Antec NEO HE Issues

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[H] Admin
Staff member
Aug 29, 2004
Since this has been an issue for a lot of people I am making a new thread so everyone will catch the response from the Antec Rep.

AntecRep said:
So we've got an answer.

The A8N SLI and A8N SLI Deluxe changed from rev1.01 to rev1.02 earlier this month; A8N SLI Premium changed from rev1.01 to rev1.02 in July.

They (Asus)suggests our shared customers with motherboard rev1.01 to update the drivers and BIOS, and also plug the onboard 4pin Molex connector. If the updates still don't solve the problem, the customer will need to contact ASUS RMA for replacement.

Version 1.02 boards should be ok, in house testing showed no problems with 1.02s.

Many thanks to AntecRep for helping us out!

Edit: The issue seems to continue and involve a couple other boards other than just the A8N series. If you are experiencing an incompatibility please post here and contact Antec and your mobo manufacturer. As of yet I have not seen a resolution that works 100%. The best bet is to update to your newest mobo BIOS and see if you can get a revised Antec Neo HE.
Even though my Asus mobo is the A8N-E (AMD desktop bundle :)) and not affected I was sort of holding off on the NeoHE's was going to go with the Thermaltake PurePower W0023R 560W...but now when I get back home from MameMan Lan this weekend I'll be whipping out the plastic again.
Thanks for the update.

I've just checked the version number on the Asus A8N-SLI Deluxe that I got on Monday of last week. It is Version 1.02, which means that I can get the Antec NeoHE with confidence.
ah man, too late...just received my new thermaltake purepower from zipzoomfly... :(

guess i coulda waited a couple more days to see if any issues could have been fixed...oh well

time to put this power supply in and see how things go...
hmm, I don't know if this issue has been resolved. I just put together a new rig with a neo he and A8N-SLI Rev 1.02 and I'm having these exact problems.
frofan said:
hmm, I don't know if this issue has been resolved. I just put together a new rig with a neo he and A8N-SLI Rev 1.02 and I'm having these exact problems.

If after doing your due diligence troubleshooting you continue to have problems contact Asus for replacement.
I spoke with ASUS CSR and they had no idea what I was talking about. I don't want to RMA a board and receive one back with the same problems!
I replaced the NEOHE with an Enermax Liberty. The system is 100% stable, even after a slight over clock.

So, rev 1.02 Asus A8N-SLI Mobo are also not working with the Antec NEO HE.
It seemed a little strange to me that so many people with motherboards purchased in the last month were having the issues. I would assume that at least some of those would be revision 1.02.

Can more people confirm that this is running on a 1.02? My 1.02 is coming next week and I don't want to have these problems.
I had so many problems with my motherboard and that PSU that I just returned it and got a NeoPower 480 instead. Its been 100% stable and works great......the HE550 wouldnt even power on.
alkoholik said:
I had so many problems with my motherboard and that PSU that I just returned it and got a NeoPower 480 instead. Its been 100% stable and works great......the HE550 wouldnt even power on.

Do you have revision 1.02?
nwrsx said:
Do you have revision 1.02?

Yes sir. I purchased it from the egg about 2 weeks ago. Had the whole thing setup and ready to go...then i pressed the power button and nothing worked. POS
I can confirm the NeoPower HE 550 does not work with my Asus A8N Premium rev 1.02 board. AMD64 x2, 2gigs OCZ Platinum, GF7800GTX. All the power connectors on the motherboard are plugged in (incl the ATX 4 pin aux power and the EZplug). The motherboard has been flashed to the latest on ASUS's website (1009.004).

The system runs perfectly for 20-30 minutes, then you hear a "click" and the system spontaneously powers down.

Temps look good, fan RPMs look good, voltages look a little low, but nothing else seems obviously wrong with the system when it powers down.

Just as there was/is a Seasonic/DFI problem, I guess we now have an Antec/Asus problem.

The Antec Neo HE's seem to work fine on the DFI N4's.

Paging the Antec Rep!

Do we have a Asus rep?

