Ghost of Tsushima (Confirmed)

Played the first 45 mins and just reached Castle Kenada. Very very impressive, the combat is actually intuitive once you do the tutorial section and learn the parry/doge and other bits of sword smithery.

I may not refund this after all lol.

Technical observations:
  • ALL rendering methods have some distance flame particle effects shimmering, upscaling either amplifies it (DLSS) or blurs it (FSR and XeSS)
  • DLAA appears the best all round method whilst "FSR3 Native AA" appears the sharpest but also introduces ghosting
  • XeSS upscaling has particle effect ghosting and FSR3 appears to fizzle stuff as we have come to expect from the joke that is FSR
  • DLSS with the game is version 3.7.0 for both upscaling and frame gen
  • At DLAA 3440x1440 I am getting a minimum of 85fps, with DLSS Quality I get ~115fps in action but at 85fps with reflex on it feels just as reactive and smooth as over 100fps, so I'd say this game with anything above 60fps you're in for a sweet experience for clarity and smoothness and responsiveness
  • Mouse sensitivity by default was way too high, I dropped it down to around 30 for my 1000Hz XM2we at 1000 DPI
  • Visually the game is rather stunning, it looks even better if you set teh contrast in game to "dramatic" otherwise on OLED you get that faded black feel in dark scenes
  • Textures up close do feel like they are a few years old. You can tell the textures have not been updated for the PC. Hopefully a modder releases a HD texture pack which would solve this.
  • CPU utilisation is very well optimised, no stuttering and all threads are being used nicely
  • GPU utilisation is also well optimised
  • There is no shader compilation at the start so whatever it is doing is being done in realtime, not sure if this game uses DirectStorage etc.
The particle shimmering appears to be an engine level issue and nothing to do with using upscaling as it exists at native res too. Seems they direct-ported this and left in some of those engine traits then tapped on top the PC goodies.
Played the first 45 mins and just reached Castle Kenada. Very very impressive, the combat is actually intuitive once you do the tutorial section and learn the parry/doge and other bits of sword smithery.

I may not refund this after all lol.

Technical observations:
  • ALL rendering methods have some distance flame particle effects shimmering, upscaling either amplifies it (DLSS) or blurs it (FSR and XeSS)
  • DLAA appears the best all round method whilst "FSR3 Native AA" appears the sharpest but also introduces ghosting
  • XeSS upscaling has particle effect ghosting and FSR3 appears to fizzle stuff as we have come to expect from the joke that is FSR
  • DLSS with the game is version 3.7.0 for both upscaling and frame gen
  • At DLAA 3440x1440 I am getting a minimum of 85fps, with DLSS Quality I get ~115fps in action but at 85fps with reflex on it feels just as reactive and smooth as over 100fps, so I'd say this game with anything above 60fps you're in for a sweet experience for clarity and smoothness and responsiveness
  • Mouse sensitivity by default was way too high, I dropped it down to around 30 for my 1000Hz XM2we at 1000 DPI
  • Visually the game is rather stunning, it looks even better if you set teh contrast in game to "dramatic" otherwise on OLED you get that faded black feel in dark scenes
  • Textures up close do feel like they are a few years old. You can tell the textures have not been updated for the PC. Hopefully a modder releases a HD texture pack which would solve this.
  • CPU utilisation is very well optimised, no stuttering and all threads are being used nicely
  • GPU utilisation is also well optimised
  • There is no shader compilation at the start so whatever it is doing is being done in realtime, not sure if this game uses DirectStorage etc.
The particle shimmering appears to be an engine level issue and nothing to do with using upscaling as it exists at native res too. Seems they direct-ported this and left in some of those engine traits then tapped on top the PC goodies.
It's probably an artifact of temporal AA. And they also probably didn't spend the time to replace the temporal AA in the rendering pipeline, with whatever upscaler you choose. Instead they just run after the temporal AA. Not uncommon.
It would be a fair amount of work to properly integrate 3 or 4 upscalers, into the pipeline.
It's not a huge issue once you use DLAA for example but in cutscenes it's always there, and there seem to be many cutscenes lol. In gameplay it can easily be ignored (so far).
Using DLDSR at 5160x2160 the 4090 really gets a workout. At max settings it's 56fps using DLAA, with DLSS Quality it rises to 85fps average with the high 90s in other areas. That's with frame gen off. I notice that with the mouse I can tell there's input latency when using either frame gen so prefer to keep it off here for the instant response.
Ghost of Tsushima offers something other games don’t – the ability to combine DLSS upscaling with FSR 3 frame generation

