Assassin’s Creed Mirage


Fully [H]
Oct 25, 2004
According to the always reliable Jason Schreier, Assassin’s Creed Mirage will be the next entry in the long-running series by Ubisoft, and it will be a return to the series' basics, doing away with most of the role-playing game mechanics such as dialogue choices, gender selection, and leveling previously rumored, the game will star Basim (AC: Valhalla) in his youth and will be set between 860 and 870 in Baghdad

Ubisoft is also working on a remake of the original Assassin’s Creed which will reuse a large part of the assets of Mirage and the upcoming Infinity (live service AC game)...official announcements are expected to be made on September 10th during the Ubisoft Forward event
I would be interested in games that go back to being stealth games with a good story. A remake of the first four games would be nice as I only went back as far as number 3.

But the live service crap? They can keep it. As long as it is separate from the single player games I will just ignore it.
Since Ubisoft decides arbitrarily that it's okay to shut down and block off content for games, I am having nothing to do with them going forward.
They should focus on a Realistic Stealth game instead of time period 900 BC before throw away stealth game.
All the characters will have rocks and sticks for houses and you gotta climb up them like in Origins.
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Ever since I (attempted anyway) played Odyssey I just gave up on the whole franchise. Then when Ubi started taking down servers and killing people's DLC purchases for their games, I was basically done with them in general. It's one thing to discontinue online multiplayer services, but a whole other to tie the DLC people bought for those games and steal them back from buyers by shutting them down.
I really enjoyed Origins and Odyssey. Valhalla was okay, but a little clumsy. My main memories of the old games were that they were very grindy. Collect these flags, climb these towers, eavesdrop on this guy, slowly track this guy, kill this sleeping guy, kill this crusader, repeat endlessly. The newer games are huge and extremely heavy on the Ubi stuff, but at least you have some level of control over how much grind you want to pursue. Ditto with your approach to fighting. I don't mind going back to something that's more linear, but it needs to play like a linear game.
going back to their roots focusing on assassinations, stealth etc is a good thing...the games have become too massive and unfocused
Confirmed, Mirage. A pic too:

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So they are removing what I liked in Odyssey and Valhalla, to go back to a game that I seriously disliked: AC1

Guess two games it is then, and we part ways again me and this franchise.
So they are removing what I liked in Odyssey and Valhalla, to go back to a game that I seriously disliked: AC1

Guess two games it is then, and we part ways again me and this franchise.

I am assuming this will be more similar to Rogue or Unity in terms of gameplay. More focused gameplay with more detailed stories. I think it will go back to being a stealth game but I assume the gameplay will be somewhat between the original games and the newer games. I never played the 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th games though so not sure how those played exactly. If this has mission design like Syndicate, with the better narrative of Blackflag or Rogue, with the gameplay of Unity, this would be a massive step up.
Since Ubisoft decides arbitrarily that it's okay to shut down and block off content for games, I am having nothing to do with them going forward.
Anno 2070 looks like its getting a patch to keep the game playable. I get shutting down stuff but should allow games to be played offline so at least for Anno 2070 that looks to be the case (also getting an upgrade to a 64 bit engine, hopefully mods can be updated).

However it seems to be more Blue Byte taking initiative than Ubisoft being pro-consumer so your point still stands.
I am assuming this will be more similar to Rogue or Unity in terms of gameplay. More focused gameplay with more detailed stories. I think it will go back to being a stealth game but I assume the gameplay will be somewhat between the original games and the newer games. I never played the 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th games though so not sure how those played exactly. If this has mission design like Syndicate, with the better narrative of Blackflag or Rogue, with the gameplay of Unity, this would be a massive step up.
I didn't play any of the games between 2, and Origins. All I know is that I didn't like 1 or 2, and I really liked Odyssey. So removing things I liked in Odyssey and going back to a game I disliked doesn't give me much hope.
It's probably less like AC1 and more like Unity. A large singular city, with lots of detail and population density, with a crowded map of things to do. Just without the open space of the new games, levels, loot, etc.
I thought Origins was the perfect balance of classic AC with modern improvements. People think they want the original formula back because they miss the Ezio trilogy, and they hated Valhalla.

I will say, they really need to bring back the Black Box assassination missions. The highlight of Unity/Syndicate. Never finished Unity, should probably get on that.
I can't wait for Assassin's Creed to be Assassin's Creed again

There is a bit of a divide within fans of which version of Assassin's Creed is better and I'm firmly on the side of stealth...Origins, Odyssey, and Valhalla are all good games but to me they're not really Assassin's Creed games...I feel like I haven't had a proper AC experience in years...I miss being an assassin...being an assassin felt so incredibly powerful, elegant and almost effortless

Assassin's Creed was at its best when it was you holding your breath in a crowded room, trying to make your way to your intended target without drawing was at its best when you really had to think of the best way through a stately home or out of a prison...I think the more recent games are great but they're so removed from the original concept I'm missing the old games...
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I didn't play any of the games between 2, and Origins. All I know is that I didn't like 1 or 2, and I really liked Odyssey. So removing things I liked in Odyssey and going back to a game I disliked doesn't give me much hope.

May as well see for yourself how it turns out. The various games all do something better or worse which is why I like but also hate this series. One game can do something so well only for the sequel to do it so terribly.
It's probably less like AC1 and more like Unity. A large singular city, with lots of detail and population density, with a crowded map of things to do. Just without the open space of the new games, levels, loot, etc.

I assume this is how it would be. Unity had the best climbing/parkour system. Syndicate had the best assassination missions. Syndicate missions were often like a more streamlined Hitman game. Less trial and error, but lots of opportunities to set up an interesting assassination. Of course you could still perform regular plain kills too. Unity's story kind of drifted and Syndicate was bland much like Odyssey and Valhalla. Blackflag had the best sense of adventure of perhaps all adventure games I have ever played. But the climbing, stealth, and general character animations auto snapping to random things was so awful. I wish that game would be remade on a modern engine.

