Company of Heroes 3


Fully [H]
Oct 25, 2004
Relic Entertainment and Sega have announced Company of Heroes 3, due out in late 2022 for PC...the third installment in their acclaimed action RTS covering the Second World War will be set in the Mediterranean theater – seemingly with a particular focus on North Africa and many ways, it's a return to the style of the original Company of Heroes, but also includes several of its own innovations like tactical pause and a fully dynamic campaign map...

Awesome. I'm actually going through the campaign of the first game right now. RTS games are making a comeback!

All in-game sacreenshots taken at 4K with the game maxed out. Runs at about 30fps, but they directly say when loading the game for the first time that it is not recommended to run at anything other than 1080p. There is no in-game resolution setting, it uses whatever you have you desktop resolution set to. Options are minimal, but that isn't unexpected from an early preview build. Don't have a ton of time to play right now, but what little I did does feel like what I remember COH games feeling like though it has been a long time since I've played either of them (I should replay both one of these days).

The preview is single-player only, but Relic said they plan to do another preview down the road for co-op and PVP MP.


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Awesome. I'm actually going through the campaign of the first game right now. RTS games are making a comeback!

I'm in near total disbelief that this exists. My favorite RTS series of all time is CoH, but I'd just assumed this genre was dead and the developers of games like these didn't have the funding to continue making them.

I remember reading developer diaries after CoH2, where the devs hinted at having a real struggle to get the game over the finish line, because of declining confidence industry-wide in the financial viability of the genre. And that there was "less and less money in RTS" like these, since juggernauts like League of Legends had consolidated and basically swallowed up the space.

Fantastic news. Kudos to Relic and Sega.
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Hands-on with Relic's massive RTS

The level of destruction has always been one of the things that's made Company of Heroes stand out, so naturally Relic has given a lot of attention to the system...Relic's artists have worked tirelessly to build stunning Italian villages that you won't be able to stop yourself from mercilessly destroying...I feel a wee bit guilty seeing these picturesque locales reduced to rubble and craters, but the destruction system is just a joy to behold

Every projectile feels tangible and deadly when it's pounding walls to dust, and there's a grim beauty to all the devastation...sometimes it feels like you're building a warzone rather than destroying a town...and objects don't just have two states—they aren't simply standing or destroyed...the system is gradual and modular, telling the story of how things were blown up...and it affects everything, from foliage to tanks, though it's obviously most notable when a building is taking a beating...
Damn, I still put a few hours a week into COH 2, guess this will be another must buy
Tried out the preview and was impressed. Very happy for this game to come out.
Got done with my first 2 games, and honestly its pretty bad, its an alpha so thats expected but there are so many issues here, here is my current list of issues.

1, the gimmicks. I don't want to deal with the AI insta-winning a game by capturing the CP in the middle of the map in a skirmish game while also having to deal with a artillery piece constantly bombarding units it cant see with ridiculous levels of accuracy, especially when I have only just gotten the game. This has to be either changed, or made its own game mode, otherwise this alone will cause me to hard pass this game.

2, the lack of control. This is a very large no-no in general, so i am going to list all of the mistakes the alpha currently is making, quite a few of which coh2 currently doesn't make, a few of which coh1 never made. You cant select your faction or what faction you want to play against. You don't have complete control over your squad and how they take cover anymore. Grenades auto-lock onto the center of a squad, preventing you from deciding exactly where you want it to go. Controls have been made nothing short of just awful. "f for reinforce, r for retreat ect." which in turn makes the game harder to control by default, which when combined with a STILL absent ability for us to change the controls ourselves makes playing this one of the worst coh experiences i have ever had outside of dealing with Soviet industry pre-nerf or the blitzkrieg mod for coh1.

3, the art style. Just, just no. It needs to be gritty and dark, this is nothing short of cartoonish and WAY too bright. Bullets feel like they move far too slow, squads often times have their weapons firing animations synced to each other which is a huge no-no for immersion, and on top of all that we are so zoomed out and the game is so bright that we basically cant see anything other than the unit cards. Go watch band of brothers or saving private ryan, and try to emulate that style and it will go a long way towards helping you guys fix this, or better yet play company of heroes one or two, preferably one, and try to get closer to that. Please don't repeat that mistake with Coh. It IS a mistake, we don't like it, and we never will, just cut it out.

