How can I hook up 2 pcs to my Z5500?


Jul 24, 2021
Please help lol
The audio system is a Z5500

First PC has a sound blaster x ae-5
Optical out of ae-5 to optical in on z5500 perfect.
GproX headphones connected to the ae-5 headphones 3.5 and mic 3.5 perfect.

Second PC can't hook up optical because Z5500 only has 1 optical input. So 6 channel direct or stereo switch in the back also to which 3.5 port on the z5500?
Which port should I hookup my second pcs headset ( logi g230) too? Out of which ports on the sound blaster Z? While also having the z5500 hooked up also for external speakers.

I'm so confused help please 😳
I don't need to use them at the same time, but I want to hook the both up and left hooked up at the same time but using them one at a time does that make sense?
I appreciate the help Zepher. I actually fogot to mention that I didn't want to use any splitters. I have had not the greatest luck with them in the past which is what brings me to this situation. The splitters don't always work perfectly and sometimes can mess up the audio feed.

I actually think I may have found the solution. The front panel case header plugged directly into the sound blaster z port in the front of the sound card (not the back)
that goes up to the 3.5 audio jacks on the top/front of the case for the headphone. That takes care of the headphones.

Now i just need to see where the single 3.5 jack for external audio goes from the card to the z5500, that is still a mystery? lol
Never mind what I just typed in the previous post I fixed it.

Went orange/black/blue to the orange/black/blue from the back of the blasterz to the back of the z5500 works now just need to toggle in the sound blaster software switch from "headphones" to "speakers" that was what was holding me up
The headphones both jacks go into the normal jacks behind the card. Now both rigs are hooked up to the z5500 with both headphones and both 5.1 active (only the main rig digital optical)