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    The [H] SpiderOak Referral Thread (Think DropBox, but BETTER)

    Used astrob0y's. Here's mine
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    Been out of the building game for a while

    Well alrighty then. Mine is a BE so maybe I'll locate a better cooler and play with OC'ing it.
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    Been out of the building game for a while

    Maybe I am missing something but if my 3+ year old processor isn't much slower, why are so many CPU's being released all the time?
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    Upgrade path

    I have been reviewing the charts. And it seems like benchmark wise, an upgrade from my GTX 260 starts at the 560 in the 500 series cards. But only just barely. Am I better off just getting a second 260?
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    2 different video card setup

    Yes, for a very long time i ran a GTX 260 and a 8600 GTS to be able to have 3 side-by-side monitors. I would game on the widescreen, surf web on the left screen, play video on the right screen. Both side monitors were powered by the smaller 8600 GTS card.
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    AM3+ Micro ATX MB with out of the box FX support

    I'm having trouble finding one as well....regular ATX though. We may have to wait a couple of weeks.
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    Been out of the building game for a while

    Haven't built a current gen PC in about 3 years, and am looking to upgrade my personal one soon. I'm looking to use an AMD-FX-4100, but it seems all the AM3+ mobos require a flashing of the bios to support it. Seeing as I am sitting on a AMD Phenom II X4 940, which is an AM2+ chipset, I...
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    Wireless Ethernet Card?

    $55 dollars is cheap these days. I hate inflation.
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    Wireless Ethernet Card?

    I am fully aware of the complications of using USB. But when locally, it is the only thing available, it was worth a shot. Sometimes I am too impatient for the webs to deliver.
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    I Bit The iPad 2 Bullet

    There is a way to setup without a payment option, the option is just hidden is very tiny print on a gray clickable link on or before the payment option page. And I found that until I jailbreak it, I won't need to hook it up to itunes to do anything. Just initial setup stuff, and to put music...
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    Wireless Ethernet Card?

    I just tried the Belkin N300 USB adapter. If I was playing WoW, and started ANY program that even thought about touching the internet, WoW would either A) slow down a lot b) lag out for a few seconds c) disconnect entirely. And WoW internet traffic is not that heavy, last time I watched it...
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    I Bit The iPad 2 Bullet

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    potential motherboard issue?

    definitely seen weirder. I suppose it could be a PSU issue. I run a second video card for the third monitor. I'll try new cables the next time it happens. The problem is rare enough and has been happening for almost 1.5 years now that if the hard drive was going to die it would have done so...
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    potential motherboard issue?

    agreed, from everything I have learned, nothing is stored and is actually read as if it is a brand new computer each time it is turned on. the fourth time this problem happened, I installed new BIOS from Asus. And i find it hard to believe that the on board sata card is bad, because it will...
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    potential motherboard issue?

    Every now and then ( like once a month or even less) my win7 64bit will freeze up and I hold down the power button and reboot. I will get 1 of 3 error messages. -Windows failed to boot, insert disc and repair, blah blah -A disk error was detected, hit ctrl+alt+del -something OS boot sector...
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    The Router Recommendations Thread (Consumer)

    It is probably not listed because there is a confirmed problem with wireless connections dropping randomly.
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    Got a Dreamcast, where do I get games?

    Look for SKies of Arcadia. Best RPG i have ever played.
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    View connected webcam in fullscreen

    Sorry guys, turns out I beat you to it. Changing my google search term by a little bit found me MyScreenCam. Seems to work really great, and best yet it doesn't have a lot of bloaty extra features.
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    View connected webcam in fullscreen

    Hey guys, I am looking for a program (freeware) that would view a webcam connected to a computer in fullscreen. The end goal here is to provide my high school math teacher wife with a document camera on the cheap. Anyone done anything similiar or found a good application? -Sesh
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    Wmp12 won't stay maximized

    weird..I have screensaver disabled...but in the greyed out SS box it says 5m...which is how long it takes to minimize the window if the 5m screen saver timer is still somehow affecting it,....that is weird
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    Wmp12 won't stay maximized

    Every 5-15m while watching a video file maximized, wmp12 leaves fullscreen and returns to windowed. I have shut off all non-essential processes and the problem still occurs. Any ideas?
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    Just Cause 2...It's already over?