Dave ;)
i just purchased the antec neo he 500watt, and having similar issues like you guys had with random lock ups in windows, and 5 minutes into css. i don't have an asus a8n, but i do have an asus k8v se deluxe socket 754 mobo. i flashed to the lateset bios, and also have the 4 pin molex into the mobo for single processors. i un-plugged it just to see what happens, and of course the computer turns on but does not post. i was wondering if anyone else out there is having trouble with this power supply and other asus mobo's besides the a8n? i know it's the power supply cuz my old antec truepower 1.0 430 watt works fine with my setup. thanks in advance for any insight on how to alleviate this problem. i would really like to keep this power supply (modular is wonderful), but not when it locks up just listening to music and surfing.
my system specs are:
asus k8v se deluxe
amd athlon 64 3200+ socket 754 110nm
2 x 512 corsair xms
bfg 6800 gt oc agp
200 gb seagate 7200.7
160 gb wd
2 x 120 mm case fans
80 mm side case fan
AntecRep said:
We're already talking with Asus again.

Any updates? My A8N-SLI is already on it's way unfortunately.

EDIT: Forget this, I am RMAing the A8N-SLI and getting an A8N32-SLI. Hopefully it won't have the same problem.
frofan said:
hmm, I don't know if this issue has been resolved. I just put together a new rig with a neo he and A8N-SLI Rev 1.02 and I'm having these exact problems.

Same here, spontaneous shutdowns. Glad now that it's not just me.
Just don't know which I should request RMA from now? Is it the motherboard or the power supply that's at fault. Sounds like the m/b from what I've read.

I RMAd the Mobo. I like the power supply too much. Sleeved modular cables, straight through fan design, decent efficiency.

I am hoping that the A8N32-SLI won't have the same issues.

Anybody confirm if this is also affecting the A8N-E?
I got the M/B first so too late for me to RMA it (just found out). Going to swap out the PSU with "Antec TRUEPOWERII TPII-480 BLUE ATX12V 480W Power Supply". Same price for what I paid for the NeoHE more or less. It's for my son's PC so he won't be doing SLI for awhile and by then he can have the PSU that's in my PC doing SLI.
Yeah I've got a similar problem with my pc atm. Brought a antec p150 (with neo he 430 inside) and the asus a8n-e mobo. It powers off automatically if i run some gfx intenstive game. Ati tool seems the best at doing this (shuts down after 5 ish minutes) and World of Warcraft shuts down after 30 minutes. Going to try my friends smart power 2 450 and see if that gives me any joy. The gfx card is a connect3d x800 gto, I did try unlocking and overclocking it, but its all back to default settings now.
My Epox board will not boot into XP with the NeoHE 550, well only from a cold boot, it's going back. My NeoP 480 boots it just fine.
aaaaa0 said:
I can confirm the NeoPower HE 550 does not work with my Asus A8N Premium rev 1.02 board. AMD64 x2, 2gigs OCZ Platinum, GF7800GTX. All the power connectors on the motherboard are plugged in (incl the ATX 4 pin aux power and the EZplug). The motherboard has been flashed to the latest on ASUS's website (1009.004).

The system runs perfectly for 20-30 minutes, then you hear a "click" and the system spontaneously powers down.

Temps look good, fan RPMs look good, voltages look a little low, but nothing else seems obviously wrong with the system when it powers down.


Ok, I sent the NeoPowerHE 550 back to newegg, swapped in a Seasonic S12 600W. Machine works fine now, rock solid. No more weird shutdowns.

So definitely stay away from the NeoPower HE until they sort out their problems.
I'm also having the same problem. Asus A8N SLI Premium revision 1.02, X2 4200+, 2 gigs of OCZ platinum ram, BFG 7800GT OC, and the Antec NeoHE 500.

It kept shutting off on me trying to format the HDD and install Windows. I had it stay stable for almost 6 hours after resetting the CMOS battery on Saturday after installing Windows, but when I went to play a game on it it shut off in under 5 minutes. I've tried with and without the extra 4 pin molex connector plugged in but it makes no difference. I also flashed the bios and updated the chipset and video drivers with no change.

It's easier to replace a power supply than a motherboard so I'll be replacing the PSU. People keep saying good things about Seasonic so I'll probably get one from them. It's a shame because it was a very nice PSU.
Yea, Antec needs to look closer at these PSUs. I've had no problem with my system since putting my NeoPower 480 back in. I'm sending it back to Newegg, but I plan to also let Antec know. I think everyone here who has also had similar issues should do the same.
Hi all, I've joined these forums to share my experience with the NeoHE 430. First off, thanks to all the information on these forums, I've narrowed down to my PSU being the problem, so thanks again for that.

