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  1. J

    ESXI & NVME Intel Drives

    Local datastores are always going to be a 2nd class citizen in esxi. I think it's really unfortunate that they run basically hamstrung for performance due to kernel throttling it. However, your performance is pretty great! I've done some testing with SSDs as local datastores and the...
  2. J

    TWO MONTHS of Christmas from Galaxy!

    Still haven't bought a card from this manufacturer yet. As far as I know, they are still a value brand? PROVE ME WRONG!
  3. J

    NVIDIA Moves Into Direct Retail Sales of Video Cards

    Where were you when... Mt. St. Helens exploded? OJ Simpson was declared innocent? 3DFX announced it was going away? These events are forever seared in my mind. I hope to not add NVidia to this list.
  4. J

    Steve Jobs: 'We're Having a Little Problem Here'

    at Penny Arcade Expo, the 30,000 Nintendo DS peer to peer wireless networks made it so that you really couldn't use much of anything using wireless. I've seen it happen. It's one huge collision domain.
  5. J

    Google Wave Turned One

    it's like forum posting email, that happens in a chat. Or something? Felt forced and unnecessary. I find email to be just as good of a communication tool, or IM chats for more "real time" stuff.
  6. J

    Wikimedia Starts Purging Porn From Its Websites

    wait huh? In all my years of using wikipedia, i never saw anything like this. God Bless Fox News.
  7. J

    F16 + 9Gs + iPhone = Fail

    i call BS on this. Want to simulate 9 Gs? put your iphone in a knapsack, and swing it around over your head as fast as you can. That will exceed 9gs. Try dropping it. That will exceed 9gs. 9gs is about the max a human pilot can withstand in a g-suit for short periods of time. I think the...
  8. J

    Eyefinity and Triple DVI working.

    that is the hotness. *drool*
  9. J

    New Apple Products Announced

    ahhh bad. *bonk self* Be nice to use it for a PS3 w/ a displayport to HDMI converter or something :)
  10. J

    New Apple Products Announced

    as for what uses DP, all of our dell latitude laptops come w/ DP now, as well as the docking stations. It's not an apple/ati technology.
  11. J

    New Apple Products Announced

    well display port is just nice for having a second monitor, is all. I think that's what he's referring to. Doesn't need to be eyefinity...i think most people have been using multi-monitor solutions for a long time and previous iMacs didn't allow that. That being said, it looks secksi, but I...
  12. J

    Comcast Pop-ups Alert Customers to PC Infections

    samuraiinblack: it's also possible that when you're trying to play games, the skript kiddie who lives next door to you is downloading a crapload of warez and is maxing out your dslam, causing packetloss and overall craptastic experience. That's the "beauty" of a semi-shared medium. I've been...
  13. J

    Comcast Pop-ups Alert Customers to PC Infections

    really, samurai? Are you that naive that you don't think EVERYONE isn't monitoring your every move on the internet? Every ISP will do this. Hell, right now I'm at work and our security guys are saving every packet of data that leaves our network, w/ every piece of information about it...
  14. J

    Windows Anytime Upgrade and Family Pack Pricing

    FYI, upgrade licenses only...still a good deal, as long as XP counts as an OS you can do an upgrade from.
  15. J

    Apple Wanted 'Laptop Hunters' Ads Pulled

    until applecare warranties cover accidental damage, i will never buy an apple laptop. I've seen too many spilled sodas, dropped laptops, etc. etc. and Dell (and probably others) just don't care...they'll come and replace it for free, no questions asked (if you have CompleteCare) and that is...
  16. J

    Comcast Installer Robs Check Cashing Store

    I'm sure it's fun to bash them, but I hardly think they are responsible for the crime. :P
  17. J

    New Macs Have Downgraded Hard Drive Controller?

