lowest rated game you ever remember seeing


Feb 28, 2005
Ok the lowest rated game I ever remember seeing was "Now that what I call Games I, II, and III" for the Amiga CD32. It was a 3 cd bundle of mostly shareware for the Amiga which required a keyboard, and thus you could not even run them on an Amiga CD32.

Amiga Format (a review mag) gave the game a rating of 3%, in the review they explained that it was 1% for each of the cds.
There was a skydiving game of somesort that was rated low. I think Extreme Rodeo was another.
Extreme Deer Hunting way back in Maximum PC Magazine. God it was the funniest damn article i'd ever read, it got the "noose" award for being so bad.
Mortal Kombat Advance in EGM. I think it was given a 1.5, a 0.5 and the only 0 ever. Average it out, it got a 0.67
I can't remember the game, but I saw one get a 6% in PC Gamer one time.
Tough call

NO PROGRAMMED AI, Yep, thats right, the enemey just stood there!

Big Rigs:
Wasnet there a serious lack of gravity in this game?
Rombus said:
Tough call

NO PROGRAMMED AI, Yep, thats right, the enemey just stood there!

Big Rigs:
Wasnet there a serious lack of gravity in this game?

After watching Gamespots video review, there was a serious lack of EVERYTHING period in that game. :rolleyes:
S1nF1xx said:
Yes, eXtreme Paintbrawl is the lowest rating I've ever seen. The funniest review ever as well.


Check it out if you haven't already. Good times.. :p

that's the one I was thinking of...I bet it was made in under a week. It may have been intended to lose money for someone's tax management. I just can't imagine a logical argument for releasing that game.
PC Gamer eXtreme Paintbrawl Review
HIGHS: The box and manual can be recycled.

LOWS: The actual game disc is not biodegradable; uses a four-year-old engine; AI is so bad, it’s funny.

That verdict is awesome. :D