I bought a new rig, mainly the AMD X2 4400+, A8N-SLi Premium and Sapphire X800GTO2, and as I was waiting for the P150 to ship, I built it into my existing case. (This is a Coolermaster mid-tower w/Jeantech 400w PSU.)

All worked fine and dandy, no illicit shutdowns or odd behavior at all.

The P150 has since been released, and I've transferred all the kit over, bar the Jeantech PSU, taking advantage of the lovely neat, modular NeoHE430. What you all expect to happen now, does happen. Spontaneous shutdowns, sometimes when booting, all the time when gaming (Quake4), symptons mimic everyone else's with a NeoHE + A8N. After much underclocking/cooling checks/shouting/swearing/googling, I came here and followed others hard earned advice and monitored the volt rails with Asus Probe, with the +12v dipping down to 11.4v, but all of the outputs fluctuating.

I swapped back to the old Jeantech 400w, and again, the expected happened, all was calm. The clocks went back up on the GTO2, Prime was run, ATITool, Quake4, and all ran as they should do. I also monitored the volt rails within Asus Probe, and the lowest the +12v gets to is 11.7v, with hardly any undulations at all.

I filled in a fault form on the Antec website, and they said the unit is faulty, and that I should contact Antec Europe for an RMA. I done this, and have been told that it will be RMA'd (postage at my expense, obviously), although I'm still waiting for the RMA number from them, overall a week and counting from first contact with them.

I have to admit, I dont want the NeoHE, but that wasn't given as an option, which is unsurprising really, seeing as it came as part of the case. What I may do, is just try the PSU on my wife's rig, and get myself a nice Seasonic. I know the Jeantech's doing the job, but I'm a little concerned about it only being a 20-pin jobbie, and it's noisier than the NeoHE was, and being quiet is of major concern.

I was considering plugging the NeoHE back in, with the EZ plug in too, but I can't honestly see it making any difference, and it seems to me to simply be a 'repair', that smooths over the real issue, rather than an absolute solution.

On a side issue, the NeoHE ran very hot, I could really feel the warmth coming out of the rear, whereas this old Jeantech thing has got to be half of the temperature. (Not an accurate guage, I'll grant you, but I'm no laboratory scientist.) :)
We are continuing to test the NeoHe's.

Please if you are having problems call us, if you get voicemail leave a message (it amazes me how many people won't leave a message and get mad that we don't call them). The more information we have/get the faster we can get this sorted out.

Ralf Hutter in the SPCR forums pointed this out: Premium

So we're reading up on these as well. Apparently it's not just us, but as far as I can tell (I haven't read them all yet) there's nothing consistent either. Anyway we're trying to get all the info we can.
Could it be an nForce 4 issue? I'm not positive, but most of the boards I've seen having problems are nForce 4 boards, though I could be wrong.
Spectre said:
Since this has been an issue for a couple of people I am making a new thread so everyone will catch the response from the Antec Rep.

Many thanks to AntecRep for getting this out to us as fast as was possible!

I got the ASUS A8N-SLI Premium form the Egg. I didn't realize I needed a new powersupply with 24 pins.

My Rig Specs Are:

ASUS A8N-SLI Premium
AMD X2 4200+
2x512Mb Corsair XMS
74Gb SATA WD Raptor
80 Gb PATA Seagate
Sony CD-R
1.44 & 5.25 floppies (yes I know!)
Seagate Internal Tape Drive
ASUS 6600GT PCIx16 Video Card (Just one)
Finally the:
Antec NEO 550 He Power supply.

I ran the above rig a few weeks on an Antec TruePower 480 with no issues/problems. I ordered the NEO 550 HE and finally installed it. The Neo 550 HE works fine. No Problems. The powersupply is cold to the touch which impressed the hell out of me. I have it loaded up pretty heavily with devices and it sits there and laughs at me -- not even getting warm -- nor having the PSU fan even engage. All this with a heat pipe on my MB (no chipset fan) too! I have yet to see the P/S fan actually turn on. I have left my on Box on overnight doing constant torture work, No problems - not one single failure.