4, last thing, the over-reliance on abilities, try to nerf them in general. Sticky bombs for example are currently powerful enough that when combined with fire superiority you can not only ignore cover easily, but ignore dedicated anti-tank units unless you want to break into the enemies base. Fire superiority should also not cause the squad to just ignore cover, nothing like that should exist. Its fine for certain weapons or certain abilities to cause you to do BETTER against units in cover, but giving your standard infantry squad the ability to literally just ignore it no matter the circumstance is far too much.
Got done with my first 2 games, and honestly its pretty bad, its an alpha so thats expected but there are so many issues here, here is my current list of issues.

1, the gimmicks. I don't want to deal with the AI insta-winning a game by capturing the CP in the middle of the map in a skirmish game while also having to deal with a artillery piece constantly bombarding units it cant see with ridiculous levels of accuracy, especially when I have only just gotten the game. This has to be either changed, or made its own game mode, otherwise this alone will cause me to hard pass this game.

2, the lack of control. This is a very large no-no in general, so i am going to list all of the mistakes the alpha currently is making, quite a few of which coh2 currently doesn't make, a few of which coh1 never made. You cant select your faction or what faction you want to play against. You don't have complete control over your squad and how they take cover anymore. Grenades auto-lock onto the center of a squad, preventing you from deciding exactly where you want it to go. Controls have been made nothing short of just awful. "f for reinforce, r for retreat ect." which in turn makes the game harder to control by default, which when combined with a STILL absent ability for us to change the controls ourselves makes playing this one of the worst coh experiences i have ever had outside of dealing with Soviet industry pre-nerf or the blitzkrieg mod for coh1.

3, the art style. Just, just no. It needs to be gritty and dark, this is nothing short of cartoonish and WAY too bright. Bullets feel like they move far too slow, squads often times have their weapons firing animations synced to each other which is a huge no-no for immersion, and on top of all that we are so zoomed out and the game is so bright that we basically cant see anything other than the unit cards. Go watch band of brothers or saving private ryan, and try to emulate that style and it will go a long way towards helping you guys fix this, or better yet play company of heroes one or two, preferably one, and try to get closer to that. Please don't repeat that mistake with Coh. It IS a mistake, we don't like it, and we never will, just cut it out.

4, last thing, the over-reliance on abilities, try to nerf them in general. Sticky bombs for example are currently powerful enough that when combined with fire superiority you can not only ignore cover easily, but ignore dedicated anti-tank units unless you want to break into the enemies base. Fire superiority should also not cause the squad to just ignore cover, nothing like that should exist. Its fine for certain weapons or certain abilities to cause you to do BETTER against units in cover, but giving your standard infantry squad the ability to literally just ignore it no matter the circumstance is far too much.

Make sure to post this on their forums for the preview. Some of it I'm sure can get changed if enough people talk about it. I doubt they'll change the art-style but, who knows, if a ton of people hate it it might make them re-consider.

The lack of faction control is very likely a limitation of this early preview. Same with the very limited game options for controls, graphics, etc. Keep in mind, they're not planning to release this until sometime next year and they're labeling this build "pre-alpha".
It was announced last month that the game was pushed back from tomorrow to February 23.

Hopefully they learn from their mistakes with CoH2 and especially DoW3.
I had forgotten about DoW3. It's so depressing. Whoever thought that the direction they went with that game would bring in more players and esport exposure needs to be kicked in the nuts repeatedly.
This game is being bundled with AMD processors, so you can either buy a cheap AMD, redeem the code, then resell the processor or buy a code from someone.

Seems like a PITA roundabout way to get the game for free.
I wouldn't go that route either, just used that as an example. I have never played any of these games, so not sure if I will redeem it or sell the code.
I bought it last night, I love COH series. not to much longer. :D

I never wrote review, I might do one on COH3.
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Yeah idk. Amazing how it looks thematically worse than CoH1. That's Relic in general, though.
I hope it does well but I'm not optimistic from the recent beta test I tried and what I'm seeing from streams last night. Yet another game to wait for patches to fix bugs. The campaign might be fun at least.
I been playing for few hours, and went to gfx settings and i noticed textures were on high, the ultra textures was grayed out, it didnt say any information.

I was on stream page and it says nothing about needing 16gb cram for 4k and noticed it says 16GB vram needed for 4k textures.

sorry if this is known fact already, i had no idea lol.

i thought it was sneaky, ifs its not known
My main issue it feels to me like the keep bringing the damn camera closer and closer.
Its an RTS, not a third person shooter. I dont want the maximum view height to be rooftop level for fucks sake.
1 was by far the most distant camera, 2 was a serious zoom in but tolerable after I accepted it... this one looks and feels so much closer in even still.
Played for 6 hours, Tried few a.i vs me only match's, A.I don't seem smart, A.I built 3 repair tanks for no reason. It wont try out flank you, or rush you with armor or troops. its seems like Dumb A.I.