Why would you want to do this? Well, DLSS 3 frame generation is locked behind RTX 40 Series cards, while the open-source FSR 3 has no such restrictions. So, Ghost of Tsushima’s setup allows somebody with, say, an RTX 3090 to take advantage of DLSS upscaling and FSR 3 frame generation for a sort of “best of both worlds” situation
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Ghost of Tsushima offers something other games don’t – the ability to combine DLSS upscaling with FSR 3 frame generation

Why would you want to do this? Well, DLSS 3 frame generation is locked behind RTX 40 Series cards, while the open-source FSR 3 has no such restrictions. So, Ghost of Tsushima’s setup allows somebody with, say, an RTX 3090 to take advantage of DLSS upscaling and FSR 3 frame generation for a sort of “best of both worlds” situation
I believe this feature was just made available in the new FSR release. Should start seeing it more.
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I was expecting this game to be… stylistic… but this game is very stylistic… at times, you feel like you’re living inside a beautiful, animated watercolor painting. The combat seems like it will be fun and engaging.

Well, there goes the weekend.

I live in one of the most beautiful parts of the world, and right now my city is spectacular… but, nah, I’ll be inside marvelling at how beautiful this game is.

Ran through the opening last night, there's definitely shader pre-comp, took about 1 minute on my 3700x/3080 setup. Game runs SUPER smoothly (didn't put an FPS counter on) at 1440p, everything defaulted to High settings, and I was tired so I didn't mess too much with it. Definitely super pretty, and I haven't been a PS guy since I was a kid, so I don't keep up with their exclusives. This seems like it's worth getting lost in, so looking forward to it. Now to see if the steam deck is capable.
Nice to see less than 12GB of VRAM @ 4K w/max settings and DLSS Frame Generation.

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Given all the drama with PSN, I'll wait until its cheap on GoG for single player. Though the game is supposedly DRM free and works fine offline. I can't remember if this was one of a PS+ game I got on ps4 or a freebie Sony gave away at one point.
Part of me wants to dive in, the other part of me is burnt out on open world games after just finishing Horizon Forbidden West. I'll probably wait until the fall, but I am very interested in the game.
Given all the drama with PSN, I'll wait until its cheap on GoG for single player. Though the game is supposedly DRM free and works fine offline. I can't remember if this was one of a PS+ game I got on ps4 or a freebie Sony gave away at one point.
There is no drama, only virtue signaling idiots who suddenly care if people in Estonia can purchase a game when they have never had the country in their thoughts up to this point.
Yeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr confirmed bitches!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now I just need a decent PC to play it and HFW.....fuck you Ngreedia and AMD for screwing up my upgrade plans!
Hey atleast the 5000 series and RDNA 4 are right around the corner. Might be a fun upgrade time in the fall. Playing games in the spring / summer, particularly games I have to sit with for hours just isn't for me anyway. I'm definitely playing this in the fall though. Hopefully GoW Ragnarok has a release date by then as well.
There is no drama, only virtue signaling idiots who suddenly care if people in Estonia can purchase a game when they have never had the country in their thoughts up to this point.

Honestly I am more worried about the customers in Afghanistan. /s

Though being serious, there are some odd omissions. Estonia is an odd omission, as is Egypt and Philippines. The latter two are not that wealthy but have massive populations. Not selling your game there might impact sales. For this game, it only affects the multiplayer. So if you plan on doing just the single player and story DLC you don't need to use any PSN stuff.