Voltage is very steady, and I have a lot of devices connected to it and I'm AI (Asus Thingy) Overclocking it by 3%. Very Very stable,

Just ran across your forum and found the FUD spreading about Antec and had to put in my .02 cents.
Babbage said:
I got the ASUS A8N-SLI Premium form the Egg. I didn't realize I needed a new powersupply with 24 pins.

My Rig Specs Are:

ASUS A8N-SLI Premium
AMD X2 4200+
2x512Mb Corsair XMS
74Gb SATA WD Raptor
80 Gb PATA Seagate
Sony CD-R
1.44 & 5.25 floppies (yes I know!)
Seagate Internal Tape Drive
ASUS 6600GT PCIx16 Video Card (Just one)
Finally the:
Antec NEO 550 He Power supply.

I ran the above rig a few weeks on an Antec TruePower 480 with no issues/problems. I ordered the NEO 550 HE and finally installed it. The Neo 550 HE works fine. No Problems. The powersupply is cold to the touch which impressed the hell out of me. I have it loaded up pretty heavily with devices and it sits there and laughs at me -- not even getting warm -- nor having the PSU fan even engage. All this with a heat pipe on my MB (no chipset fan) too! I have yet to see the P/S fan actually turn on. I have left my on Box on overnight doing constant torture work, No problems - not one single failure.

Voltage is very steady, and I have a lot of devices connected to it and I'm AI (Asus Thingy) Overclocking it by 3%. Very Very stable,

Just ran across your forum and found the FUD spreading about Antec and had to put in my .02 cents.

Excellent news, I hope this means they've sorted any problem out. Personally I gave up though, I've got a 600x S12 coming tomorrow. I realise the problem may not specifically be the NeoHE, and perhaps the A8N is equally to blame, but a PSU is so much easier to chop over.
Smash said:
Excellent news, I hope this means they've sorted any problem out. Personally I gave up though, I've got a 600x S12 coming tomorrow. I realise the problem may not specifically be the NeoHE, and perhaps the A8N is equally to blame, but a PSU is so much easier to chop over.

What is so great about the Seasonics? Are they dual rails? I'm trying to decide whether to get a Liberty or something else OR just stick with my NeoPower 480.
gman said:
What is so great about the Seasonics? Are they dual rails? I'm trying to decide whether to get a Liberty or something else OR just stick with my NeoPower 480.

Basically from recommendations on this forum, and reviews, it gets a big thumbs up from everyone. In situations like these, I'll listen to the people who know, and take on board their advice.

I don't think it's rated as the best PSU, but it certainly seems to be one of the best, and quiet too, so that's good enough for me.

To be honest, I'd consider the liberty too, if only for it's modular cables, but this case (P150) is so good at hiding cables, it just isn't an issue.
Babbage said:
Just ran across your forum and found the FUD spreading about Antec and had to put in my .02 cents.

We are glad you have had no problems. Others have had problems.......and others not (the search feature would show you that). Antec knows about the issue, has acknowledged the issue, and is working on it. Hardly FUD.
Smash said:
Basically from recommendations on this forum, and reviews, it gets a big thumbs up from everyone. In situations like these, I'll listen to the people who know, and take on board their advice.

I don't think it's rated as the best PSU, but it certainly seems to be one of the best, and quiet too, so that's good enough for me.

To be honest, I'd consider the liberty too, if only for it's modular cables, but this case (P150) is so good at hiding cables, it just isn't an issue.

If you want the best I'd get a PC Power and Cooling power supply. The only one I ever bought from them was for an Everex Step 386-25 DX Novell server in the early 90's.... Worked very very well.

Also for all the really anal people in the powersupply forum, highly recommended is an APC 1200 Watt Line conditioner. (Not using one with my NEO He 550) but I am on another heavily loaded tower. It gives your computer "pure" sine wave output, and cleans the electricity giving your power supply an easier time of doing it's job. No more brownouts, transients and it stops EMI and RFI from tainting your electricity -- again before it gets to your power supply. Oh *so* much better than a surge strip...

With all of the money you guys are spending on computers an APC line conditioner should be on your shopping list - or perhaps get a UPS that has a transformer built in.

I'm a big fan of APC -- I'm suprised they don't make PC powersupplies.
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