GFX are okay to me, it dont seem much different then coh2 to me, also more cartoonish in way.

The German voices Don't sound German, American voices sound not American to me. Weak sound, Weak MG fire Sound, Sound goes loud then quiet then loud then quiet.

there are only 12 maps i believe.

Truthfully for 10 years work on COH3 i truthfully thought they would do better job then this sad excuse for company of hero game.

just my thoughts.

I wasn't rushing play more of coh3, more like well its okay game.
My main issue it feels to me like the keep bringing the damn camera closer and closer.
Its an RTS, not a third person shooter. I dont want the maximum view height to be rooftop level for fucks sake.
1 was by far the most distant camera, 2 was a serious zoom in but tolerable after I accepted it... this one looks and feels so much closer in even still.
Yup, closer cam and more shiny, plasticy models. Not a fan. Went back and looked at some CoH1 screenshots, much better visual design.
Played for 6 hours, Tried few a.i vs me only match's, A.I don't seem smart, A.I built 3 repair tanks for no reason. It wont try out flank you, or rush you with armor or troops. its seems like Dumb A.I.

GFX are okay to me, it dont seem much different then coh2 to me, also more cartoonish in way.

The German voices Don't sound German, American voices sound not American to me. Weak sound, Weak MG fire Sound, Sound goes loud then quiet then loud then quiet.

there are only 12 maps i believe.

Truthfully for 10 years work on COH3 i truthfully thought they would do better job then this sad excuse for company of hero game.

just my thoughts.

I wasn't rushing play more of coh3, more like well its okay game.
Seeing comments on the official forum that nothing changed from the betas despite all the feedback players gave Relic. And we're now censoring swastikas in an historical game?
Seeing comments on the official forum that nothing changed from the betas despite all the feedback players gave Relic. And we're now censoring swastikas in an historical game?
I am stuck with $60 game, i feel my money is wasted, i would file with paypal for chargeback (worried steam would ban me for doing charge back. reason for it is. false leading customers and failure to produce good game as they promised and did delay saying the delay is for all fixes, when in reality they lied....what news? almost all gaming companies seem do the whole. "ill do it now and ask forgiveness later.

I tried beta and it was like eww bad game lol. we'll then they said this and that, now i am in my mid 30's, i refuse give my hard earned money to these companies like this, ifi play COH series, i will be staying with COH1/COH3, until they fix all these promises, and then i remember relic did this on COH2 too.

Its been 10 years since coh2 and still release half ass beta game? i really what want this ceo is smoking, it must be some good green lol
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I am stuck with $60 game, i feel my money is wasted, i would file with paypal for chargeback (worried steam would ban me for doing charge back. reason for it is. false leading customers and failure to produce good game as they promised and did delay saying the delay is for all fixes, when in reality they lied....what news? almost all gaming companies seem do the whole. "ill do it now and ask forgiveness later.

I tried beta and it was like eww bad game lol. we'll then they said this and that, now i am in my mid 30's, i refuse give my hard earned money to these companies like this, ifi play COH series, i will be staying with COH1/COH3, until they fix all these promises, and then i remember relic did this on COH2 too.

Its been 10 years since coh2 and still release half ass beta game? i really what want this ceo is smoking, it must be some good green lol

CEO isn't smoking anything. Gee maybe it's because consumers shell out $60 on release rather than wait for reviews and then they wonder why they got burned and companies keep getting away with these kinds of practices.
CEO isn't smoking anything. Gee maybe it's because consumers shell out $60 on release rather than wait for reviews and then they wonder why they got burned and companies keep getting away with these kinds of practices.
Okay your point being what? Customer cant believe when business says we fixed then come out they didn't fix problems and lied to customer. Thats the customer fault?

Simple fact is Relic told customers we fixed everything. Relic lied to customers. I for One will not be buying relic games or any company who lies to me.

Truthfully game feels like mobile game
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my findings so far, The sound is disappointing, Tanks cant crush infantry, Tank gunner bugged out few times, few tanks bugged out. Audio is horrible, its bugged, the sound is so messed up its not funny. Having change GFX setting on LUA file change texture high to ultra settings. I played beta and alpha, and yes i found glitches on soldiers and tanks. Game is half baked at best...
I got the game bundled with a r7 5800x so I don't feel like I paid anything for it. Having fun with it. Room for improvement, yes. Tanks are a little janky.