    LOL the game is called Just Because. You should want to complete it "just because" you can. go play it.
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    HTC Desire MIA?

    I have never appreciated the little trackball on any device. A) It feels weird, B) It feels like the 80's to me. Weirdest feeling ever, but go figure. I have an iphone 2g currently, and am honestly getting tired of Apple. They were cool when they were like, the opposite of Windows, like yea...
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    HTC Desire MIA?

    I have been trying to follow the HTC Desire, as far as America is concerned, but all I can find is up until a couple weeks ago. And even that is all rumor and speculation. Is it coming to America or not?
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    so my 4th 360 just rrod.

    Im willing to bet a LOT of the rrod comes down to poor ventilation of some sort. Since the old "diy" fix was to put a towel around it and remelt the solder. That just screams that solder was melted in the first place to break it.
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    so my 4th 360 just rrod.

    The problem boils down to quality. My grandmother has couches that are like 40 years old, my parents bought some sectional seating that barely lasted 7 years. Both look to be in about the same shape. Things just aren't made with the same amount of conviction that they used to be.
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    so my 4th 360 just rrod.

    I guess I'm one of the lucky ones, been on my first one since day one. Something like 2 years ago.
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    mw2 free weekend? LOL?

    the problem comes one computer fps that isn't hacked. hell even the ps3 mw2 is hacked. for the most part, I don't see many if at all hackers on the xbox
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    Obligatory Girlfriend Game Suggestion Thread

    my fiance got BORED of beating the freaking good chinese kids on the online DS tetris. she fails at fps, always finds herself looking at the sky. maybe I should put her on southpaw....
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    New MW2 Map pack is out!

    maybe it will go like Halo...for a little while you have to play a game type to get them..but they get added to the rotation eventually
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    New MW2 Map pack is out!

    Just bought it..if I have to pick the "new map pack only" option to be able to play them..I am going to be pissed.
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    Mbr and Sata Controller Question

    The automatic restart option sounds about right for messing up my mbr, great find there. I'm assuming that since I have disabled the auto restart...the next time I BSOD. I will be given enough time to read the error message. And now that I think about. you are quite correct about leaving...
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    Win 7 and XBOX 360

    troll? or greatest post ever?
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    Increasing WOW performance, 25mans

    I forget how to even go above 60 fps. That's as high as i ever get, and the only time I dip below 60 fps is if I am experiencing heavy lag. I don't know what it is, but lag can also dip your framerate, which would make sense. I'm assuming your fps dips down when you enter combat.
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    Mbr and Sata Controller Question

    So I have two questions. First, some background info to provide details. I run a two hard drive system. A 320GB hard drive for OS's and programs and a 1TB hard drive for all Data. Somehow, Windows 7 has installed a boot loader to each drive. I know this from Grub2 auto searching for...
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    Changing a speaker's impedence?

    I have never really heard of this being done before but if you get, say a 4 ohm resister able to handle the wattage you would be putting through it, you could wire it in series with the speaker and that should work. But your better off getting a 8 ohm speaker
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    My project (Cosmos 1000 WC) new setup

    what case is that? I love it.
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    Logitech Harmony remote...

    Ah, well my friend has one of these remotes and I have never noticed any lag. Have you tried going over to a friend's house and trying the remote on their equipment?
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    [RAID] New to this.

    Agreed. For now, the only set of data that is making me get a new drive is the Movies folder. So for now I may just do a separate drive for that. But once other folders like Apps, Backup, and Music get to where they need a drive of their own, I will convert to RAID. Thanks for all the...
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    [RAID] New to this.

    Thanks for the methodical reply guys. Hmm. Needing more storage is a must. That much is obvious. I may just break down and make movies their own seperate hard drive. I don't increase the Data volume fast enough to justify just going and buying a Terrabyte's worth of space right now. I...