What I am hoping for is Unity style parkour, Syndicate style missions, Blackflag style story telling (maybe the original games were better, never played those) and sense of adventure.
Assassin's Creed 15th Anniversary: Leap into History

I love that final shot of all the main AC protagonists leaping off the building...

As long as they're proper, standalone, single player games that is fine. Going back to a 30-40 hour game would be better. I'd rather play a few of those than one massive 80-100 hour thing that repeats itself dozens of times. Sounds like "Red" and "Neo/Hexe" are part of Assassin's Creed Infinity. I am doubting they are just regular games that are part of a series, if there is some massive online component I am not interested. Seems like these games will be released gradually on a yearly basis.
Sounds like "Red" and "Neo/Hexe" are part of Assassin's Creed Infinity. I am doubting they are just regular games that are part of a series, if there is some massive online component I am not interested. Seems like these games will be released gradually on a yearly basis.

I thought Infinity was the name of the new AC live-service game but apparently it's just the name of the there are going to be multiple live-service AC games?
I thought Infinity was the name of the new AC live-service game but apparently it's just the name of the there are going to be multiple live-service AC games?
Wouldn't surprise me. Ubisoft is in a race to the bottom with the likes of Square Enix and EA.

EDIT: And lookie here. Tencent just acquired 49.9% of Guillemot Brothers Limited with 5% voting rights. This extends to the right for Tencent to acquire 29.9% of Ubisoft in either capital or voting rights with a direct stake of 9.99%.
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totally has that old school AC1 vibe which is exactly what they are going'll be nice to go back to the basics again versus making another gigantic open world Origins/Odyssey/Valhalla clone...each game was bigger than the last...Odyssey felt like the size of 2 games
I've long railed on about ACs move to a button mashing, open-world, action RPG here. In the series current state, the modern ACs feel like you're playing WoW with too much repetitive content and never-ending churn. Hopefully, they're bifurcating the series and keeping one the WoW version (infinity) and the other the "real" series.

AC: Unity, in my view, was the last true AC game. A return to true stealth mechanics, tactical fights, and plot-driven game will be welcome.

Very cool historical milieu.
I've long railed on about ACs move to a button mashing, open-world, action RPG here. In the series current state, the modern ACs feel like you're playing WoW with too much repetitive content and never-ending churn. Hopefully, they're bifurcating the series and keeping one the WoW version (infinity) and the other the "real" series.

AC: Unity, in my view, was the last true AC game. A return to tactical stealth mechanics, tactical fights, and plot-driven game will be welcome.

Very cool historical milieu.
Unity ported to DX12 or Vulkan would be amazing. The biggest issue was the game constantly breaking the draw limit in DX11. Using either of the two newer major APIs should fix that issue. Unity was ambitious as it pushed the technology of the time beyond what was possible.
Unity ported to DX12 or Vulkan would be amazing. The biggest issue was the game constantly breaking the draw limit in DX11. Using either of the two newer major APIs should fix that issue. Unity was ambitious as it pushed the technology of the time beyond what was possible.
Don't get me started on Unity... Amazing game in so many ways: I'm just replaying for the 4th time. It goes down in my book as one of the most underrated games of all time due to release complaints (some valid, some whining). It's still one of the best looking games of all time in my view, even in Dx11. In Dx12 it would be incredible.
Don't get me started on Unity... Amazing game in so many ways: I'm just replaying for the 4th time. It goes down in my book as one of the most underrated games of all time due to release complaints (some valid, some whining). It's still one of the best looking games of all time in my view, even in Dx11. In Dx12 it would be incredible.

Game was unfinished and progression would be impossible for many at launch. Some patches fixed it and eventually it was fine. Gameplay itself was actually fairly well done and they finally learned how to do parkour and it was finally smooth. The story was kind of bland and it had an excess of content but you could easily skip most of the side missions so it wasn't too bad. Syndicate had good mission design and okay parkour but the story and side quests were awful.

Then they threw everything they learned away with Origins. Which was okay, but far too long. Loved the theme, some of the gameplay tactics, but the story and how drawn out it was plus some bugs made it frustrating.
Assassin's Creed Mirage: Cinematic World Premiere

Assassin’s Creed Mirage: Developer Trailer Breakdown


A little information on the image:

Mirage is, of course, the next mainline Assassin's Creed game that this thread is about.

Codename Red is the AC game people have been asking for since the series began; Assassin's Creed in feudal Japan. It is being led by the AC: Odyssey team in Ubisoft Quebec and you will be playing as a shinobi. This will be the mainline AC game after Mirage. No other information was offered.

Codename Hexe will likely be the mainline game that follow Codename Red. This one is being lead by Ubisoft Montreal and the creative director behind Watch Dogs: Legion. Ubisoft didn't release any other information on it but rumors are pointing to it potentially being set during the witch trials of the Holy Roman Empire.

Codename Jade is an open world mobile title set in ancient China around 215 BCE (a couple years after construction began on the Great Wall and during the reign of the first emperor of China, Qi She Huang). The protagonist will be fully customizable. The Netflix games will also be mobile titles.
A little information on the image:

also both Red and Hexe are part of the Infinity live-service games...people have been asking for a feudal Japan AC game but now we got similar settings with Ghost of Tsushima, Sekiro, Nioh etc
also both Red and Hexe are part of the Infinity live-service games...people have been asking for a feudal Japan AC game but now we got similar settings with Ghost of Tsushima, Sekiro, Nioh etc

Any idea on what the live-service aspect is yet?