downloaded the *.rar (doom3PerformanceTweak.rar) file and simply unzipped it where the instructions said; the game looks exactly the same -- in my opinion -- as when I was running without it.
  11. J

    Catalyst 4.9 betas causing BSOD

    I kept my 4.7 install, but I took the atioglxx.dll file out of the 4.9s and replaced my old one with it located in windows/system32. I've played through a couple levels, and no errors to report as of yet; I'm also running the Humus mod.
  12. J

    D3, my setup and AF w/ mods (9800pro)...

    I just wanted to add my 2c to the benchmarking -- just picked up Doom 3 last night. Humus mod + 4.7 cats w/ replaced 4.9 atioglxx.dll on Rig in Sig (I put my 9800pro back to default speeds though) This isn't a comparison of driver release canditates or Humus mod vs no Humus mod. It's...
  13. J

    My new 77' Boneville heatorcore pics.

    Me likey... Definitely beats my cardboard shroud :D
  14. J

    WATERCLOX End ( pics 56k becareful)

    Looks good to me :) I second the metal hose clamps.
  15. J

    I want to do water cooling, few questions..

    I would mount the radiator/heatercore on the outside -- always have, always will. I would just go with a bigger rad/core if you're worried about the extra cooling. One should be able to do the job just fine. Here's a picture of the core I have that's running with the rig in my sig...
  16. J

    tubing size...

    I've had a couple different sizes and types of tubing in my setups. Tygon, Braided and Clearflex all seem to work well. My current setup is using 5/8" OD and 1/2" ID clearflex tubing - it seems to be doing the job :) Just watch out for kinks when using Clearflex and use elbow joints if you...
  17. J

    Using copper pipes instead of plastic.....possible?

    I just figured most of the copper tubing would be in the case, (they would act somewhat like heat-pipes - picking up heat given off by the mobo/cards etc.) and the internal case temperature tends be higher than that of the environment; I don't think it's a big deal though.
  18. J

    Waterblock for my gpu

    AIW cards have more 'stuff' on them. This makes them physically different than non-AIW cards. I have a DD Maze4 on my BBATI 9800pro (non-AIW), and I'm very pleased with the overclock that I have; I plan on bumping it up some more as time goes on. On a side note, when I took the stock...
  19. J

    Using copper pipes instead of plastic.....possible?

    My only concern would be the heat conducting properties of the copper tubing. It would be great if you're always in a cool room -- the pipes will act somewhat like the channels in your heatercore. On the other hand, if you're in a warm room, those copper tubes will pick up unwanted heat from the...
  20. J

    Heatercore placement question.

    Yea, it does the job -- with a bunch of tape to keep it sealed :D I'm planning on using the cardboard as a template when I get some aluminum sheets.
  21. J

    Mother board monitor is no more!

    DAMN! I've been using this program for a loooong time. I guess I took it for granted that it would always be around :( I wish him well in whatever he decides to do next...
  22. J

    Heatercore placement question.

    In the context of computing, a shroud is something that conceals, protects, or screens an object :D Just think of it as ducting; one side has the fan(s) and the opposite side has the heatercore. It conceals the fan(s) and core forcing air to be sucked through the core and over the fins by...
  23. J

    Danger Den TDX vs. RBX?

    Show off :p
  24. J

    Danger Den TDX vs. RBX?

    I think the RBX looks alot better than the TDX.
  25. J

    LEGO my case-o...

    First let me say that this project has the potential of not getting done or just taking a while, so forgive me ahead of time if either of those scenarios comes true ;) I doubt I'm the first to do this, infact I think I remember seeing something like this a year ago but I can't be sure. LEGO...
  26. J

    Heatercore placement question.

    You'll want the fans to pull the air through the core as opposed to pushing it. Also, be sure to buy or make a fan shroud.
  27. J

    Project: Pirate Sonata

    Nice case... ...and happy Canada Day! :D
  28. J

    OC'in causing 'green block' corruption?

    I was only able to find one post on another message board while searching google on this and thought I would bring it up. Does anyone get 'green bars/blocks' corruption in 2D video playback? I notice it happens in KOTOR and Manhunt cutscenes. From what I gather from the post I read, it had to...
  29. J

    Almost done -- need some WB input...

    OK, thanks for the input. I decided to hold off on the NB block now and just use a regular HS+fan combo. I'll look at the WW block, but will probably end up getting the RBX anyway. I'm not even going to look at the Cascade given the availability.
  30. J

    Almost done -- need some WB input...

    AthlonXP 1700+ @ 12x200 A7N8X-D 2.0 ATI 9800pro - I have the Hydor L30 pump - I bought a heatercore (18cm x 13cm) - Now I need to replace my homemade WB. I plan on ordering the RBX at this time. I heard it has some mounting problems and the TDX version fixes them -- It also...
  31. J

    Water, Room and CPU temperatures (4 hour log)

    I edited my message to include the pics in the original message. The peltiers are a Liquid to Air system...
  32. J

    Water, Room and CPU temperatures (4 hour log)

    Doing temperature tests on my homemade peltier chilled water setup in order to gauge the effective heat transfer of my Homemade WB and peltier setup while running CPUBurn for 4 hours. EDIT -- CPU 1700+ @ 2.3 (11.5x200) 1.75v and an A7N8X-D v.2.00 The temperatures are probably not exactly...
  33. J

    Need suggestions -- RAID 0, Rockethead100 and A7N8X-D...

    I ordered a couple Rockethead100 converters for my two WD 80GB HD's and they should be here within a couple of days. This is my first time hooking up a RAID array and am wondering if there will be any surprises when using the onboard S-ATA/RAID controller with the Rockethead converters...
  34. J

    Pelt to Cool reservoir

    I've been running this for about a year now... The tubes on the left are then connected to my case with the WB. Water temperatures stay around 25-28C. But because I'm using a homemade WB, it isn't the most effecient at cooling (I'm guessing)...
  35. J

    Belkin USB VideoBus II(VHS->DVD conversion)...

    I've had this thing sitting in my closet for a while now doing nothing. I recently picked up a DVD burner and want to convert my VHS tapes (300+) to DVD. Whenever I use the record software that comes with the program, it uses up tons of HD space; 100 seconds was about 500MB. Now, I only have...