Need Some Help With Setting Up WHS


Limp Gawd
Sep 27, 2008
Ok ive built a WHS setup out of some of my old equipment and Im having some problems installing the Windows Home Server Connector Software on the client PC. When I insert the disc, it locates my server and and starts to download the software but never gets beyond 0% before returning an error.

The client is running windows 7 64 bit. I can access the server via Network on the client and then using the administrator user name and the password I set to access the shared folders so its clear the two computers are talking to each other so I cant understand why it wont download the software from the server.

Anyone help??
Ive tried that too but it gives me a connection error. I tried to download the tool pack too but it says its only for 32bit OS's
Did you install all the updates for WHS..? I think I had that problem too, but it disappeared after installing all the updates.
Tried that and I get an error message saying "The Installation package could not be opened. Contact the application vendor to verify that this is a valid windows installer package".

Ive also tried a clean install on the client PC with a version of Vista 64 incase this was a Windows 7 issue and Im still getting the same problem.

Also when I try to brose the server with IE (http://WHS:55000/) I get to the download screen ok but when I click on download connector setup I get a HTTP 500 error.

Also, If I use windows explorer to move the the software folder on the hard drive and double click 'setup' it says the device is not connected.

I've also tried the ping and firewall tests as described in the help document and its passed ok.
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For 64b Win7 I just browsed on the WHS box (via network) to Software/Home Server Connector Software/setup.exe and ran it. It ran perfectly from network share (didn't copy it to a local folder).
Yeah, when I do that I either get an error message saying the device is not connected or it just doesnt do anything at all when you double click.
Are you double clicking WHSConnector/WHSConnector_x64 or WHSConnectorInstall?

This is from \\WHSHOSTNAME\Software\Home Server Connector Software
No, I have tried that but Im clicking on the setup.exe. If I couldnt access the information on the server I could understand it and put it down to a networking error but the fact I can access it fine and the folders on it puzzles me. Its just the WHS connector software and the fact that I cant browse the server via a browser that isnt working at all. Im going to try a new install of WHS today to see if its an install issue.
If I couldnt access the information on the server I could understand it and put it down to a networking error but the fact I can access it fine and the folders on it puzzles me.

I've had it access and install the whole program and then tell me "No way"!

It's a bummer the connector troubleshooter doesn't work with 64 bit systems. It's got an advanced mode that points you to the exact problem.
Ive managed to sort it now. What it turned out to be, or rather the solution, was to logon the server and create user accounts first. Then logon to the client PC and one of the user accounts created (i.e. not the administrator account). Then navigate to the software folder and install in the usual way. Works fine now.

Still got an issue with slow tranfer speeds though. Files are only moving at 4.5 mps even though the network test shows that the internal network should run at 105mps