What can I use INR 18650 batteries for?


Jul 20, 2015
Well, I slaugheted my electric bike extra battery that had broken plastics and got 65 of those batteries.
I noticed I could use them for flashlights, some home built racing vehicles, none of which interests me. I won't be building a homemade battery for my electric bike as I tend to create things that explode (probably consciously).
Give me some suggestions as what I could do with this or if I should just sell them :)
Buy a Steam Deck and use the batteries to make battery banks so you can game on the go for a long time.

So, useless :)
Not at all, a surprising number of consumer electronics use them. Battery banks use them.
But if you're prone to making things explode then perhaps you shouldn't use them for anything.
Personally I could find a million uses for them.

edit: btw, these are what power Tesla cars
Not at all, a surprising number of consumer electronics use them. Battery banks use them.
But if you're prone to making things explode then perhaps you shouldn't use them for anything.
Personally I could find a million uses for them.

edit: btw, these are what power Tesla cars
Don't the new packs in the Tesla's now use a different model of those cells? shorter and fatter ones I think.