AMD Athlon 64 3400+ Processor is Available Now

Definately a good thing, will help lower the prices in both camps. It is also refreshing to see that AMD appears to be doing quite well. I hope this run lasts a good long while for them.
Originally posted by cambio
Deja Vu....Gee, haven't I responded to this post before? :eek:

Hehe maybe, but I stopped reading that thread long ago... It wasn't going anywhere.
The A64 3400 looks great, but it seems like a less than stellar combo with an ECS board.

A few other board makers are supposed to release SIS755 motherboards.....I'm hoping soon.

If they keep holding up, 939 chips and chipsets will be on their way.
Originally posted by cambio
Deja Vu....Gee, haven't I responded to this post before? :eek:

lol, maybe you can convince AMD now to give you a real A64 3400+
Originally posted by DocFaustus
Dispatching ignorance, one idiot at a time.

Companies that suck: OCZ and Swiftech

Being ignorant on something doesnt mean they are an idiot.

Looks like you are ignorant on Swiftech though.
Originally posted by fallguy
Being ignorant on something doesnt mean they are an idiot.

Looks like you are ignorant on Swiftech though.

i am still mad at switftech for outright their outright LIES on their specs... my "made for 1/2" tubing" water blocks, are actually for 3/8'th becuause they use "OD" while everyone elese uses ID... meh

so now i have to pay for their stupid little adapter? why not just include it with the block?

Originally posted by fallguy
Being ignorant on something doesnt mean they are an idiot.

Looks like you are ignorant on Swiftech though.

Wow, you chose my sig to argue? And you tried to link 2 completely unrelated sentances in my sig? Impressive. Being in a sig, I wouldn't think that I have to tell you that it isn't directed at anyone, unless of course, you took it personally some how. Try reading it without taking it personally and maybe you will get what it is saying. :rolleyes:

As for the swiftech comment though, Maybe I am. But I value customer service, and they have shown me that my money is spent better elsewhere.

Oh wait I get it!! Do you own a swiftech product? And then got all defensive? and then link the 2 comments and think I was calling swiftech owners Idiots? Hahahahahahahahaha
I didnt take it towards me, but its dumb to say that ignorant people are idiots.

Pot. Kettle. Black.
Are you serious? Haha

Sorry if I offend some overly PC people (and I dont mean Personal Computer). Pick another place to start your pseudo-utopian crusade to save the world from Sigs.

And just because you seem to be hung up on this and will not get your panties out of a bunch on your own. Maybe this will help ease your overly sensitive mind:
Look up Idiot in the dictionary(.com) here is one of the definitions: 2. An unlearned, ignorant, or simple person, as distinguished from the educated; an ignoramus. [Obs.]

Holy shit!!! did I read that correctly?!?!?! The dictionary used the word Ignorant to describe an Idiot. You better fire off a message to them too before all of society is doomed.

And while you are fighting your pathetic battle, please explain how that is the pot calling the kettle black.
i'll believe the AMD ATHLON 64 3400+ (to get the thread back on topic) is out when its on newegg :)
Well considering the A64 3000+ is just as fast as the 3.2p4, the 3400+ should be a great deal faster than the new intel 3.4p4(dispret? I think so :D ). Depending on how great of a upgrade the Precott is over the current p4c's it looks like until the p5 is released it truly is AMD's time to shine.. :cool:
Oh and do so at ahell lot lower price! :D

*building his first amd system..A64 3000+* :D
I'm really anxious to see how these overclock! Also, with a multiplier of 12 these processors might start to become CPU limited in overclocking instead of AGP/PCI/Chipset limited.