Recent content by ZeroBarrier

  1. Z

    AMD Expected to Announce Ryzen 5000XT CPUs at Computex

    Let's hope they aren't pulling an Intel and doing a 7nm+++.
  2. Z

    AMD Confirms Zen 5 will Get Ryzen 8000 Series Branding, "Navi 3.5" Graphics in 2024Z

    When the stocks splits, so does the price. 131 shares at $1064 per share for a total of $139,384 would be equal to 1310 shares at $106.40 per share for a total of $139,384.
  3. Z

    GPU prices — is the worst behind us ?

    I'm not telling myself nothing. I'm simply correcting the incorrect information you posted. Honestly, I've never even played minecraft, it's just not something I'm interested in, but I also fact check myself before posting something so contentious. Perhaps you should start doing the same.
  4. Z

    GPU prices — is the worst behind us ?

    Wrong again. It has DXR. Honestly did you even check the link or do any research before posting?
  5. Z

    GPU prices — is the worst behind us ?

    I guess you missed the fact that it indeed does have ray tracing. But, to hell with the facts, am I right?
  6. Z

    GPU prices — is the worst behind us ?

    Which game is that?
  7. Z

    The GPU Nvidia would rather forget – GeForce FX

    Yes they were, I had an x1900xtx; in fact that was my very last Radeon ever. I remember how loud that damn red blower fan was inside the clear poly-carbonate housing. :ROFLMAO:
  8. Z

    Jensen Huang Discussing the Future of AI and NVIDIA

    Mt comment offended you that much?
  9. Z

    Jensen Huang Discussing the Future of AI and NVIDIA

    This man lives rent free in so many people's heads because of that jacket. Honestly, it's awe inspiring. Same as above, he likely wears it to live rent free in people's heads.
  10. Z

    AMD MI300 is the fastest ramping product in its history

    How strange. I distinctly remember members here crowing about how AMD sold every single CPU and GPU it made. According to them, AMD shouldn't have cards sitting on shelves or any unsold inventory at all.
  11. Z

    Did Drivers Save The Radeon 8500?

    Hasn't been detected is a bit of a misnomer. There have been fairly credible rumors of AMD strong arming developers to not include DLSS in their games and in at least one game engine, strip DLSS as it's already part of the engine (literally a checkbox to implement). Honestly, people tend to...