Part of me wants to dive in, the other part of me is burnt out on open world games after just finishing Horizon Forbidden West. I'll probably wait until the fall, but I am very interested in the game.

Same. Thinking of doing this or Avatar. I'd prefer this overall as it has DLC, but not sure I want to jump into another longer open world game right away. Avatar seems to be shorter but it does have DLC coming.
Honestly I am more worried about the customers in Afghanistan. /s

Though being serious, there are some odd omissions. Estonia is an odd omission, as is Egypt and Philippines. The latter two are not that wealthy but have massive populations. Not selling your game there might impact sales. For this game, it only affects the multiplayer. So if you plan on doing just the single player and story DLC you don't need to use any PSN stuff.

Same. Thinking of doing this or Avatar. I'd prefer this overall as it has DLC, but not sure I want to jump into another longer open world game right away. Avatar seems to be shorter but it does have DLC coming.
I fell asleep christmas day stuffed between my relatives at the first avatar movie, they had to wake me up because I was snoring. I'll never play an avatar game. Apparently my brother, mom, and his wife went to the second one and they were embarrassed by how hard my mom was laughing at the plot. If the game is fun it's fun, but I can't do Avatar personally. I'd love a new terminator game if we're going the James Cameron route.

I'm playing Braid Anniversary right now and the new Diablo 4 patch. Braid looks amazing on OLED.
I fell asleep christmas day stuffed between my relatives at the first avatar movie, they had to wake me up because I was snoring. I'll never play an avatar game. Apparently my brother, mom, and his wife went to the second one and they were embarrassed by how hard my mom was laughing at the plot. If the game is fun it's fun, but I can't do Avatar personally. I'd love a new terminator game if we're going the James Cameron route.

I'm playing Braid Anniversary right now and the new Diablo 4 patch. Braid looks amazing on OLED.

I think Avatar 2 is one of the most boring movies I've ever watched, with so little plot progression. Avatar 1 was okay. But I have it, so I am thinking of playing it.
I fell asleep christmas day stuffed between my relatives at the first avatar movie, they had to wake me up because I was snoring. I'll never play an avatar game. Apparently my brother, mom, and his wife went to the second one and they were embarrassed by how hard my mom was laughing at the plot. If the game is fun it's fun, but I can't do Avatar personally. I'd love a new terminator game if we're going the James Cameron route.

I'm playing Braid Anniversary right now and the new Diablo 4 patch. Braid looks amazing on OLED.
There is one coming, but who knows if it'll be good.
There is no drama, only virtue signaling idiots who suddenly care if people in Estonia can purchase a game when they have never had the country in their thoughts up to this point.

At least Sony actually issued refunds for canceled Ghosts pre-orders when they removed it from sale. I have to wonder why they put it up for sale everywhere in the first place. Sony knew PSN wouldn't work in those countries, so why sell any game that requires it in any form there? Also, Sony really should work on expanding PSN's availability if they're going to insist on adding it to their future titles. No reason to cut off almost every single country on the planet.


Mac really likes it.

Heck, I hadn't paid much attention to this one, but I might like it. It's not yet another soulslike, doesn't have Sweet Baby's rot in it, doesn't have microtransactions and it's not an Ubisoft open world game? Added to wishlist. This seems like one of the few truly good examples of AAA gaming at the moment.
Question about the Legends mode. It seems like you can play it online and there are 9 story missions. How long are these overall? Outside of those story missions is there anything else in Legends worth playing or is the rest of it online modes?

Edit: A few hours into this, and I have to say it is quite boring. Very repetitive, extremely bland characters, wooden dialogue delivery, basic story, bad camera angles and not so good combat that is clunky. I will try and keep playing it, but it is quite a lot worse than I had thought.
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What a game.

This is the perfect example of a title being elevated by its art direction.

Sony is now officially my favourite developer/publisher. By quite a margin over anyone else, actually.
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What a game.

This is the perfect example of a title being elevated by its art direction.