    ...or if it's a power saving feature make them run at full perf when plugged into battery at least..?
  18. J

    6-Core Nehalem Coming to LGA 1366 This Year

    i hope this comes sooner rather than later. I need to do a semi-largish vmware implementation and I'd love to use 6 core intel this point i'm leaning towards AMD because of their 6 core stuff that is already out. Er, that is to say, that is out on the server platform that i want to...
  19. J

    Soon, You'll Have to Pay for Hulu

    No. They serve the stuff themselves. Only exceptions are stuff like ABC shows, they don't even play on the hulu site, those redirect you to ABC.
  20. J

    Soon, You'll Have to Pay for Hulu

    Also, beats paying money for iTunes or whatever...their advertising is really unobtrusive, and much shorter than "normal" tv. I'll be a bit bummed out if they go to a pay model though. If they decide to do so, then they better go back to how it was when they first launched - FULL seasons of...
  21. J

    Craigslist Dropping 'Erotic Services' Ads

    erm, in context, she posted on CRAIGSLIST, not on the erotic services section, ewps!
  22. J

    Craigslist Dropping 'Erotic Services' Ads

    my gf is a Licensed Massage Practitioner, and when she was first starting out she posted an ad there...everyone who called was either a dirt-bag looking for a happy ending or a cop. She pulled the ad a few days later. If she even overhears the words "happy ending" in passing, she immediatly...
  23. J

    Windows 7's XP Mode Requirements

    well, no problem for me, but who really cares anyways? I haven't found a single program yet that I havne't been able to get working in vista/windows 7 i don't anticipate this is much of a big deal. It sure is getting a lot of press for a feature .001% of install base will use.
  24. J

    Man Shoots Television After DTV Tantrum

    He's doing it wrong.
  25. J

    Weird Space Junk

    it's not linked, but after the video where the woman lost her camera, there's a youtube link to a cat in space. That was hysterical. (i know, it's old, but man, i laughed my ass off)
  26. J

    iPhone Going To The Dogs

    the dog will cease to love you, instead worshipping the mechanical deity that lives above him, whirring and dropping deliciousness... That's kind of how i am w/ the [H]. Drop us more treats! :D
  27. J

    Weak Password Brings 'Happiness' to Twitter Hacker

    dang my password was H4pp1n355=$$ I'm changing it right now!
  28. J

    Tagan BZ 1300W PSU @ [H]

    i think it looks like there may be a piece of GUM in between one of the big solder bars and something next to it, and there is clearly a plastic shim of some kind underneath to prevent a short on that same large bar.
  29. J

    Nike’s New Mind Control Headset

    ahh in retrospect, the article says it's a is photoshopped :)
  30. J

    Nike’s New Mind Control Headset

    is it just me or does that photo look massively photoshopped? Like they had a pic of a girl laying pack and drew the headset on her?
  31. J

    Comcast Plans to Slow Down Heavy Users During Congestion

    If you think Comcast is the only one who does this, you're crazy. Every ISP does this. Everyone oversubscribes bandwidth. Comcast is just the one getting the most press about it. It makes sense, in a twisted way... That being said, in my area, i always get 1+ megs a second downloads so I...
  32. J

    This Is Your Brain On 3D

    this gives a whole new meaning to the phrase hair-brained! (sic)
  33. J

    Someone @ Apple Needs a Boot in the Ass

    it is buying around, but i have to say i recently bought a shuffle for my gf for the gym, and she loves it. It's no perfect solution, but it's teensy size, and clip on ability is pretty kick ass. Also, $75 shipped w/ tax for the 2gb one isn't too hard on the pocket book.
  34. J

    Verizon’s CEO Scoffs At iPhone

    ------------ bpmurrGT However, if Apple continues to improve on the feature set (add copy & Paste) then the might get some serious worldwide marketshare in a few years. I'd dump my work Blackberry for an iPhone since it seems like Apple got the Enterprise setup right without the...
  35. J

    Hookers and Xbox Story Bogus

    how did they not know that was fake? It's terribly written and poorly did they win a World of Warcraft tournament w/ an Xbox? :D
  36. J

    New Xbox 360 Chips This Summer?

    this is freakin' me out. My name is Jasper IRL, and it's kind of unusual to see it. Maybe this is a sign...this will be the first 360 I'll own that won't crash!! :)
  37. J

    Free Web Version of Photoshop Launches

    I'm signing up for an account now...
  38. J

    3D Realms Sued Over Earth No More vines. Is it lunch time yet?
  39. J

    hl2.exe crash

    I'm glad i'm not crazy! I get the "hl2.exe is not responding" after i quit TF2 every single time. Vista 32 bit. Grr! Sometimes I have to restart steam or it won't let me launch TF2 again later.
  40. J

    Google Masseuse A Millionaire

    yes, yes they can :( However, most people don't realize that their insurance (if they are lucky enough to have it) will cover massage, usually without even requiring a doctors note or anything else from their PCP. I'm just a shill for my gf, i admit freely :)