Need Some Advice RE AMD Processors


Limp Gawd
Sep 27, 2008
My little brother went and bought himself a ready made, out of the box Acer PC (Aspire 3400-215). I told him not to and that it would be better if he built his own but would he listen? No.

Anyway, he gets it home and then starts to complain that its too slow (now theres a suprise) and wants me to upgrade his processor and RAM. It curently has a Athlon II 215 and 3gb.

I've just about convinced him that 8gb (what he wanted) of RAM is totally over kill and theres nothing he'll use it for that needs more than 4gb. But he still wants to upgrade the processor.

Im a little out of the scene with AMD having been with intel for the last 6 years or so, so whats his best route forward? I think he has an AM2+ socket.
It's OEM built. He's going to be limited by what the OEM bios will allow.
tell him to do his own research, he wouldnt listen to you, let it be a lesson to him.

im 100% serious. sounds like he doesnt want your help, so why offer any more?
It's OEM built. He's going to be limited by what the OEM bios will allow.
Pretty much. There's not much you can do if the board doesn't have support for other CPUs. I'm sure it does but it will probably be a limited list.

Find out what is actually in it as far as Motherboard goes and search around to see if anyone else has done what you intend to do.
Well I found a few different versions of the Aspire; M3400, AX3400 and X3400. I'm finding the X3400 is the one with the A II 215. I can't find any specs of the other components on board, but the other models had P II X4, A II X4 and X3 series. So you, actually your brother, very well may be able to upgrade.

I gotta agree with the above poster though. Your brother wanted to be a big boy and make his own choice. He should deal with it not you. Maybe give him a hint on where to start his search, but it's his responsibility now. I would personally dump the Acer on CL and build my own. But hey, remember it's up to him.
whats it to slow in? if it games what gpu does he have? IF you upgrade to and x4 you most likely will have to change out the psu