I think this should be used as an example of how not to make a game. There is just so much lazy and soullessness to it. Copy/pasted buildings? Check. Large, unpopulated mission objective areas where there is zero indication of where the objective is (typically a hostage) requiring the player to run around for 15 minutes because you need to get within 20 feet to view it? Check. Lame story writing? Check. Bad acting, characters that have no relevance but are introduced hours 20+ hours as a "close relationship" with forced emotional scenes that the player doesn't care about because they were just introduced to them? Check.

It also has clumsy combat and a bad camera. And the combat is the best part.

Performance wise it runs a little bit better than Horizon Forbidden West. 60s-100s on my PC. The problem is it looks quite dated in many ways. It is in no way comparable graphically yet requires a similar PC to get similar frame rates.
I think this should be used as an example of how not to make a game. There is just so much lazy and soullessness to it. Copy/pasted buildings? Check. Large, unpopulated mission objective areas where there is zero indication of where the objective is (typically a hostage) requiring the player to run around for 15 minutes because you need to get within 20 feet to view it? Check. Lame story writing? Check. Bad acting, characters that have no relevance but are introduced hours 20+ hours as a "close relationship" with forced emotional scenes that the player doesn't care about because they were just introduced to them? Check.

It also has clumsy combat and a bad camera. And the combat is the best part.

Performance wise it runs a little bit better than Horizon Forbidden West. 60s-100s on my PC. The problem is it looks quite dated in many ways. It is in no way comparable graphically yet requires a similar PC to get similar frame rates.
I think I've said it before, but I've never been a fan of Sucker Punch games. They have two franchises other than this: Sly Cooper and Infamous. Games from both have similar issues to what you're describing. I never understood why Infamous was so venerated on the PS3.
Did anyone else turn on Japanese voice and then change it back because you were watching English words being spoken while hearing Japanese?
I think I've said it before, but I've never been a fan of Sucker Punch games. They have two franchises other than this: Sly Cooper and Infamous. Games from both have similar issues to what you're describing. I never understood why Infamous was so venerated on the PS3.

I've never played those. I was sort of interested in the Infamous games but those are quite old and not sure I'd play them even if ported. My interest in them has dwindled further. GoT is not a terrible game, but it is quite plain. If you played an open world game the past 15 years, especially one with swords, you've played something almost exactly the same as this.

Lots of things just feel lame and uninteresting. You travel 400-700 meters for a quest. You have an annoying cut scene with maybe a minor amount of interaction. Then you travel another 200-600 meters to resume the quest elsewhere. Not all quests, but too many of them. A common problem with open world games, they make you travel somewhere far only for them to immediately make you travel somewhere else far without anything of substance occurring at your pit stop. And a lot of actions taken by the player are fade in and fade out. For example, disabling some type of siege weapon is a fade in/fade out cut scene. There is no animation.

This is a perfect example of how not to make a game, and a perfect example of how making an open world game can be detrimental to the experience. The sword fighting and combat is okay; it could be better. But that is the one area the game isn't completely underwhelming in. Had they made this mission/level based, ditched the open world, and focused on making a few interesting characters and polishing up the fighting (camera, animations, physics/prob collision) it could have went from tiresome to quite fun.

For performance I get occasional stutters but it seems to occur after minimizing the game 1-2 times. Restarting fixes them but it is still annoying.

Graphically, it ranges from decent to quite dated. I know they are going for an art style but at times the vegetation and lighting looks quite dated. Even for a 2020 PS4/5 game.

Ghost of Tsushima  Directors Cut Screenshot 2024.05.20 -
Ghost of Tsushima  Directors Cut Screenshot 2024.05.18 -

Other times it looks okay.

Ghost of Tsushima  Directors Cut Screenshot 2024.05.20 -
Ghost of Tsushima  Directors Cut Screenshot 2024.05.19 -
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Did anyone else turn on Japanese voice and then change it back because you were watching English words being spoken while hearing Japanese?
I enabled Japanese voiceover, but found that I couldn’t concentrate on what was being said, so I switched back.

I might try Japanese again though.