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  1. aeonrevolution

    Diablo IV - The Real Official Thread

    It's definitely a trade off between a set meta, and the flexible builds. Part of me thinks that a bit of magic is lost with the online community when no one can rally around certain items and think, "Oh shit that's cool. I need to build that". Could just be nostalgia though.
  2. aeonrevolution

    Fallout 4

    What resolution are you guys playing at? 3840x1080 I'm seeing 48-50fps pretty solid. Feels weird....almost like there is a vsync override taking place in the background somewhere even though I don't think I have it enabled.
  3. aeonrevolution

    Fallout 4

    Ahh awesome! Thanks man. That fixed it.
  4. aeonrevolution

    Fallout 4

    Anyone handy with the Fallout 4 ini? I'm trying to make the UI a bit smaller so it isn't outside of the resolution I'm using. I'm thinking it may be the following. Annoying as hell lol. [Interface] fDefaultWorldFOV=70 fDefault1stPersonFOV=80 fSafeZoneX=15.0 fSafeZoneY=15.0 fSafeZoneXWide=64.0...
  5. aeonrevolution

    Fallout 4

    I know :cry: Bethesda games are the only thing I usually encounter that dont support it though.
  6. aeonrevolution

    Fallout 4

    I was pretty excited that 3840x1080 was supported. Fired the game up, messed around in the starting house, then when you get to the part where you have to pick your name.....The UI was zoomed in and you can't see the area to click and type a name in. #rip
  7. aeonrevolution

    Battlefield VII (In Development)

    BF2 did a lot of things right, but the gunplay wasn't one of then
  8. aeonrevolution

    Homeworld 3

    That collection of ships makes me seriously consider the package....full knowing that the game may suck lol.
  9. aeonrevolution

    Diablo IV - The Real Official Thread

    Oh, I didn't mean through all 3 difficulties in D2. There was stuff you could roll through all of Normal with though because the items actually had unique properties.
  10. aeonrevolution

    Diablo IV - The Real Official Thread

    That was a massive thing that bother me as well about the legendaries. In D2 and D3 you might have an oddball unique that you could ride out the entire first campaign playthrough. That doesn't exist here.
  11. aeonrevolution

    Hellgate: Redemption

    Hellgate definitely does seem to be Roper's passion project. That is the only glimmer of hope here. This thread brought back memories of the dreadful memory leak issues from Hellgate London lol
  12. aeonrevolution

    Hellgate: Redemption

    I'm cautiously interested....with all my favorite memories being trashed lately though - D4/Homeworld/Kerbal/Skylines etc - it is hard to have any faith a proper Hellgate will see the light of day.
  13. aeonrevolution


    I'm only like an hour into playing the game, but is there a way to do like in Palworld where your build materials can auto-pull from your stash? Was kinda hoping I didn't have to keep all materials on my body.
  14. aeonrevolution

    F1 2024

    Yeah, the F1 games are close to a sim, but still a little wonky to be held next to iRacing. I would definitely recommend at least a cheap wheel and pedals to play these F1 games.
  15. aeonrevolution

    F1 2024

    I wouldn't mind seeing the game bundled with F1TV at a slightly discounted price.
  16. aeonrevolution


    Not bad! They are definitely reading user feedback and implementing it based of a few of those.
  17. aeonrevolution

    Homeworld 3

    My depression the past rolling 12 months of games I looked forward to from my childhood being butchered is getting to be too much. :dead:
  18. aeonrevolution

    Hell Let Loose

    Yeah, that initial impression of the game is unfortunate. I've got a few hundred hours and that happens, but it is really rare. Just bad luck. Don't let that get ya down, 95% of the people on there aren't like that.
  19. aeonrevolution

    Diablo IV - The Real Official Thread

    Sorry, yeah that is what I meant. The designers.
  20. aeonrevolution

    Diablo IV - The Real Official Thread

    It really does seem like they're going to have to do like D3. Do a full house cleaning of all the programmers and get a fresh team in there to revamp itemization and the general game.
  21. aeonrevolution

