Did you paint your gaming room/office? What color scheme?


Mar 8, 2007
Simple question. I am redoing my small office from scratch.

If anyone has painted the walls of their gaming space, please post pics and indicate the color you used. If you happen to know the maker/name of color of the paint used, that would help.

I would like to see how your room came together. Thanks guys!
Just moved into my new house so I am also working redoing the basement office. It is currently neon green and purple, because it was the previous owner's daughter's bedroom.
I actually just bought St John's Blue (Benjamin Moore) and plan to paint it this week.
I repainted mine a few years back. I have no idea what the colors are, my friends wife picked them out for me because i was fine with sheetrock after i repaired it from a roof leak. Apparently I was wrong She had me do an accent wall as well. I will see if I still have the cans in the garage
Bright Turquoise / Aqua

I work in there all day and its a happy, high energy color. Goes great with black and white...
I think whatever color you choose is fine but you gotta have some wall decors like gaming-related or fun posters.
I saw these photos the other day, it sounds really cool, Inspired by Mr Pac-Man:

Hopefully you get some ideas...