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  1. R

    AMD Radeon R9 Nano Video Card PAPER Launch @ [H]

    Haven't posted on here in forever, but had to add my 2 cents to this one. The last review of the 390X and Fury cards on here had a clear agenda, and went well overboard on the hate. It very much felt like Brent went into the reviews with a major hair across his ass about AMD before he even...
  2. R

    Acoustic Guitars, Plucked By A Computer

    Yes, that video was lame, I was expecting some badass intricate Melody with tons of guitars. Instead I got a bunch of crap laying on the floor being rubbed by spinning paper tuned to open. I can make the same noise at my house if i turn my amp up and stand in front of it to get feedback. :)
  3. R

    Using Google+ For Spamming

    His 'bot' looks like a macro program clicking on specific positions on the screen over and over in a loop with a couple scroll downs thrown in for good measure. I don't know if I would say that qualifies him as a 'programmer' :)
  4. R

    For the [H]orde October GTX 460 giveaway entry thread

    I'm game gonna break the 1 mil barrier soon :cool:
  5. R

    HFM PPD Doesn't Match Real World PPD

    Should i be getting bonus points on the gpu client also or no?
  6. R

    HFM PPD Doesn't Match Real World PPD

    Yep, looks fine in notepad to me. Mabel I'll dump my whole config and re enter everything and see if it makes a difference. Thanks guys.
  7. R

    HFM PPD Doesn't Match Real World PPD

    Do I need separate passkeys for each client?
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    HFM PPD Doesn't Match Real World PPD

    Is the preferred deadline different then the normal one? What would be the best way for me to troubleshoot it, just up it to -smp 7 and see if it comes out of it?
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    HFM PPD Doesn't Match Real World PPD

    The gpu client is separate, it has completed much more. Number of Units Completed: 65
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    HFM PPD Doesn't Match Real World PPD

    I guess mabey the question i should of started with, is what should I be getting for PPD on a i7 860 @ 3.8ghz
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    HFM PPD Doesn't Match Real World PPD

    TPF Column is the time-frame? :) 00:04:36 for an A3 P6050 Job Its banging them out fairly fast now, just not giving me the credit HFM says each one is worth.
  12. R

    HFM PPD Doesn't Match Real World PPD

    Seems like its seeing the passkey on the work packets + Attempting to get work packet Passkey found
  13. R

    HFM PPD Doesn't Match Real World PPD

    Yea I'm over 10 units now Number of Units Completed: 23
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    HFM PPD Doesn't Match Real World PPD

    Yea I've tweaked the settings last weekend. I am using a passkey I am folding with a 4890, which killed a core, and my smp folding at first, but that showed the low ppd in the HFM client also. I followed the guide and fixed the ati cpu usuage, that improved my smp ppd from like 300 to...
  15. R

    HFM PPD Doesn't Match Real World PPD

    Anyone else seen this? The HFM client is reporting that my i7 should be putting out 10k PPD, but from looking at my stats its only putting out mabey 1500 PPD on top of my gpu client. Just wondering if I have something setup wrong.
  16. R

    Turn that X3 720 into a X4 945 BE

    Does anyone know if its possible to unlock the 4th core on any of the DDR3 motherboards?
  17. R

    Phenom II X4 950 Pops Up

    QDR∞ >DDR∞
  18. R

    ATI Stream Computing: From the Desktop to the Datacenter

    huh, and here i was thinking how fast and clean the new ati control center was compared to nvidia's mess and the hell i went through getting sli to even work under vista with my 6800's :)
  19. R

    empty threat list again

    60k+ ppd is sick you will see lots of people on the threat meter when your neighbor notices his meter spinning like a turbine and unplugs your extension cord :D
  20. R

    5748 WU

    my 4850 overclocked to 800/2200 pushes out 2600-2650 PPD on the 5734 projects normally pulls 3300-3400 on the other one. around 74c with ac5 on the stock single slot cooler.
  21. R

    *** Countdown to 500 GPU ***

    186 add one more, even if its a gimpy radeon :) Radeon 4850 @ 800x2200
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    volt modded my 4850 the other night, she folds @ 800 core now, should gain me another 200-400 ppd depending on the work units
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    Couple weeks till you pass me at that rate :( [78] Dannifood4less 2w : 4d : 21.6h 11-22-08, 9pm
  24. R

    Best Low Budget High-Tech Kid Costume

    :p that kid looks like he would fall over after about 2 houses worth of walking
  25. R

    FarCry 2 Gameplay Performance @ [H]

    Kyle, did you test a 4850 1gb? The article says the 1gb 4870 was faster then the 512 version but i did not notice any mention of a 1gb 4850. I ask because I own one, and bought it for 192 dollars. could possibly be a better option then the gtx 260 for the price/performance crown...
  26. R

    Attempt to get work failed..

    Anyone know if this is going to be fixed anytime soon?
  27. R

    big hit on points.

    Same problem here, clients just keep getting Attempt to get work failed messages
  28. R

    ATI Radeon HD 3870 X2 Drawing

    Sign me up! :D
  29. R

    Challenge: I can RAMP better than anyone here! (AKA: Look ma, no labs!)

    yea i had problems with the smp client, so i reverted back to multiple instances of the normal client, but from seeing the numbers everyone else is putting up i dont think its gonna matter what clients i run :D
  30. R

    Challenge: I can RAMP better than anyone here! (AKA: Look ma, no labs!) :D
  31. R

    AMD K10 SuperPi Results

    and your saying you are an accurate source of information? :D im not saying your not, but a little 3rd party info backing up these claims of knowing that their launching with B1 would help me to belive you. Seeing as an editor at anantech which is notorious for breaking nda's wont even...
  32. R

    AMD K10 SuperPi Results

    umm, it says BA is the launch stepping, aka not B1 and i still dont see anyone anywhere listing B1 as anything other then a testing stepping that was released to a few platform partners, let me know if you find...
  33. R

    AMD K10 SuperPi Results

    Do you have a link to a source that confirms the launch stepping is B1? I can't seem to find it in a quick google, olny other result i found was this.. Which says B1 was a compatbility testing version, then B2 was bug free, and BA is mass production... Also note that Gary said B1 was from...
  34. R

    AMD K10 SuperPi Results

    If you follow the link i posted both Gary Key from andantech, and the author of cpu-z mention in their posts the current stepping of barcalona is B2, and anything before that could have the HT and cache problem. So in other words, its still up in the air if that benchmark is anywheres close to...
  35. R

    AMD K10 SuperPi Results

    according to this the super pi results may be all but worthless if that was run on a chip with HT disabled, and possibly the secondary cache disabled then the scores are going to be horribly degraded.
  36. R

    AMD K10 SuperPi Results

    I think you are only partially right about the core2 communications between the cores. Since they share the l2 cache, information that is in the cache can be accessed by either core, and is fast. But i belive there is still information that ends up going across the fsb (not enuff room in...
  37. R

    3Ghz k10 + 2900XT's = 30,000 score in 3dmark 06?

    "The reference motherboard containing RD790" anyone know if its possible this motherboard/chipset could have some optimizations that would bump up the 3dmark score? on-board video working in crossfire to do additional video/physix work or something?
  38. R

    3Ghz k10 + 2900XT's = 30,000 score in 3dmark 06?

    from the Inq so take with a grain of salt :) but the other things of interest is the claim that all the usual sites have review parts already