    Cities Skylines 2

    I'm still playing it off and on. It has good bones, but they just need to fix some of the weird glitches and bugs. The one that still drives me nuts is the mail getting stuck on trains and not making it to the sorting facilities.
  22. aeonrevolution


    You guys bashing the game....have you actually played it? It is really fun. Like all the reviewers are saying, it has a very satisfying gameplay loop. No pay to win, no battlepass, no cosmetics or anything behind a pay wall.
  23. aeonrevolution

    Diablo IV - The Real Official Thread

    Season 4 will be the big maybe for me. If they can fix the itemization, I'm on board.
  24. aeonrevolution

    Diablo IV - The Real Official Thread

    Maybe one day I'll have the urge to jump back into this lol. That Season 3 trailer doesn't do anything for me. Feels like a generic, "Oh, add something mechanical". Wish they'd stick with the darker lore of demonology, but that is probably just personal preference.
  25. aeonrevolution

    Stargate: Timekeepers

    Looks possibly interesting....what made Stargate so cool wasn't the combat though. It was the Star Trek-like episodic situations and stories.
  26. aeonrevolution

    Baldurs Gate 3 - Official Discussion Thread (2019)

    Wow. For $80 that is actually pretty solid. A lot of places would charge that just for 32 stickers and 2 patches.
  27. aeonrevolution

    Diablo IV - The Real Official Thread

    Diablo 2 and 3 nailed it with playing with groups, imo. You're spot on that Diablo 4 is basically just single player.
  28. aeonrevolution

    Cities Skylines 2

    Yeah even with subways, taxis, gated community, it gets rough when your high density resi starts filling out lol
  29. aeonrevolution

    Diablo IV - The Real Official Thread

    The only benefit is essentially having a separate friends list for people in the clan. Really disappointing.
  30. aeonrevolution

    Diablo IV - The Real Official Thread

    I hate to say it since I am technically the [H] Diablo 4 clan leader, but until they completely revamp the itemization, I don't think any amount of tweaking will bring me back in anytime soon.
  31. aeonrevolution

    The Expanse: A Telltale Series

    It's really a shame that The Expanse didn't garner more attention. It is up there as one of the best sci-fi series ever, up there with the old star trek and battlestar imo.
  32. aeonrevolution

    Cities Skylines 2

    Think I figured out my own question. You just have to ignore the resi demand and build apartment zoning. Eventually it will just start building medium resi. The demand sliders are glitched or something.
  33. aeonrevolution

    Cities Skylines 2

    Does anyone have any tips for the zoning demand only wanting low residential? It feels like the only demand I have is for low resi
  34. aeonrevolution

    Cities Skylines 2

    Yeah there's definitely something goofy going on with the performance. I've noticed my fps doesn't proportionally drop the bigger my city gets. With a 3080 & 5800 though I haven't noticed any hiccups or slowdowns though. Just gotta ignore the fps counter lol
  35. aeonrevolution

    Cities Skylines 2

    Eh, true. I just don't personally have high hopes for what little they were able to accomplish in so many years from kerbal 1 to kerbal 2.
  36. aeonrevolution

    Cities Skylines 2

    Don't get me wrong, this isnt Kerbal Space 2 levels of a bad launch, but it needs some work.
  37. aeonrevolution

    Cities Skylines 2

    If you don't build a landfill at all, your incinerators will handle your town's trash needs I found. Of course, this requires you to play with everything unlocked at the start.
  38. aeonrevolution

    Cities Skylines 2

    There are definitely some pros and cons of CS2 vs CS1. The idea of having water lines and electricity along with roads is great - and fairly true to real life. The new road design tools, once I got used to them, are really really great. Is there not a panel for things like, "High Tech Houses...
  39. aeonrevolution

    Cities Skylines 2

    There's definitely issues with running subway line too. I can't get lines to connect to an underground station to save my life. Figured it out. You gotta zoom wayyyyyyy in until you visually see the lines blend. It doesn't auto help by snapping them together.
  40. aeonrevolution

    Cities Skylines 2

    So, I went ahead and bought it. It runs fine so far on a 3080 & 5800x. There is a lottttt of content missing, but the bones seem okay. One thing I was not prepared for was air pollution and how far it blows.