USB port on Lenovo T560 intermittently disconnecting/connecting


Sep 20, 2009
Are there any ways to fix this USB port problem? Doing a full powerdown and then powering up again did not fix this problem.

When I have a device plugged into this port, every so often the system makes the device removed sound, followed by the device added sound. Sometimes this cycle happens several times in quick succession, and then not for many minutes.

If the device is my Corsair M65 mouse, the lights blink off, then on again, and the mouse may become unresponsive. If the device is my USB headset, a zoom meeting or Youtube will play the sound through the system speaker momentarily, then switch the sound back to the headset. If I plug either device into a different USB port, there are no issues whatever.
Is this happening to all USB port on the laptop or a single specific usb port?
Just on this 1 port. The Lenovo T560 has 3 USB ports and the other 2 work just fine. If I plug in my mouse to 1 of the other ports, there is no problem.
all the ports are built into the mobo. so you could attempt to check/repair the port, see if helps. other wise, short of a new mobo, youre probably sol.
ps: my little sister's S510 is doing the same thing, opposite sides though.
Just on this 1 port. The Lenovo T560 has 3 USB ports and the other 2 work just fine. If I plug in my mouse to 1 of the other ports, there is no problem.

This sounds like a definite hardware issue. This is likely a motherboard/solder or usb connector issue. It will definitely need to be replaced or resolder.
OK, so it is now 3 days after my OP. Weird thing is that the problem seems to have gone away. :) I've used my mouse in the problem port and now it works fine, and Windows isn't making those removed/connected sounds.

This being a laptop, I have done some hibernation, some sleep (by just closing the lid), and some full powerdown. I've had this Lenovo T560 laptop for almost 4 years now. I use it when I travel, and it's been bounced around a lot, and at home when I can't work on my desktop, so it's not my daily driver. But a week ago I had to RMA the RAM sticks in my desktop so for now I'm using it all the time. Until this USB port problem it's been problem free. I'm still using the original batteries. (y)

As a comment on the Covid situation, I got UPS confirmation that the RAM was delivered to Crucial on Monday, but only today, Thursday, I got an email from them confirmed that they got the RAM.